A Werewolf story



That night there were fireworks,literally.

Darwin {the dad} had rigged up some fireworks, and they were beautiful.

I felt like I should join in, but I didn't.

We hadcompletely forgotten about Sara and we were just enjoying the show.

"Don't the humans see?" I asked when the first one went off.

"Don't worry, there aren't any humans for miles" answered Edward, he was more different than when I had first met him, he was polite and he didn't act strange around me anymore.

Maritha was also different, she didn't try to hold on to her children so hard she suffocated them or ignore the fact that I was Shapefune's friend.

Shapefune was also different, he was more open, more cheerful, he could remember some of his past, and his eyes stayed blue, deep blue, the same deep blue that he had when he was sleeping.

Darwin hadn't changed at all, but I had changed.

i was now able to be proud of being a Werewolf, and was able to read with my nose, but something else had changedas-well.

My heart.

I could feel things more than I could before.

So tonight I wasn't celebrating the week of light, I was celebrating change, I knew Shapefune was too.

Sara was also there, she was just as happy as we were.

She kept leaping with joy, but it was also her way of dancing, like we were around the bonfire.

I noticed that everytime I jumped the fire jumped also.

We kept celebrating until the sun came up.

"Woah, Is that the time? I think we should all go off to bed now" said Maritha.


"No buts, go on"

So we went off to bed to have a bit of a nap.

And then, I had a little nightmare.

I was walking through the woods, and one of the sisters popped out ofnowhere.

She punched me, but I got away, then another came out and hit me, and so on and so on.

Then thomas came out, and I pleaded for help, but he also hit me, but it hurt more than the others.

But then, I saw mama, but she was also running, but it was away from me.

"Mama! Wait for me!" I yelled, but she didn't stop, and then she was attacked by papa, he was about to kill her.

"Papa, no!" Iscreechedat the top of my lungs, but he didn't care, he took out a knife and......

I woke up.

That was one of the scariest dreams I'd ever had.

Irealizedthat it wasn't real, that Thomas wasn't anywhere near me, Shapefune or Edward.

We were safe.

"Mari, you okay?" Shapefune asked he was at the door, a look of concern was his face.


"How did you know?"


"You have a talent?"

"Well, everyone else has a talent, dreams just happen to be my talent"

"Um, okay, well, I guess I don't have to tell you what it was about"

"Mari, to me, that wasn't very scary, but to you..... how scary was it to you"


He walked over to the bed and sat down.

"Come on"

And he hugged me.

He felt warm, and he smelled kind, but he also smelled of something else, but I didn't know what at the time.

"Thanks" I whispered into his ear.

I squeezed him, but gently, I didn't want to break his bones!