A Werewolf story

cookie déjà vu


After that dream incident thing, we went to breakfast, or, lunch, or was it even dinner?

Anyway, we went we went to get food, and no one seemed to be up yet, except for me and Shapefune.

"You remember your way around a kitchen?" I asked Shapefune.

"Surprisingly, yes" Answered Shapefune, smiling.

He worked his way around the kitchen, finding stuff that you could easily cook, or even just eat.

But he wasn't picking these up, no, instead, he was picking up eggs, flour, chocolate chips......

"Chocolate chip cookies?" I asked, I recognised theingredients.


And we started cooking.

Just like before, we were mucking around, but we had to be quiet, remember, the others were still asleep.

In the end, we got the dough in the oven, but most of it was wasted upon ourselves.

We kept taking the spoon and flicking the door at the other person, but Shapefune had more dough on him than me.

"'well, that was easy" I said, I was wiping the dough off my face, we had made a lot.

"very easy" Shapefune said.

'A little too easy"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you haven'tstoppedme from taking the dough!"

"But you didn't stop me either"


"Well that is what a Shapeshifter is really? A copy-cat?"

"**Groans** Why do you take what I say and make it sound like I'M copying YOU?"

"No I don't"


But then, he pulled my face into his hands, and pulled me closer.

I could resist, but I was now numb.

He smiled, then kissed ME.


Last time we had kissed was on Christmas, and now all the akwardness from then was sort of gone.

"Um, wh-wh-why did you do that?" I stuttered, still a little bit shocked from that kiss.

"To make you shut-up" he said, smiling, then took the cookies out of the oven, they were ready.

"you gonna eat these or what?" he said, thenoffered me a cookie, then pulled the tray away.


"Come and get me!" And he ran.

When I finally got him, he had put the tray down, but I tackled him anyway.

Just so you know, it was more of a play fight than a real fight.

we ended up just laughing, and eating cookies, and we had done most of this before, it was like dejavu, but different.