A Werewolf story


Hazel's POV {TOLD YOU!!!!}

Okay, heres the thing, I'm not human, and I'm not angel, or Werewolf, or Vampire, or even a ghost, no I'm fairie.

I've known Maritha and her family for years, but I don't protect Maritha or her daughters, I protect her sons and husband.

I was so worried when Shapefune left, because he was my favorite, and I knew that he wasn't ready to leave, even though he was almost 500 years old, he wasn't good in defending himself.

I hadn't seen him for 9 years, but when I heard of his return, I was delighted, but when I heard of his companion.....

You see, he had these dreams before he left, and they were about a girl with grey eyes and shinning black hair and a pointed nose, but over the years they got stronger.

The girl became different over the years, she grew into a young girl of 13, then she changed to a girl with black eyes and curled eyebrows, I thought it was a different person, but Shapefune kept insisting it was the same girl.

And when I heard of thedescriptionof his companion I said "Thats impossible".

Every Fairie in the forrest had heard of his dreams, and a fairie who had seen themdescribed how they acted around each other and was saying "It goes to show you that you can see love in other times before it happens".

I think it coincidence, I mean, what kind of creature has curled up eyebrows and black eyes?

I went for a look myself, and I saw what creature has curled up eyebrows and black eyes, a Werewolf.

A real live Werewolf, lying on the bed in the nursery, she looked so peaceful and kind, but I knew better.

She may look peaceful now, but she could be a total monster when awake.

She was just like Shapefune haddescribedin his dreams, curled up eyebrows, shinny black hair, a pointed nose, and I was sure that her eyes were black, deep black.

She started to turn in her sleep, and I heard her mutter words under her breath.

"Shapfune, no, help, mama, papa, NO!!!"

At that moment she woke up, and her eyes were black, but they were filled with fear.

"Mari, ANOTHER nightmare?" said a boy at the door, he had blond hair and deep blue eyes.

The girl called Mari nodded, she still had fear in her eyes.

The boy came over and sat on the bed, and said "come here," and he hugged her.

"Why do I have to keep having these dreams, why?" asked Mari.

"Do you want me to stop them?"

She nodded her head in reply.

He took something out of his pocket and said "Here, this is a dream catchernecklace, I made it myself, its a locket that repels bad dreams"

He handed her the locket and she said "Thank-you Shapefune" and then I flew, I flew as far away as I could, I was shocked at what I had found.

I kept flying until I reached my hollow, and I tried to get to sleep, but I couldn't, because I couldn't stop thinking about Mari and Shapefune, and from that moment I didn't only have to protect Darwin, Edward and Shapefune, it was also my job to protect Mari, and it was because I knew that Shapefune cared for her, and possibly even loved her.

Mari's POV {Yeah, I'm not done yet!}

I had another dream, it was the same except for the end, Shapefune was there and he hugged me, then said I love you, don't ever leave, and kissed me, but then I started falling down into the blackness below.

I woke up, my heart was still racing.

"Mari, ANOTHER nightmare?" said Shapefune, he was at the door.

I nodded, my heart was now beating even faster, any more faster and I probably would have had a heart attack.

Shapefune came over and sat on the bed, and said "come here," and he hugged me.

"Why do I have to keep having these dreams, why?" I asked.

"Do you want me to stop them?"

I nodded my head in reply.

He took something out of his pocket and said "Here, this is a dream catchernecklace, I made it myself, its a locket that repels bad dreams"

He handed me the locket and I said "Thank-you Shapefune"

It was a locket, but it was in the shape of a heart and had wings on either side of it.

He smiled and got up.

"Don't go, please" I said,grabbinghis hand.

He smiled then said "Move over", and he lay down on the bed next to me.

I could feel my face burning, when I said 'don't go, please' I didn't mean for him to lay on my bed!

I soon fell asleep again and had another dream.

I was in the black rose garden, and I was with Shapefune.

We were running and being random and stuff, but then I tripped and he knelt down to help me up, he was smiling, but he had brown hair, his eyes were that same deep blue, but he had darker skin, not as pale as when I first met him.

i woke up, but I couldn't see where I was.

I lifted my head, I was against Shapefune's shoulder, he was also asleep, and Irealizedthat I had the locket in my grip.

"It really does work" I whispered to my self.

"Thank-you Shapefune" I whispered in his ear, and I fell asleep again, and had the same peaceful dream, but it was different, because we were talking, and walking, and holding hands?

Um, are these dreams natural?