A Werewolf story

A ghost named Amity

Mari's POV

After the week of light we left, and I was glad.

I didn't have time to say good-bye to Sara, but when I phased I heard her and we thought our good-byes then.

Half way home we stopped down for some lunch, but Edward said something about looking out for humans and left.

It left me and Shapefune, alone, and my face felt hot already.

Great. Just great.

We were playing games like I spy, hang-man, and naughts and crosses.

We stopped playing I spy because we were just naming different trees, so we kept to hang-man and naughts and crosses.

"I win!"

"Hey, no fair!"

"Yes fair, I won fair and square! Your being stubborn now!"

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are!"

"Alright you win!"


Shapefune looked at meevillyand said "You know that now I want revenge"

I stared at him and mouthed 'no'.

"Yes, HAHAHAHA!!!" He started tickling.


But then he stopped.


"Shhhh. Someones in the trees, can you tell who it is?"

"No, but it smells human"

"Don't move"

Shapefune got up and went over to the place where the scent was coming from.

He reached into the shadows and pulled out a small girl who looked around four years old, she had strawberry pink hair, brown eyes, and a heart shaped face, she was wearing a blue dress with white shoes, and a necklace that had a wolf charm on it.

"Who awe you? Awe you fwends with daddy?" She asked in a scared voice.

"No, I'm not a friend of your father, I'm Shapefune."

"And who is that?" She was pointing over to me,, and when I actually looked into her eyes she stared back.

"And why does she have cuwled eyebwows?"

"Promise not to tell?" I said getting up to get closer to her.


"Not even your papa?"

"Not even daddy"

"Alright then, I'm Mari and I'm a Werewolf"


"Yes, I am, and do you know what Shapefune is?"

"Is he also a Wewewolf?"

"No, he's a shapeshifter, but he's also an angel"


"Yes, he is, and his brother is out here somewhere"

"Is he a Shapeshiftew two?"

"No, he's just an angel, but he's pretty special too"


So we ended up telling her stories of our life.

"Did you weally meet anothew Wewewolf like you Mawi?" asked Lucy, that was her name.

"Yes I did Lucy, but she wouldn't phase back to her human form, but she probably didn't know how to change back because she's been in that form for so long, but I could still understand her, and she could understand us too, but only a Werewolf or someone who has learned talk to dogs can understand dogs, so know one else seemed to know what she was saying but me"

"Wow, that is cool, tell me mowe, please!"

"There is no more, unless I can remember some old Werewolf legends, lets see, there was the one oforigins"


"Even Werewolves have origins" I smiled at her and I thought she couldn't get any happier than she already was, but she was smiling and was bouncing on the spot.

Shapefune was sitting down too, but not looking as happy as Lucy, but he still was looking happy.

"The origins state that Norris Moon was one of the first Werewolves to walk the earth, there were others, but they didn't have the same feature that made them unique, theres a tribe called the littles and its there feet that make them different, the Yenects noses are theres, and the Moons, well, eyebrows...." I touched my curled eyebrows with a sense of pride, I was one of thedecedents of the great Norris Moon and and my eyebrows showed showed it.

"Youw a Moon! Cool!"

"Yes I am, and this is the origin"

Everyone was leaning in closely to listen.

"The origin states that four friends got together on the full moon, last names, Moon, Little, Yenect, and Solom, and they found anancient burial ground of Angels, and they decided to take the crystalsembedded into the tomb-stones.

"One man said 'I don't think its such a good idea'

"Another said 'lets just take the stones, no one will ever know'

"And two said two different things, 'We'll take the gems but leave a gift', and the other said 'there may be a curse on the stones, leave it alone, but leave an offering'.

"We don't know who said what, but we know that Moon and Little were the good guys in this situation, and Yenect and Solom wanted those stones.

"But they took the stones, and an angel appeared and said 'You have disgraced those who may have helped you in the past, I lay an unbreakable spell upon you and your friends, you will be freaks within your own kind, but over time you will become a different race to the human, but none of you shall forget your origins, ever.' and he cast it over them.

"But this angel wasn't good with curses or spells, or magic as a matter of fact, but they went theirseparateways, and they each found a solution to the spell, each one different but they worked, but on the sacrifice of there humanity, the spell said they would be freaks, as in they would be mutants, but the spell they put upon themselves made them different, there senses were moreacutethen they were before, and theyacquiredsertain features that made them more different than they were before.

"They became the first Werewolves, but they hopped their children wouldn't become like them, but they did, as did their children, and their children's children, and so on and so on, until you see what sits before you today, me, thedescendentof Norris Moon, defender of the angel burial ground"

"Wow, is all that weally twue?" asked Lucy, looking excited.

"Yes, it is, and sometimes, if you listen verycloselyon a full moon, you can hear the spell that angel used on the four friends, all those years ago."

"Lucy! Where are you Lucy! Lucy!"


"I better hide."

"No, don't go!"

"I have to, remember your promise"

"I wemembewed, I won't tell, ever."

"I hope we meet again Lucy" and I backed away towards the trees, but I could still see what was going on.

Lucy's dad came over and picked Lucy up strait away, and thanked Shapefune for taking care of her, then left.

"That was really nice of you Mari" said Shapefune as I walked out of the trees.

"Well, she reminded me of someone who had to be alone in a world of big bad guys who don't take you in no matter how small you are"

"Let me guess, you?"

"yes" I whispered, it was me, no one ever took me in except for Shapefune, he cared for me truly.

He walked closer to me and said "your not alone anymore, but do you still feel alone?"

"No, I don't"

"Then what do you feel?"

"Happy, happier than I've ever been in my life"

He smiled and came closer, my heart was racing, I knew what was going to happen next.

He kissed me again, but it was longer this time, and I kissed back.

It was heaven, except for one thing.....

I pulled away and he looked shocked.

"What, I-"

"Its not you, don't worry," I said, smiling, but then continued "Edwards coming, I can hear him, so I had to pull away because would you want him to see us kissing?"

He got what I was saying.

"Of course not, anyway, Edward loves to hold me on stuff that he's caught me doing, like there was this one time where I found this Unicorn-"

"-And you were talking to it like it could understand you, you idiot! Ha Ha!" Edward had just walked out of the trees, I had pulled away just in time.

"Animals actually do understand what your saying most of the time you know" I said to Edward.

"How do you know that?"

"Sara told me, one of the advantages of being a dog, even if you really are a Werewolf, you can talk to ALL creatures, well, except for humans and angels and Vampires."

"Well aren't you clever? Now listen, there a missing girl called Lucy whos 4 and her dads looking for her-"

"WE KNOW!!" We said at the same time, and we were laughing so hard that Edward ended laughing, even though he didn't know why.

"Come on, lets go" said Shapefune, signaling me to phase.

We flew over the rest of the hills, and we reached home.

I phased back and ran into the house and yelled "I'm home I'm home I'M HOME!!!"


I looked over and got a shock, there on the stairs was a girl with dark hair and violet eyes, pale skin, and wearing a very old dress with tights, black strap shoes and a red bow that was holding her fringe to the front of her head.

"Oh, hello Mari, you've never met me, but I'm Amity, the ghost of this place" she sighed and continued.

"I thought you were Thomas, he said he would be back by the end of the day, but he never came back"

"How long ago was that?" asked Shapefune, I hadn't noticed him next to me until then.

"About a week ago, when the week of light started."

"That means he's weak, Vampire's usually aren't active during the week of light because sun light is there weakness" he added so that I wasn'ttotallyclueless.

So Thomas was gone, and we had no idea where he was, and I was talking to a ghost?