A Werewolf story

Ghosts and Fairies

Amity's POV {Well, I need a ghost at the moment!}

I don't sleep, I can't, even if I tried.

I tried to sleep when I first died, but I couldn't, but I soon found out that I could do all these other things that I couldn't when I was alive.

I could go through walls, I could cause ghostlydisturbances, I could become invisible, and I could freakin fly!

I loved to do all these things, especially the flying thing, but I often missed sleeping and eating and, well, feeling the warmth of the sun in the week of light, but I could substitute.

I could steel peoples energy so they wereexhausted, I did it to Mari heaps of times, just because, well, do you know how I died?

I was killed by a Werewolf, so as a ghost I have a sort of grudge against them, but as time went on I saw Mari every day, and she didn't seem as bad as my killer.

My killerdefinantlywasn't a Moon, I soon realised that the Moons were all very kind, usually, or at least the younger generations are, and Mari was no exception.

Mari seemed to look at things differently than most people, she always tried to see the bright side, but often couldn't find anything that wasexceptionally bright, more dim I would call it.

Anyway, the night we first had a full blown search for Thomas, I was a bit upset that we hadn't found him, he was the only person, or, um, creature, that didn't jumped at my firstappearance.

I was wondering down the hall where the bedrooms are, and I was passed through by a tinny creature that had wings.


"Oh, I'm so sorry!" said the creature, its voice sounded like a girls, and once I had a good look of it, I understood why.

It was a Fairie, and it was a girl.

she had long dark hair with brown eyes that flashed green, her nose had a point to it and she had a round head.

"I'm Amity"

"I'm Hazel"

"Nice to meet you Hazel, um, why are you here?"

"Oh, um, you see, some Fairie's choose a creature to protect if they get really attached to them, and I protect Darwin, Edward, Shapefune, and Mari"

"Wait, you protect Mari? Why?"

"I haven't talked to her ever, but you see, if she's a friend of Shapefune's, then she's a friend of mine, and plus, Shapefune seems to REALLY like her, so I've decided to protect her too"

"Um, okay.... hey, do you have any idea where Thomas is?"

"Thomas? No idea, sorry, I know he's missing, and I know what he is, but I have no idea, sorry"

"Thats okay, I just wanted to know if you knew anything"

"Oh, okay, see you Amity"

"Good-bye Hazel, until we meet again...."

"Erm, yeah"

I floated away, and went into Thomas's room.

It had shinny things on the walls, theceiling, and even the floor.

He had painting all over of important looking people on the wallamongstthe shinny stuff.

I went over to the bed and sat down, I could still touch stuff, so that I could sit down.

I sighed {I don't need to breath, but its a comfort thing for me} and looked at a near painting, remembering what Thomas ha said when he showed me it.

“Who is that Thomas?” I asked, pointing to a painting of a boy with sleek black hair and deep violet eyes.

“That? Oh thats um, me, as a human”


“Yeah, I was the prince of the current human city back in the 1800’s, you know, when everyone was scared that a Vampire would attack them”

“Yeah, I remember that, I died in 1844-”

“By a Vampire?”

“No, a Werewolf, he was vicious, he bit me, then he left me for dead, he hadn’t realized that I was being changed, but I didn’t stay still, I rolled over in agony and fell down a hill, and the same Werewolf saw that he hadn’t done the job properly, so he pierced me in the heart, and right then and there, he had done the job properly”

“Out of curiosity, why did he want to kill you in the first place?”

“I prefer not to say, its very disappointing on my part, so how did you become a Vampire?”

“Well, being the prince, I had the highest security possible, but it wasn’t enough, the guards were soon killed, and then my mother and father, then he got to me, but he didn’t want to kill me exactly, he wanted to make me a Vampire, so yeah, I’m a Vampire”

I sighed again and just layed there, and tryed to wait until morning, it was a long wait, it sucked to be me unless I had Thomas who couldn't sleep either, kind of strange that he has a bed though.

Mari's POV:

I got up, and went over to the wardrobe, only to remember that I hadn't taken my clothes off from yesterday and I wasn't in my p.j's.

I got another set of clothes anyway and put them on.

I went to the bathroom to look in the mirror, I was wearing knee length leggings with one long shirt with a vest, and a pair of slip on shoes that were black, it looked so cool, I never thought I would be wearing this sort of stuff in all my life on the street, but I didn't care.

I raced down stairs and found Shapefune in the kitchen with two bags.

"Heres yours" he said, throwing me one.

"You'll need this, its got some food and water in it, and some stuff that I thought that you could use"

"Thanks Shapefune, can we go now?" I asked, I had so much energy and I wanted to use right then and then.

"Yeah, we can go, Edward and Amity are looking for clues in the forrest, they seem to have forgotten about what we found, come on, lets go!"

And we raced out the door, we were both fast, but I was beating him.

"Mari, wait!" yelled Shapefune, Iinstantlystopped.


"The human charm"

"Oh right!" and he took out his wand and said Humandus and I instantly had grey eyes, strait eyebrows and skin that wasn't as pale as it usually is.

"Haha, catch me if you can!" Yelled Shapefune, as he ran off towards the city.

"Cheater!" I yelled after him as I leaped after him.