A Werewolf story


Shapefunes POV

On the first day Mari had woken up, I tried to show her things that were enjoyable, nothing scary, because I knew that a young werewolf can be stronger than a vampire if they get really scared, but taking her to the ridge was a mistake. Not just a mistake, but a BIG mistake. She almost fell into the ravine, and for that I really need to be punished, but she didn’t look like she was going to punish me, she just looked like she was having the time of her life, which she probably was. Unfortunently.

After she went to bed I decided to search our library for books about Werewolfs. There were about ten of them, but I only needed a book about there species, and a book about the family ‘Moon’. I found both of these where I found them about two years ago, in the darkest corner, abandoned and without any use, until now. I found them when I was looking for something to read, and I just discarded them without a second thought. It was only now when there was a female Werewolf upstairs who was in no position to go anywhere outside the boundaries of this place that I needed these books.

The first book explained that Werewolfs don’t necessarily turn into wolfs, sometimes into dogs. It also said that sometimes there were certain Werewolfs that had special powers, and that different Werewolf families had different features. Now that was odd.

Mari had curled eyebrows, so eyebrows were her families special feature, but powers? I knew that part of where Mari had been standing on the ravine wasn’t dangerous, but it fell. Maybe it was Mari? No, that couldn't have been Mari. Could it?

The second book said that throughout history there had been many people with the last name Moon, but only one family was the true Moon family. Then it went of with the family tree. It started of with someone called Norris Moon, then Mickell Moon and Kayla Moon, then Morris Moon and Courtney Lews who apparently was killed in an attack, then Salen, Laren and David Moon, then Sara and Lews Moon, Marie Cluse, and Lucy Moon. Then there were four girls called Marissia Moon, Snufferani Moon, Sally Cluse and Hailey luck.

That was a bit weird, where was Mari in all this? Well, she had to be Marissia, because she was the only one with an m, so her mothers name was Sara Moon, but her fathers name was Olaf Suns? that couldn’t be right, could it?

I turned to the section about Sara Moon, and all the information was there, she met Olaf and was Bonded to him, which ment they were soul mates or something like that, and they had a daughter called Marissia, but when she was born Olaf began to be talented, and his talent was fire. So Sara left with her child meaning to come back, but she never did. No-one knew anything more about Marissia other than her name, where she was born and how old she was when she went missing. There was supposed to be pictures of Sara, Olaf and Mari on the next page, but someone had obviously ripped it out of the book without much care.

So now I knew a bit more about Mari’s family, but where had Sara disappeared to, and why?

I decided to keep the book and add stuff to it when I could.

Then I decided to go to bed, it was pretty late. So I went upstairs, but before I had reached my door, My gift showed me someone's dream. Thats what my gift is, seeing peoples dreams. Sometimes I can even give dreams, but only if I tried really hard.

It was Mari’s dream, and she was in the garden, with a giant green dog. she was trying to find her way out.

I knew who the dog was, but why was she dreaming about it? It was a bit of a worry that she was dreaming about that dog, she didn’t even know who he was.

I started to go to my room, but then I heard someone talking, they were saying “Why me, how did I get stuck here, tell me, please!” It was Mari, I was still in on her dream. The dog didn’t answer, of corse, she had never heard it talk.

I then went to bed and thought of why Mari was dreaming of black roses, and the dog. Then I realised why.

Mari loved both the roses and the dog. And I knew who he was.