A Werewolf story


Shapefune’s POV

Second day, Mari caught me in the library, and I was reading a bit more of those books, and I saw Mari climbing the stairs, TOWARDS ME. I didn’t want to tell her what books I was reading, so I didn’t really give her an answer, and {Unfortunently} her nose got more sensitive, and I was very glad these were smell proof pages, cause how could she possibly read without her nose, she probably never learned how to read with her eyes.

Then at dinner, she kept looking down, never up. I didn’t know what she was thinking about, I wished my talent was to read minds, not just when they were asleep.

And then, came sleep. I made myself tune into her sleep when I slept, so that I could look into her dream, but she didn’t know I was there. If she did, she would probably think I was stalking her.

It was the same dream as before, but this time she got outside, and she was on the outside path, and the green dog was carrying her along the path, the dog was muttering to itself, in my voice.

Darn it! She was remembering stuff from when I saved her! I had taken the shape of that green dog and heard her cries and went to save her. If she remembered.........

She would also remember some other things that we encountered.

I really didn’t want her to remember that.

I mean, really, REALLY.

I didn't know why at the time though.

Well, like I said, I really didn’t want her to remember that. REALLY.

I now felt like a stalker. Fantastic.

Mari’s POV

The next morning, I felt strange. Really strange.

I remembered last nights dream, and I remembered why I felt strange.

Last night I got out of the maze, and I remembered something from when I was turning into a werewolf.

I was on the back of the green dog, and he was talking, but he sounded like Shapefune.

Um, was that possible?

I still had a really uncomfortable feeling that someone else was in my dream. Someone I knew.

But how did I know them, and who were they?

I was going to find out what was going on, SOON.

I walked down the stairs, and I tripped on something, and I fell.

Then, the last thing I saw, was Shapefune, hurrying to me limp body, and I was in pain.

LOTS of pain.

Shapefunes POV

I heard Mari fall and I ran. I saw her, laying there, hurt and broken. I tried to pick her up, but her hair was caught on some loose nails. I put her down gently and went to the study to get some scissors, and came back to Mari.

I had to get her free.

I cut her hair to a length so that she could easily grow it back to the way it was, carried her up the stairs to her room, put her down on her bed and called for Thomas.

When Thomas came, in about a second he had inspected Mari.

"This is reallyserious Shapefune, she needs medical attention"

"What for falling down the stairs?!" I said, thinking what aridiculousidea that was.

"Remember what happened when you fell down Shapefune"

I remembered only to well.

I broke both arms and both legs, and a few ribs too.

"Alright then, help me pick her upr" Thomas was about to do so when I said "WITHOUT breaking any more of her bone"

Thomas looked a bit disappointed, but he helped anyway.

I just sat next to Mari, trying to get into her dream.

Its harder to look into a persons dream when they are knocked out, but I looked into Mari's dream, and she wasn't seeing, she was feeling.

Pain. She was feeling pain.

All kinds of pain.

I kept looking, and I found her oldest pain.

When your a Werewolf, childhood memories become clearer, like when your a baby, you remember more stuff.

Her oldest pain was when her mother left her, and never came back.

I had now found out why Mari was living on the streets, but what the HELL happened to Sara Moon?