A Werewolf story


Mari's POV

"Ow, my head" I said, my eyes were closed, and my head wasthrobbing. My eyes wouldn't open, so I smelled around, and I smelled the mixture of smells {Shapefune}, that I was in the same clothes, my leg also hurt, and food.

Food................. Wait, FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

I opened my eyes and leapt up and said

"Wheres the food!?"

Shapefune laughed and said "You fall down a whole flight of stairs, broke your leg, and blanked out, and the first thing you say when you wake up is 'wheres the food!?'? Now THATS funny!"

He laughed some more.

This guy is uncaring, then cares, then is secretive, then isavoidingme, and now he jokes around!

There is somethingseriouslywrong with that guy.

I've only seen this sort of thing in drug addicts, so is this guy on drugs?!

Seriouslythough, I located the food and ate.

I ate until I could eat no more, and that was a first. I'm so used to starving, that it actually felt good.

"And by the way, I didn't fall, I tripped, idiot...."

"What was that?" He asked. This guy has the best poker face I have ever seen.

"Nothing' I said, my poker face coming into effect.

Shapefune's POV

This girl is nuts.

"And by the way, I didn't fall, I tripped,idiot...."

"What was that?" I asked.

"Nothing' Mari said, she had a really good poker face.

"So what did you trip on, your own feet?"

Okay, I admit Iprobably went a little to far with that one.

mari was about to storm out, but her leg stopped her.

"Mari get back to your bed" I said, but she was being a bit stubborn.


"Mari, you've got a concussion and a broken leg, you probably won't be able to do anything for a while, please just get back to bed" I pleaded, hoping it would work.

It did.

Now I just had to get through to those hidden memories of hers.

"Mari, do you remember your mother"

She just looked at me, her expression was confused, then remembering distantly, thenshocked, and then last of all, pain.

"yes, yes I do remember mama"