The World Is Outside

Chapter Two

Jared's POV

Rolling my neck, I kneeled before my guitar case, making sure everything was packed away just as it should be. Between bartending and playing a set, I was exhausted. Elise wasn’t staying over tonight and for once I was glad. I just wanted to go home and crash.

I stood up with case in hand and waved to one of the other bartenders,

“Night, Bill.” He was closing up tonight.

“See ya, Jared. Great playing tonight.” I smiled at him with another wave.


I looked around for a second as I stepped into the night air before heading off in the direction of the apartment. This was one of the reasons I loved working this job. Night walks did better good than drugs and I’m not just saying that. Coke and ex made me high, but the exercise and night air, made me alive.

It’s been quite some time since I did either drug though. The drugs all stopped my junior year of college after a night of too much partying. It was that same year that I lost most connections with my family.

With a small sigh, I rubbed the back of my neck as I came in front of my building. I was home. This building was home, because I couldn’t go back to calling a place where everyone watched me and judged me, home.

After climbing the stairs to the apartment, I leaned my case against the wall as I dug through my pockets for the key. The phone was ringing inside. It was probably Elise. She’d forgive me if I didn’t take the call right away, I hope.

I sighed in frustration as I came up empty with my jean pockets. If not there, my jacket. If it wasn’t there, I was screwed. That’s not quite an exaggeration either. Last time I locked myself out and woke my landlord to ask for some help, he threatened beheading. The man is truly terrifying. A breath of relief escaped me as I found the key. I really had to learn to keep better track of them.

I grabbed my case after unlocking the door. The red light on the answering machine signaled a message in the dark. I hadn’t heard anyone leave a message, but then again I hadn’t quite been listening as I searched for my key.

I pressed play on the machine after turning the light on. Keeping an ear open, I stepped into the kitchen to grab a Heineken.

“Mr. Watson, this is your uncle’s attorney, Samuel Rogers. If you could please give me a call at the following number, that’d be greatly appreciated.” I gave the inside of the refrigerator a confused look before grabbing a cold bottle. Why was my uncle’s lawyer calling me? I shook my head as I waited for the other messages.

“Jared….it’s mom….I….just call us son.” The message ended there as I furrowed my brow. Something was wrong.

Putting the bottle on the counter I went to the phone and quickly dialed my parents’ home back in Connecticut. It didn’t take long before I heard the voice of my father.

“Dad, it’s Jared, mom called. What’s up?” Beating around the bush with him was never an option. He insisted on straight forward.

“Son, it’s your aunt and uncle, Anna’s parents…” Anna, I hadn’t spoken with her in at least a month.

“What is it? Did something happen?” There was a sudden tightening in my stomach. I knew something had happened. What other reason would Uncle Mark’s attorney call me or mom leave such an empty message?

“There was an accident. Mark and your Aunt Shelly, they didn’t make it.” I sat down in a chair, my legs no longer able to support me. Uncle Mark and Aunt Shelly were dead.

“Wh-what about Anna?” I swallowed back emotion.

“She was in the accident, but she made it….Jared, you have to come home.” One of the few times my dad’s ever asked me to come home. I let out a shaky breath.

“I’ll be there.” I was getting ready to hang up before I heard him speak again.

“I love you, son, never forget that.” I quickly hung up as I fought the tears. He hadn’t told me that since I graduated top of my class back in high school. That was seven years ago. With another shaky breath as I swallowed the lump in my throat, the battle against the tears was slowly becoming a surrender as I slumped in the chair. This couldn’t be happening.
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Second chapter, hope you all enjoy.