Status: So apparently I died again...I got distracted with the fanfic I'm writing ("Free Falling") I will get back to this story A.S.A.P. until then...dreadfully sorry.


Chapter Twenty-Five

"This way," Dakota said, pulling me along. He pulled me to my right and down onto the ground.

I felt other bodies join me soon after I realized we were in a tunnel. "Dakota!" I shrieked when I couldn't see or hear him.

A hand clamped over my mouth. "Sh, Keri. I'm going to stay behind...give you guys some time to get away. You guys just need to follow this tunnel to its end, turn right, and get back to your homes, Keri go with them," Dakota instructed in a rushed whisper.

"But-" I started.

"Go Keri!" Dakota hissed as the yelling got closer and I was pushed closer to Jordan.

"Come on," Jordan hissed towards his group, and began to crawl. Jordans hand clasped mine to make sure I didn't turn back and try to help Dakota.

I looked around the tunnel to see that it was about two and a half people wide, and it was a good foot taller then our heads when we were crawling. The floor was uneven, but I didn't put my hand in anything gross, so that was a plus. We started to crawl faster when we heard blood hounds in the tunnel. A couple of times a gunshot would be heard, then the whining of a dog.

"Shit," I hissed quietly as something dug into my hand after I had sat it down. I stopped for a second and pulled it out. I felt warm liquid instantly cover my hand. Hodling that hand to my chest I continued to crawl.

"You okay?" Jordan asked me.

"Yeah," I replied, my voice sounding tired.

"We'll be out soon," he whispered into my ear. I nodded, even now we were slowly making our way up to the surface. I smiled, when I cought bits and pieces of a whispered conversation, behind us. It was Jake and Taria, telling each other what had happened to each other.

"I was so worried for you," Jake whispered.

"Why would you be worried about someone like me?" Taria asked, quietly.

"Because-" Jake started saying, but was cut off by Jordan yelling at me.

I began to limp-crawl as fast as I could when I saw a light at the end of the tunnel.

"Keri get back here!" Jordan yelled.

I reached the end of the tunnel to see that we had ended up in a sewer system.

"Now what?" Lizzy asked, looking around.

"Dakota said turn right," I whispered, as one of the guys tended to my hand.

We all turned when we heard Taria shriek. "What's wrong?" Jake asked, bringing her into a hug.

"Dragon!" Taria exclaimed as she pointed towards a large rat.

"Wat are you talking about, Taria?" Jake asked, rubbing her arms.

"There's a dragon, right there," Taria jabbed her finger in the air towards the slowly advancing rat. I cracked a small grin at the sillyness of it all, I soon lost my grin when I remembered that she wasn't the healthiest of them all.

"Taria-" Jake started.

"No! Get Your fucking sword out and kill it!" Taria exclaimed, running behind Jake.

"Taria, you're delusional, it's just a rat,"

"Jake kill it!"

"Okay okay," Jake fumbeled with his gun, and then shot the rat. "Better?" he asked turning to Taria.

Taria stood up on her tipttoes and kissed Jake on the lips.

"I"ll take that as a yes," Jake gasped when Taria was done kissing him.

Taria nodded her head, smilng. "Come on, we need to go," Jordan said, as he turned to his right and took my unharmed hand.

I followed him, looking behind me to see everyone was following. I smilied when I saw Taria and Jake holding hands.

We walked for what seemed like forever! Changing sides whenever the side we were on ran out of walking room. We never passed any man holes, so there was no way we could get out without going backwards. There were no side tunnels to turn off onto either.

Jordan had caught me a couple times when I had stumbeled. My hand always rested above the baby, to help protect it. Our progress slowed down drastically after everyone lost their adreniline rush and everyone began feeling their injuries.

We finally took our first rest a few minutes later. Everyone sat in a circle breathing hard. I looked at everyones faces, smiling, when I saw their looks of disbelief as it finally sank in that they were free.

"Now what're we going to do?" Taria asked, leaning her head on Jakes shoulder.

I leaned my head against the wall, not caring if it was covered in filth. Closing my eyes I listened to my surroundings. I whistled quietly when I thought I heard footsteps.

I heard an answering whistle. I looked around to see if anybody had heard it. Most of them were starting to nod off. I began to hum a Swiss song that my mom used to sing to me when I was little.

I smiled remembering how life was simple when I was little. I closed my eyes as I heard a Tenor singing back to me. "Dakota," I breathed, opening my eyes slightly to see his figure coming towards us.

He shook his head and limped towards us. I slowly got up then walked towards him. Once he was within arms reach I brought him into a hug. "What were you thinking staying behind like that?" I cried into his shirt.

"Hey hey Keri, its' okay, see I'm okay," Dakota patted my back, trying to calm me down.

Dakota walked me over to where the Outkasts were sleeping and sat me down then sat down next to me. I ended up falling asleep in his arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
So...I didnt' check the date of my last update, but I'm pretty sure this one's late...dont' have much of an excuse for the lateness except for the fact that i'm working on planning my grad party which mom keeps on insisting of changing the date on me. *eye roll* but's an update and I might do another one tomorrow, depends on how late I wake up lol...I havn't been up for an hour yet :P well hope you enjoy this update! Questions, comments, concerns?....clean jokes?