Status: Three Shot - Complete

One Last Wish

Chapter 2

Using the letter he’d received weeks before for directions, Brian Haner pulled up outside a house that sat just meters away from the beach on Long Beach’s East Ocean Boulevard. Clutching the small package in his hand he thought for a moment if this was something he really should be doing. He barely knew her after all and it had been a week since they’d met, for all he knew she may have taken a turn for the worse. A lump formed in his throat as the thought that she might not be there at all entered his mind.

Shaking that idea out of his mind he got out of his car and slowly made his way up the short driveway, taking a deep breath as he reached out and pressed the doorbell. He heard it ring from inside the house followed by a set of foot steps approaching.

“Brian? Oh my god. What are you doing here?” Bridget greeted him as she opened the door.

“Um, well, I was hoping to give this to Molly.” He said holding up the rectangular parcel. “It’s a picture of her and me on the back of the bike that Zack took, I thought she might like it.” He added quickly.

“Oh ok, come on in.” Bridget said with a smile, taking a step away from the door to allow him to step into the house.

“She’s not having a great day today I’m afraid, she’s not got out of bed.” she explained sullenly as she closed the door behind him.

“Oh, ok, I’ll just leave this then, I don’t want to disturb her.” he said holding out the parcel.

“Are you kidding me? She’d kill me if she found out you’d been here and she hadn’t seen you. She’ll be happy of the company, I’m sure she’s bored of me by now.” She replied with a smile. “Up the stairs, second door on the left.” She added pointing towards the stairs. Brian smiled in return and made his way up the stairs.

He knocked gently on the door and waited for an answer. When nothing came, he thought for a moment whether he should just leave anyway, but then Bridget’s words came back to him. He didn’t want to think about the look on her face when she found out that he’d been so he slowly placed his hand onto the handle and twisted it, pushing the door open slowly and quietly.

He closed the door softly behind him, looking over at the bed opposite him, Molly looking so peaceful as she slept. He walked across the room and sat down in the chair next to the bed.

As he sat watching her, contemplating how long he should sit waiting for her to wake up, he cursed loudly as his phone began to ring in his pocket.

“Shit.” He muttered as he turned the device off, watching her stir, her eyes fluttering open.

“Sorry.” He mumbled as she looked up at him with hazy eyes.

“Brian?” she asked her voice hoarse.

“Yeah, sorry I didn’t mean to wake you.” he replied quietly.

“What are you doing here?” she replied pushing herself slowly into a sitting position.

“I brought you this.” he began, holding up the parcel. “I was going to leave it with Bridget but she insisted I came up to see you.”

“What is it?” Molly asked with a smile.

“Oh, it’s nothing special, here.” He said blushing as he passed the parcel to her.

“It’s got to be something special if you’ve made the trip especially.” She replied with a smirk as she began to pull off the wrapping paper.

“Oh Brian, its lovely, thank you.” she said, her smile widening as she gazed down to the photo.

“You really like it?” he asked with a smile.

“I love it, it’s perfect and it’s taking pride of place on my night stand from now on.” She said, reaching over to move other objects on her night stand away before placing the photo frame down and adjusting its position until she was happy with it.

“I’m glad you like it, as soon as Zack showed it to me I knew you would and that you had to have a copy of it.” He replied.

“I do, I love it.” She replied smiling at him before turning to gaze at the photo again.

“So, Bridget said you weren’t having a good day?” he said after a moment of silence. Molly looked up at him with a faint smile as she shook her head.

“It’s not been the best no.” she replied. “I haven’t had very much energy to do anything other than sleep. Even sat her reading earlier took too much energy, that’s how I ended up asleep.”

“And then I go and disturb you. I’m sorry Molly.”

“No, don’t be, I’m glad you came, it’s nice to see a different face if nothing else. I’m getting kinda bored of just seeing Bridget and my nurse.” She replied with a smile.

“Don’t you have any family that come to visit? Friends?” he asked hesitantly.

“I haven’t seen my parents since I found out the cancer was terminal. My mum couldn’t cope with the thought of watching her only child die so she started drinking, a lot, dad took her down the coast somewhere, where there’s some clinic that’s supposed to be helping her deal with it. I talk to him at least once a week. And Bridget’s the only one of my friends that has been able to deal with being around me. I gave up with the others a long time ago, before they ran out of excuses as to why they couldn’t make it over to see me.” she explained as Brian felt his heart twinge with pain.

“Assholes.” He muttered almost inaudibly his hands clenching into fists.

“Brian, it’s ok. It doesn’t bother me anymore. The way I see it is that it’s fewer people to say good-bye to when the time comes.” She replied calmly, trying her best to stifle a yawn.

“Ok, listen, I’m sorry, I should go, you need to rest.” He said watching her place a hand over her mouth as a second yawn escaped.

“No, really, I’m fine, I…” she began to protest, her body betraying her as her words got lost through a third yawn.

“No, I’m going to go.” He said standing up from the chair.

“Ok, I’ll let you go with one condition.” She began with a smile. “You can go, but can you come back tomorrow when I’m all rested up?”

“That shouldn’t be a problem.” He replied.

“Good, we can head into Long Beach. I’ve got some shopping to do and Bridget can’t come with me. I’ll even treat you to lunch.” She said with a widening smile.

“I think I can deal with that.” He replied, taking a step closer to the bed. “Rest up and I’ll see you in the morning.” He said leaning down and placing a soft kiss on her forehead. “About eleven?”

“Sounds good to me.” she replied, beaming up at him.

“See you tomorrow.” he replied with a large smile before walking back across the bedroom, winking at her as he closed the door shut behind him.


“So what exactly are we shopping for?” Brian asked as he walked across the parking lot of the mall the following day, his arm linked with Molly’s.

“I’m not going to tell you.” she replied glancing up at him through her sunglasses with a smile.

“Why not?” Brian whined with a smile.

“Because if I tell you, you may change your mind about coming with me.” she replied as they walked through the large automatic doors into the mall.

“And why would I do that?” he asked not satisfied with her answer.

“Because that’s what Bridget did.” Molly said, not prepared to tell him the real reason.

“And why did Bridget change her mind?” he asked.

“Try all you want Haner, I’m not telling you, and you’re not going to be able to trick me into say neither.” She said glancing up at him.

“Damn it, I thought I was being subtle then.” He teased with a smirk.

“You need to try harder with that one. Come on, here’s as good a place as any to start.” She replied gently pulling him in the direction of one of the many clothes stores the mall held.

“So, its clothes you’re after hey? Well that’s a start.” Brian said as he followed her.

Happy that she’d bought most of the stuff she wanted, Molly was glad of Brian’s suggestion that they stop for lunch as they passed one of the food courts. After a brief argument with Brian over who was going to pay, she made her way up to the counter to order their food and drinks.

As she returned to their table, she slowed down as she heard Brian talking to someone on his cell. She sat down, diverting her eyes and trying to find interest in the menu but Molly couldn’t help but overhear his side of the conversation.

“…just shopping…. Yes…. she’s a friend Michelle…you know what call me back when you’ve stopped being a fucking bitch.” and with that he shut his phone with a slam.

“Sorry about that.” He said after a short moment of silence. Molly slowly pulled her eyes away from the menu she’d been staring blankly at.

“It’s ok.” she whispered.

“No, it’s not; I don’t know what her problem is. It’s not as if I’m lying about where I am or who I’m with.” he replied.

“Seriously, don’t worry about it, if you need to go, go.”

“No, I’m staying here, I promised you I’d spend the day with you today and that’s what I’m going to do. In all honesty I don’t want anything to do with her right now after what she said just then.” He replied as the waitress arrived at their table with their food.

“Ok, if you’re sure, now eat up because after this I’ve got one more place I need to go.” She said with a beaming smile which Brian returned.

Molly couldn’t help but laugh at the deep shade of red on Brian’s cheeks as she tried to get him to help her pick out underwear in Victoria secret.

“Which one do you prefer?” she asked holding up two purple bras for him.

“Um, that one I guess.” He said pointing to the one in her left hand as he blushed more.

“I can’t believe how much you’re blushing right now.” She giggled discarding the other bra back on the rail.

“Why?” Brian asked as they made their way towards the checkout.

“Well, you know, you’re Synyster Gates, a ladies man, I would have thought this was just up you’re street.” she teased as they waited to be served.

“Maybe if you were to tell me that you were planning on seducing me with them…” he whispered into her ear causing her to snap her head up and stare into his eyes that shone playfully.

“Brian Haner, behave yourself!” she scolded playfully as the sales assistant passed her the bag with a smile.

“What? You said?” he protested with a smirk as they left the store.

“So are you going to tell me now what this is all for?” Brian asked as he placed the shopping bags on the floor beside her bed.

“You promise not to get all freaked out and stuff?” she asked as she sat on her bed removing her shoes.

“Ok I promise.” He said as she pushed herself up the bed so that she was resting against the headboard.

“Sit down and I’ll tell you.” she said indicating to the foot of her bed.

“Ok, so, a couple of weeks ago, I was sat in the garden and I got to thinking about what will happen when the cancer finally wins. I decided to write a Will outlining what I want to happen with my belongings, at my funeral and things like that. I also decided that I wanted to look my best for my funeral.” She paused watching Brian’s reaction.

“So it’s your outfit that you want to be dressed in when you die.” He said calmly.

“Do you think I’m crazy or weird?” she asked quietly. There was a moment of silence as Brian seemed to ponder her question.

“No.” he said finally shaking his head. “I guess I understand why.” As he looked up to meet her eyes he realised that they were full of tears.

“I’m sorry.” She said as she tried to wipe away the tears that were falling.

“There’s nothing to be sorry for.” Brian replied, moving up the bed and pulling her into his warm embrace.

“Thank you for being so understanding.” She whispered into his chest.

“Anytime.” Brian whispered running his hand through her short hair soothingly. “Are you ok now?” he asked pulling her away and tipping her chin up to look at her.

She nodded silently and moved away fully, resting herself again on the headboard. “Are you in any rush to get back?” she asked quietly.

“No, I still don’t fancy facing Michelle yet.” He replied. “Any reason why you ask?”

“Well, I don’t really see the point of watching soaps and stuff anymore so I’m working through some films that I love and tonight is the Back to the Future films if you fancy watching them with me?” she explained.

“That sounds near on perfect.” He replied with a wide smile which Molly mirrored.

“Great.” She replied climbing off the bed and grabbing her box set off the side and placed the first disk into the DVD player and grabbed the remote.

As the film began Brian moved himself closer to her as they both lay on the bed, his arms wrapped around her waist as her head rested on his chest.
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Thanks to everyone who read and commented on the first chapter, hope you like this one too :)