

Do you remember, that August afternoon?

I met your friend Donny. He was awful quiet for someone who's friends with you. We were running about in your parents back yard, playing frisbee. You threw it over the fence, several times. Watching you scramble under, and yelp when your bare arm brushed the current-carrying wire, was spectacular.

The pair of you kept laughing at my wild throws, and were making me jump to catch it. I still don't quite understand why.

I remember watching you run for the frisbee, catching it, and falling over to throw it in some "artistic" manner. You turned, looking shorter than usual in your too long shorts, and smiled at me. The frisbee blew past me as I grinned back, my own face a reflection of yours.

We went back inside, our shirts sticking to our backs, and cooling sweat running down our faces. The air conditioner was a blessing, and we curled up on the couch, your arms pulling me close.
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Yay new post.

Damn. This is the first thing I've written for here in over a year. Like holy crap. ::shock:
