Status: In the making.

We're all a bunch of misfits

Mandiee finds out.

-Still Zacky-
We exited the club and went in search of Lowsley. "Stop right there Lowsley!" I said as Brain stoped. We each grabbed Our desired weapons of choice, Mine being a crowbar and exited the hummer. "LOWSLEY!" He stopped dead in his tracks and turned to me. "Uh, hey Zacky, I know I owe you money and shit but, you have to understand I was following this hot chick to bring to your place for the party on halloween" I stared at him and moved the crowbar back and forth in my hands looking over his shoulder to see Mandiee, my Mandiee rounding the corner. "You leave her the fuck alone" I roared in his face.

Lowsley smirked. "She your girlfriend?" Brian pushed him to the ground. "As a matter of fact she is" I motioned for Brian to bring him into the Allayway. "And if you ever go near her,speak of her, or talk to her again," I swung the crowbar back and hit him in the gut as he went into a coughing fit and coughed up some blood. I bent down and got in his face. "I will do so much worse then cracking a few of your ribs, STAY AWAY FROM HER!" I stood back up kicking him in the ribs and walked over to the car getting in. "Lets go"

I walked into my apartment and went and took a shower. Walking out I wrapped a towel around my body and went and got my PJ's on and went and put a brush through my hair and put it in a tight bun. I then heard the doorbell ring and went and answered it after sliping on my slippers. I looked at the stalker that was following me and went to close the door but he pushed pass the door and into my house shoving me aganist the wall. "Okay listen you little bitch are you dating Zacky Vengeance" I rolled my eyes, figured Zacky would do something like this, but I smirked. "So what if I am?" Next thing I know I'm spitting blood in his face and dashing out of my apaerment towards god knows where with him in tow. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled cocking my head over my shoulder and looking at him. I slammed into a chest and looked up seeing Brian holding a gun and the guy stopping dead in his tracks. "what do we have here Lowsley, didn't Zacky tell you yo leave her alone, or things would get much much worse?" Lowsley had a look of fear on his face. "Brian I'll handle this" I heard Zackys voice ring from behind the guy said name is Lowsley. I turned and when I did, Blood splattered everywhere. "Clean this up" Zacky said putting his gun away and walking over to me. "You're staying with me tonight, no ands ifs or buts about it" He said leading me to the Hummer.
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Chaper 4 up as soon as I gets ideas the girls will be coming into play