Status: Complete

Everything I Do Is Empty Without You

Merry Christmas

Bundled up in warm clothes, the little boy ran across the front yard with his brand new football that my Father decided to buy him for a Christmas present. With the ball tucked under his arm like a legit player, JJ laughed happily as my Dad came up behind him and swept him off of his feet. I shook my head then looked to my left at Trent who had a smile plastered to his face.

“He used to do that with us,” Trent informed me, sensing that I was looking at him, “When we were little, we’d get a new football for Christmas every year, didn’t matter if we wanted it or not, he’d buy us one.” He said, “Then we’d play catch in the front yard for a good portion of the afternoon, none of our other toys were ever played with until the day after Christmas. Christmas was a time for family bonding, good food, and football. Some things will never change,” He turned his head to me, “It’s a wonder why none of us are professional football players, we all played football and we all got full ride scholarships for playing football.”

“Jordan turned his down,” I pointed out.

Trent crossed his arms over his chest, “Yeah, well … let’s just say Jordan’s never been one to follow everyone else, no matter how great it would be. He’s a hell of a Quarterback but I guess it was his own way to rebel against the parental units. Turn down a scholarship to go to community college; that is so Jordan.”

“Mama!” JJ squealed as he ran up the porch steps then came crashing into my legs giggling uncontrollably as he did so, “Come play football with us!”

I smiled, “No Baby, I have to go in soon to help Nana.” I said softly, “Christmas dinner isn’t going to cook itself, is it?”

The little boy looked up at me then over at Trent, “C’mon Uncle Trent!”

“Ok,” Trent nodded without hesitation as he took the ball from the little boy, “Go long,” He ordered.

JJ ran down the porch steps and out to the middle of the yard with his arms open, waiting to receive the catch, “He is such a jock,” I muttered to myself while turning around to go into the house only to have the front door open and Joel walk out, Jordan following close behind.

“We hear there’s a football game to be played.” Joel announced.

I pointed to the yard, “Have at it, just be easy on the little guy.” I ordered while glancing at my son, “We don’t want to injure him before he has a chance to play a real game.”

“Seriously?” Jordan questioned, “You’re going to enter him into the PeeWees?”

“Yeah, why not?” I asked, “He likes football and it’ll be a great way for him to make friends out in California,” I shrugged, “He’d love it.”

“Of course he will,” Joel agreed, “That boy has future Professional Quarterback written all over him.”

“Yeah, so did I,” Jordan growled.

“No, you didn’t.” Joel assured, “You had the talent but not the desire, no drive, you did it to make everyone happy. JJ,” Joel paused, “JJ has the talent and the desire, that boy lives for football.”

Jordan shook his head then walked away without another word. Joel looked at me and smiled, “Don’t listen to him, I think he just regrets not going to school on the scholarship,” He shrugged, “JJ would love to be on a football team out in California.”

“I know,” I patted his shoulder a little bit then entered the warm house. Kicking off my shoes, I took my jacket off and laid it on the arm of the couch before making my way to the kitchen.

“Do you need me to help with anything?” I heard Kayla as my Mother.

“No, Honey, that’s ok.” She answered her politely, “Just go relax, I’ve got everything under control.”

“Oh,” Kayla mumbled, “Ok, then.” She whispered before walking out of the Kitchen, passing me by as she did so but she didn’t look at me. I entered the Kitchen and frowned at my Mother, “You do too need help,” I pointed out.

“That’s what I have you for,” She said simply then pointed to the oven, “Check on that roast for me, would you?”

I walked over to the oven and opened it, “What is it with you and Kayla?” I questioned.


“Don’t lie, Ma.” I demanded.

“I just don’t like her dating my son.”

“You’re baby,” I teased, “You’re first born.”

“When JJ gets older and he starts dating you’ll know,” She assured me, “Some girls will fit with him and some won’t, Kayla doesn’t fit with Joel.”

“Joel loves her.” I mumbled when I was satisfied with how the roast looked.

“Joel loves what she gives to him,” My Mother shot me a look, “You have a boyfriend, you know exactly what I’m talking about.”

“Sex?” I asked, “Mom, Joel isn’t that shallow.”

“Joel is a guy, yes he is. Daddy can even be that shallow.” She pointed out, “Are you telling me that Jack isn’t like that?”

I shrugged my shoulders, “Well, he can be,” I admitted, “But Jack is very understanding with me, he has a very mature, sensitive side when it comes to me.”

“That’s great, honey, that’s why I’ve accepted him with open arms and Daddy is getting protective, we know he’s a good boy and that maybe you’ll be his bride, but Kayla is not marrying Joel.”

“I agree.” I heard my Father butt in as he walked into the kitchen, “Smells good, ladies.” He said cheerfully before opening the fridge, grabbing four beers and a juice box.

“Dad,” I frowned, “How can you say that you agree?” I snapped.

He shrugged, “They’ve been dating for a few years now, she moved in then moved out, if he truly loved her he would’ve moved with her to wherever she was moving to or found a way to make it work with her living with him, and he certainly would’ve gotten down on one knee. Joel is a hopeless romantic, if he does end up marrying her, he’s settling with her and we all know it.”

I shook my head, “That’s horrible.”

My Dad smiled at me before leaning over and kissing my cheek, “Don’t get so worked up about it, Kodie.”

Making a face at him, I pointed to the juice box, “That better be for my son.”

“Nope, it’s for Jordan, he’s acting like a six year old, the beer is for the little guy.” He teased then left the kitchen without another word.

“I can’t imagine how Kayla feels.”

“We treat her nicely,” My Mom said softly.

“I know, but … I don’t know, you didn’t let her help.”

“The last time I let her help, she burned over half the food, she doesn’t have a cooking bone in her body, Kodie.” She stopped her movements then looked at me, “Is Jack joining us?”

“Yeah, he should be here soon. His family doesn’t have Christmas Dinner but more along the lines of Christmas Lunch but its big enough to hold them over until the next day.” I smiled, “I told him to eat light.”

My Mother simply smiled at me then shook her head before pointing to the pile of potatoes by the sink, “Peel and rinse those, please.”

Without a word, I walked over to them and started to do as she asked. Maybe it’s naïve of me to think that Joel whole heartedly loves Kayla but if doesn’t, why is he with her? Maybe my Mom’s right, maybe he is being shallow. I guess I just don’t get it.


“Thank you for inviting me,” I whispered to my Girlfriend, “Even if the Coach was staring me down the entire time.”

“He has a name,” Kodie laughed.

I nodded, “Yes, it’s Coach Cryer or just Coach, if I dare to call him anything else, he’d kill me.” I smiled then kissed Kodie’s temple, “We have never seen eye to eye, way before they even adopted you, he had it out for me.”

“Yeah right,” Kodie nudged my side a bit then gave me a cute smile, “Do you like your present?” She whispered.

I smiled as I thought about the watch she bought me, “I love it,”

“Good, I heard you talking to Alex about a watch of some sort, so I cheated and called him, asked him what kind of watch it was.”

“Well, I love it.” I said truthfully then I shivered a little bit, “Why are we sitting on the porch?”

“To get away from my family,” Kodie answered honestly, “They’re playing Madden, I don’t want to be in there, do you?”

“Well, it’s warm in there.”

“Man up, Barakat.” She ordered with a laughed then it died off slowly, “You’d never stay with me just for the sex, would you?”

I frowned, “Is this a trick question?”

“No, my parents are saying that Joel is basically staying with Kayla because the sex is good, sex isn’t the only reason you’re with me is it.”

“If it was, I wouldn’t be in a committed relationship with you, I’d be trying my hardest to just have sex and leave.” I held her closer for warmth, “Our sex is great, I love it, but that’s not the only reason I’m with you, I love you Kodie.”

“I guess I just don’t get it,” She whispered, “All this time I thought for sure Kayla was his one yet my parents tell me different?” She wondered, “I guess they should know, he is their son after all. I mean, they’ve always known we’d end up together.”


“Yeah,” She nodded her head slowly then looked at me, “Hey Barakat, where’s my present?” She frowned.

I blushed deeply as she asked that question and my mind wandered to the ring in my pocket. Call me selfish or even naïve, call me what you want but when I got Kodie back, my whole world seemed perfect and when I went out looking for her present I passed a jewelry store, one thing led to another and I bought her a diamond engagement ring.

I love her and nothing will ever change that. Now that I got her back, I don’t want to lose her, I know I’m young and I know a lot of people think I’m some dirty, immature band boy but I do have serious feelings for Kodie and believe it or not, I know when to act my age, I know when to be a man and take life seriously.

“Did you forget to buy me a gift?” She teased, “I mean, I know you looked everywhere for JJ’s present because I couldn’t find that damn doll anywhere.”

“Action figure,” I corrected then shrugged, “And I asked my Brother to pick it up for me before he left New York City, I gave him the money for it.” I informed her, speaking of the wolverine action figure that I bought for JJ, “and I didn’t forget you, at all.” I assured.

“Well, where is it?” She wondered, “I gave you yours, where’s mine?”

I smiled, “Greedy,” I teased then shoved my hand into my pocket then pulled out the ring all while slowly getting off of the porch swing and kneeling myself down on one knee in front of Kodie.

Once I was down on my knee all the way, Kodie’s eyes went wide and a smile formed on her face. She nodded her head cutely before I even had the chance to say a word, “Yes,” She said happily.

“You didn’t even let me say anything.” I exclaimed with a laugh.

“Sorry,” She blushed.

I rolled my brown eyes then showed her the ring, “Well, I’ll make this short and sweet, Kodie Cryer, will you marry me?”

“Yes,” She repeated then she tugged me back up onto the swing, kissing me passionately, not even bothering with the ring. I pulled away from her lips then smirked, “Want your ring?”

“Oops,” Kodie whispered then held out her left hand. I pushed the ring onto the proper finger then frowned, “I know it’s soon, and it seems like I’m rushing it but why wait when I know?” I questioned, “Life’s too short to sit around waiting,”

“I love you,” She said to me simply then cupped my face, “I really do, love you.”

“I know, I love you.” I mocked before lightly kissing her lips.

“I’ll change my last name, but JJ’s is staying Cryer.” She informed me, “If I change it to anything, it’ll be Dawson but …” She shook her head, “He’s a Cryer.” She smiled.

“He is,” I agreed because even though he may look and sound everything like Rian, he acts every bit like Kodie’s Father and Brothers, he is a Cryer and no one will ever change that.

“This is the best Christmas, ever.” She insisted as she leaned over and kissed my lips, “The best,” She confirmed before laying her head on my shoulder. I rested my head against hers and nodded, “The best,” I mocked while closing my eyes, knowing that I would be completely lost without this woman in my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
And I think she's pretty, but pretty is just a part of the things she does that amaze me