Moments Between Sleep

Here the Seasons Don't Exist;

Twenty-eight days, six hours and four minutes. That's how long I've been tracking him.

Maybe we should start with introductions. My name is Ayden Flora. I know, my name is usually set aside for the male gender, commonly spelled as A-I-D-E-N. But my mother ate a lot of pills before I was born, and she decided that despite what the doctors said, she wanted a boy. Be it as I still came out a female, she still gave a male name, only changing one letter. Lucky for her I actually enjoy my name.

I was born with dark, wavy hair. We're talking coal black. But years of hair dye have changed that for me. My hair is going back to its natural color, but when I tilt my head just right into the light, my hair shines blonde. Yes, that's right, blone.

My eyes are the stragest color. It's like a big, mad rain cloud mated with an angry tornato, and together they birthed the disaster known as my eyes. They do give me character; for they really are a beautiful color, but it's just another thing that makes me different.

I don't suppose there's too much more to say about me. I'm a girl- Therefore who you think you know, you don't know. And right now the only thing anyone needs to know about me is that I'm on a mission. I've gone M-I-A for the past twenty eight days, and there's now way in hell he's walking away that easy.

Him. With his beautiful chocolate brown eyes. That perfect sweeping hair that covers that widows peak he's so afraid of. That gorgoues half-shaven face. That sleepish smirk on his face, that smooth talking voice, and that familiar look in his eyes. Oh, he was something special. Anyone could see that. He was perfection in one human being, and I envied him for that.

"Alexander Gaskarth," My voice echoed off the venue walls and the street. "It's nice to see you again."

Slowly, his perfect head turned in my direction. He seemed quiet confused, at first, as to who I was. I shot him a sweet, innocent smirk. The same smirk I'd given him the very first time I met him. The smirk that won him over. The happiness faded from his eyes for just one moment, but it quickly returned, as he slowly stepped towards me.

"Ayden," he gave a soft nod. "Coming to enjoy the show?"

"Not quiet," I gave him anoter soft smile. I stepped out of my place in line, stepping closer to his tall body. "I've been stalking you for the past twenty-eight days. You're extremely hard to track down."

Alex gave a small nod, Honestly, he seemed a little afraid of me, standing there so smugly, confessing I'd stalked him. "What do you want, Ayden? If it's about what happened that night, don't bother. I was going to call-"

"Don't worry, Gaskarth. You were just another one-night-stand to me. But I really wanted to tell you something."

"What?" Alex said in a rushed voice, as if he was expecting me to speak and leave.

"I'm pregnant."
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New story!
I'm pretty excited about it.
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