Moments Between Sleep

In This Cities Callowness;

If there was one thing I was thankful for, it was that in the last few weeks, I hadn't gained much more weight. I had to buy those special pants, the ones with the stretchy part at the top of them so that they would fit comfortably around my belly without doing any harm to the baby inside. I wasn't complaining, they were cozy. Alex had taken me out once or twice and bought me some of the cutest maternity shirts I'd ever seen.

I was currently wearing one as I rode in the front seat of the black van that All Time Low usually used four tours, or, at least what they used to use. The air was super hot, so both of the front windows were rolled down, and everyone's hair was going crazy in the wind.

"So what do they do at these things, anyways?"

"Well, they run something over my belly so that we can see the baby, and they make sure it's okay."

"I wish Rian and Zack were here. It's like we're all having a baby now. Not just you, Alex."

"Does that mean you're going to pay us child support?"

I laughed as Alex kept a smug grin on his face, and Jack pouted in the backseat. I was growing used to their smart ass comments, it was normal now. I didn't see Zack that often, apparently he had a very big social life outside of the band. Rian spent a few days over at the house, but he was usually with his girlfriend. Jack, well, he pretty much never left.

Alex and I remained quiet after we made our way into the office, but Jack felt the need to ask any nurse he saw a question about pregnancy. I gave a small laugh when he attempted to ask a pregnant nurse out on a date. I laughed even harder when he kept trying after finding out she was married.

When we were called back, the doctor gave us an odd face when he noticed Jack in the room with us.

"Can't say we've ever had the parents plus one. Are you two okay with him being in here?"

"Of course," Alex smiled. "He's uncle Jack-O."

The smile on my face couldn't have been brighter when I heard those words leave Alex's lips. It was like he'd done a complete 360. The boy that denied the baby ever being his had left, and the man who was willing to help me take care of the baby had taken his place.

By the time I snapped out of my thoughts, I could already hear the other heart beat inside of my body. It was becomming so real to me that I was living for two right now. It hit me even more when I saw the small body on the screen.

I had no intentions of crying, but I just couldn't help it. They weren't sad tears at all. Naturally, I was still terrified, but I couldn't help but be happy when I saw it. My own heart skipped a beat when I felt Alex's hand hold mine while we both listened, and watched, our child.

"Wow," Jack spoke. "I'm really going to be an uncle!"

"That you are," the doctor spoke. "You have a very healthy baby in there, but I would like to see you gain a little weight. You're entering your third month now, your cravings are going to get stronger, and that baby is going to be begging for more food."

"Three months?" I gushed. "It's already been that long?"

"When can we find out if it's a boy or girl?"

The doctor gave a soft laugh at Jack's words. I had to admit, it was nice to have Alex's friends be so supportive. It's not like Jack was happy from the start, though. I think he took it worse than I did. All he did was mope about it, questioning if Alex would have to leave the band, wondering if he was going to lose his best friend.

"Well, they could find out now, but it takes a lot of blood work and it cost a lot of money. Or, they could wait another three or four months and find out that way."

"Ooh, you guys should do it now!" Jack squeaked. "We can think of names!"

Alex and I both gave a soft laugh.

"Actually, Jack," Alex spoke first. "I think we'd rather wait. If you want, Ayden."

"I'd really like to wait, too."

After leaving the doctors office, Alex drove the three of us back to his house. His parents weren't home, but they did leave a note saying that they'd be home as soon as they can, and to make sure that I ate something healthy for dinner.

I took a seat on the living room couch, and Jack took a seat on the loveseat. Alex joined me, handing me a bottle of water before he sat down.

"So you guys haven't thought of any names yet?"

"I like Brooke," I thought out loud. "Alex?"

"For a girl, right?" Alex laughed. "I like Brookelyn."

"I like Hayden, too," I commented. "And yes, for a girl."

"What's your middle name?" Alex asked. "Is it sad that I don't know it?"

"Not really," I shrugged. "Ann."

"How about Brookelyn Ann, you know, if it's a girl."

"I like it," I smiled at him. "Any thoughts, Jack?"

"I think you should name it Jack," he grinned. "No matter the gender."

"What about for a boy?" Alex cut in.

"You really want to know what my favorite boy name is?"


Feeling a bit nervous, I gave a small laugh and pushed my hair out of my face.



"No, Alex, I mean my favorite boy name is Alex."

"So if we have a boy, you want to name it after me?"

"If you're okay with that, then maybe. I don't want to seem like, weird, or anything."

"It's because he was the lead singer of the best band ever, right?" Jack asked with a big grin on his face. "I personal think Jack is a better name. How about this, Jack Alexander! Yeah, that's a famous name."

"No, actually, it's not that. I mean, naturally that helped, but I've always liked the name."

"And Jack," Alex laughed. "Why not Alexander Jack?" He paused for a moment, "No, Jack Alexander really does sound better."

"Are you seriously thinking about naming the baby after Jack?" I questioned, smirking slightly. "Baby Jack and uncle Jack?"

"I think it's a perfect fit," Jack mumbled.

Ignoring his comment completely, Alex spoke. "Well, I mean, Jack is my best friend. There's not a thing he hasn't been there for. But if you don't like it, we'll forget it and think of something new."

"I never said I didn't like it. You know, I've read all these crazy stories people write about you two on the internet," I giggled. "We'll call him Jalex for short."

"Jalex, that's catchy," Jack grinned. "Where'd that come from?"

With a loud laugh, I shook my head. I suppose if Jack didn't know about the dirty sex tales written about him and Alex, I wasn't going to be the first to tell him. Moments past before anyone moved. Jack was trying to figure out why I was laughing, and Alex seemed to be completely dazed.

"I never thought I'd be a parent," he confessed, his voice coming low and quiet. "But that baby has completely changed me."

I didn't speak, I only gave him a soft smile. I felt the same way. Without this child, God knows where I would be. Before this child, I was lost, I was just going until I found somewhere to stop for a while. I wasn't a terrible person or anything. I was just lost.

Alex put his hand on my own, giving me a soft squeeze. I know it didn't mean much, but feeling the pressure of his rough hands on my own made my heart dance. We may not be in love, we may not be right for each other, but I was going to spend the rest of my life with him.
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