Moments Between Sleep

Rest While Locks Melt From Our Doors Again;

It felt like I stood outside that house for two hours. Neighbors stared in my directions, dogs barked at my failed attempts, even small children were laughing at me. I'd played at least three different tunes on the doorbell. My fist was growing tired from the knocking. I'd almost given up all hope, but when I saw a small swish from the curtains, I knew someone was home.

"Excuse me," I called through the door. "Please, open the door. I really need help!"

It took moments. Long, annoying moments, but finally the door slowly opened. Her face was coated in light colored make-up, her hair was as nice as his own. And those eyes; he had her eyes. She didn't look very old. Motherly, yes, but not at all her age. She gave a soft sigh, opening the door completely so I could see the black dress she was wearing and the tall heels she had on. She towered over me.

"What is it that you want?" She seemed breathless. "I thought if I ignored the door long enough you'd go away."

"Do you even know who I am? I really don't mean to bother you, Mrs. Gaskarth-"
"How do you know my name?"

"I'm looking for Alex," I continued. "I really wouldn't have bothered you like I was, but it's really important, and I don't have much time to waste."

"Is something wrong?" Her face grew long, and that mother instinct came shining through. "Is my Alex in any trouble? Here, come in."

"Maybe," I sighed, stepping through the doorway. As she closed the wood behind me, I breathed in the sweet scent of lavender. "My mother used to love lavender."

We'd almost made it into the kithcen before the woman spoke again, this time more concern in her voice. "What's your name, dear?"


"Ayden," she repeated. "And how do you know my son?"

I know it was terribly wrong, but I felt angry at the lady in front of me. Not to her, directly, but at Alex. I stalked him for a month of my life, annouce to him that I'm pregnant, and he runs home without even having the guts to tell mommy that he got a girl knocked up? Growling lightly to myself, I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I'm his baby-momma."

Mrs. Gaskarth stopped moving, her eyes nearly twitching as she stared at me. "Excuse me?"

"His baby-momma," I repeated. "You know, I'm pregnant with his kid."

"You're kidding," her voice was cold. "There's no way that's possible."

"No, really, Mrs. Gaskarth. He decided to one-night-stand it with me, and now I'm preg-"
"Mom!" Alex's voice cut me off. "Ayden, what are you doing here?"

"Oh God," Alex's mom groaned. Her face grew flushed as she stared between the two of us. "You really do know this girl, which means you really are-" She paused. "I need a drink."

"No, mom," Alex sighed. "Whatever she told you- Don't believe her! I don't even know her last name!"

"You should be ashamed of yourself, Alexander William!" His mother snapped. I followed behind Alex as she led the way to the kitchen. "You can't just go around getting girls pregnant! What did I tell you about being famous? Don't let it go to your head!"

"But mom, I-"
"And you just ignored her? Alexander, she is pregnant! You can't just leave a pregnant girl alone!"

"But it's not my kid!"

This time, even though I was aware this was a family fight, I cut in.

"Excuse me?" My voice came cold. "I followed you around for weeks of my life. I took that stupid test to make you happy, and I followed you all the way back to Baltimore and I told your mother! How much proof do you need, Alex?"

"That baby cannot be mine, Ayden!"

"Fine!" I screamed. My voice came so loud, so broken, so shrill that Alex's mom dropped her cup and almost tipped her bottle of wine. I couldn't help myself, I was just so angry. "Tomorrow, Alex. Tomorrow you can take me to a doctor, and I can show you that I really am pregnant," I gave a huff. "And once you see that baby if you're still not man enough to admit it yours, I'll leave, but not until I explain my side of the story."
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PS- I'll have to edit later!