Moments Between Sleep

We Were All;

"You're really pregnant," Alex's voice came soft and sad. "That was really a baby. There's a kid in there," he continued to speak, only this time pointing to my stomach.

"I told you." I gave a soft sigh. "I'm really pregnant."

I watched as the world flew past us, I felt the wind throw my hair in all directions through the open window. I could slightly feel a chill coming through the wind, but the day was so warm and the sky was so blue that it was mostly just relaxing. The tall buildings that made the town complete looked so small as we flew past them, and the trees that were planted in various locations on the sidewalk were starting to bloom the most beautiful flowers I'd ever seen. They were blooming like the child I was going to meet one day.

Alex seemed to be in an extreme state of shock. After I finished dressing in the doctors office, he offered to pay the bill, and I let him. He offered to buy me food, but I refused. To top it all off, he wouldn't stop talking about what he'd just seen. The heart beat he'd just heard. It was like Christmas morning to him, only with more fear than smiles.

"But that doesn't make it mine," he commented. "It could be anyones. Now, don't look at me like that, I'm not trying to complain anymore. I believe you, I just don't understand why you would pick a one-night-stand to be the father of your kid when you could find someone to spend the rest of your life with."

"So even after seeing the baby you're going to call me a one-night-stand?" I snorted. "Classy, Alex. Real classy."

"You know, you can call me all the names in the world, but it doesn't mean anything." He slowed as we neared a red light. When the car was stopped, he glanced in my direction. "I've asked over and over and you still avoid the question. How do you know for sure it's mine?"

"You couldn't handle the answer."

Alex didn't take his eyes off me. Those chocolate orbs seemed to be burning holes through my head, but I could see deep down that he was mentally creating a soft spot. If not for me, it was for the baby, but it was there.

Both of us gave a loud gasp and jumped in our seats as a horn behind us blew loudly. The light had changed moments ago, and Alex lightly tapped the gas.

"Screw off!" He waved his arms in the air, before glancing back at me. "What makes you so sure. You've only known me for, what, a day now? You don't know what I can and can't handle."

"Sure I do," I broke the eye contact and glanced back out at the street. "You couldn't even handle that I was preganat."

"But I get it now," he groaned, growing angry with me. "We're on the same page, okay? I'm not angry, I'm not calling you a liar, I just want to know. I deserve that, don't I? How do you know it's my kid, Ayden?"

"Fine," I sighed, making myself more comfortable in the seat. I let my hand find its way out the window to try and catch the wind. "That night, after your show, I just wanted to go home. I knew there would be alcohol, and I get stupid when I drink. Well, it didn't work out so well because you band couldn't resist Missy's sex appeal. Do you remember her?"

"The blonde in the bra?"

"Mhm," I gave a small laugh. "When you guys invited her to the after party, she dragged me along. I was supposed to keep her from doing something stupid. We see how well that worked out," I mumbled. "Anyways, when the party started to die down, you were so drunk I don't think you even remembered your own name. I was one of the only people left awake, and you started talking to me."

"I wasn't that drunk," Alex glanced over at me, his face showing honesty. "I thought you were pretty."

For the first time since I'd met Alex, I was seeing a sweet side of him. I gave him a soft grin, one that he returned, before I peeled my eyes away to finish my story.

"Well, then I'm sure you remember pouring each of us shot after shot, right?"

"Actually," he turned his signal on as we turned down another street. "I do. But after about three of them, it gets real blurry."

"Naturally," I nodded. "Anyways, we both got pretty wasted, and I let all my morals go flying out the window. Why I wouldn't I? I was drinking with Alex freakin' Gaskarth. Lead singer of my favorite band."

He shot me a cocky grin, both eye brows raised as if to compliment himself.

"So, you led me back to your bunk. I don't think I need to go into detail about what happened there, do I? Either way, I ended up pregnant."

"Great story," Alex mumbled, tapping the brakes lightly to let a car turn off. "But that doesn't explain how you're so sure that I'm the fath-"
"I'm a virgin, Alex." I cut him off, with a groan. "I was a virgin, anyways."

"No way," Alex shook his head, staring at me. His eyes had grown dark, and his face had gone pale. He was so upset that he had to pull over in a no-parking zone just to breathe. "No."

"Yes," I sighed. "That's why I didn't want to drink. That's how I know it's you. Do you understand now?"

"Ayden, I'm sorry." He looked at me, his eyes full of sadness. He shook his head before placing it on the steering wheel. "I'm so sorry."

"I'm not stoked about it, or anything," I placed my hand on his shoulder, rubbing lightly. "But it happened, and babies are supposed to be a gift from God. It's not going to be easy, and I'm probably going to lose balance and fall apart a few times," I sighed. "But I don't regret it."

Running his hands through his perfect hair, Alex lifted his head, now running his fingers over that pretty face. His anger seemed to rush quickly through his body as his fist managed to punch the steering wheel one good time, sending the horn off as I jumped.

"Alex, it's okay. We'll figure this out, I promise."

"Ayden, you don't get it," his voice was growing loud. "I'm not going to turn my back on you, or the little you, but you just don't get it."

"What don't I get? I'm the one whose pregnant, I think I get it better than anyone."

"Ayden, I have a girlfriend."
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Commmenttttssss? <3.