Moments Between Sleep

So Undone;

"Alex, is that you?"

I was afraid to make any sound as I followed Alex into the Gaskarth house hold. Since I'd already met his mother, I knew that she was on the fence. She was stuck in between loving her son, but understanding that it was very likely of him to bring home a pregnant girl. In fact, I believe she was waiting for it.

More so, I was afraid of what her reaction would be when Alex told her that it was true; I'm the mother of his unborn child. I was hoping that her inner grandmother would come out, and she would welcome me with open arms. On the other hand, Alex had already confessed that he had a girlfriend, he confessed that they were serious. He never mentioned how close this girl was to his mother, and even though she had handled the chance of me having her grand-kid well, what would she say when she knew it was sure? Would she run and tell Alex's girlfriend, would she yell at him, or would she turn me away entirely?

"Yeah, mom," Alex called through the house. I crept through the hallway behind me, watching every step I made. He turned his head slightly, shooting me a raised eye brow. "What are you doing?"

"I'm scared of your mom," I whispered. "Can I hide?"

"Hide?" He raised his voice lightly. "Uh, no? She doesn't bite, Ayden."

"Not that you know of," I mumbled back. "What if she doesn't like me? Is she close to what-her-face?"

"I'm in the kitchen, honey!"

"Kay!" Alex called back, tossing his car keys on an end table in the living room. "Yeah, they're kind of close," he said to me. "But she's my mother. She'll go with me on anything."

Before I was given another chance to speak, Alex led me into the kitchen, where his mother was putting what appeared to be rolls into the oven. It was strange to me, she was like the movie mom. She cooked, she kept a clean house, she was a pretty lady and everything smelled so nice. I didn't think those kind of women really existed.

"How was your day?" She asked, spinning around on her heel with a soft grin on her face. "Oh! Hello, Ayden. Would you like something to drink?"

"No thank you," I returned her smile. "But the food smells nice."

"Of course it does," she laughed. "Food it always nice to a pregnant woman, isn't it? I know all about that. And speaking of," her face grew hard. "How did it go?"

"Well," Alex scratched the back of his head. "She's pregnant. And it's mine."

I winced as his mother's face dropped completely. Her face grew a deep shade of red, and her eyes seemed to grow to big for her face. She put one hand on her heart, and the other on the kitchen counter. She let out a deep breath, before pulling both of her hands to her face to give out one of the most high-pitched laughs I'd ever heard.

"I'm going to be a grandmother!" She shook with happiness. "This is every mothers dream!"

"You're... you're not mad?" Alex questioned. "You're not going to lecture me?"

"No, no!" She shook her head as hard as she smiled. "You're stupid, both of you! But don't you dare think of one second, either of you, that you're going to do this alone."

I had never expected to walk into this house and have my heart broken- In a good way. Her words lifted my spirit. She said the words I needed to hear more than anything. I'm not going to do this alone. I couldn't be more excited that she was excited, that she handled the news better than her son did.

"Wait!" She cut herself off, her face showing more concern than smiles now. "What about Lisa? Oh, Alex, please tell me you've talked to Lisa!"

Alex gave a loud sigh, running his hand through his hair again. He left his hand placed firmly on his neck. "I haven't talked to her yet." Alex explained to his mother like a child who had stolen candy from a drug store. "I mean, we just got out of the doctors office, and she hasn't called me all day, and.."

"Alexander, how are you going to explain this to her? 'Uh, sorry Lisa, I had a one-night-stand and now I've got a kid coming.' Do you think she'd take that well?" She huffed. "No offence, Adyen, dear."

I gave a small giggle. So she was motherly, and down to Earth. I loved her already. "It's okay, Mrs. Gaskarth. It's true, isn't it? In all fairness, though, I had no idea about whats-her-name. Lisa?"

"Okay, you know what?" Alex cut in. "I'll talk to her alone first. I don't want her to attack Ayden, or anything. I don't think she could handle it."

"Excuse me?" I spoke. "I can stand firmly on my own, and besides, if she attacks a pregnant girl, she's not much a of woman."

"She should be attacking you," his mother added. "Alright, Alex. You invite Lisa over and keep her away from the kitchen. Once you talk to her, see how she takes it, we'll go from there. I just want you to understand, honey, that what you did was wrong. No matter how happy I am to be getting a grand-baby. Lisa is more than likey going to leave you without thinking twice."

"Uh, thanks?" He sighed. "Can you two keep quiet until she's gone, or whatever?"

"Sure," I nodded. He began making his way out of the kitchen and through the house, his footsteps making noise as he disappeared. "But this is no way to treat the mother of your child!"

Alex gave a grunt in return, but his mother gave me a smile and a big hug. My own mother didn't treat me this well. I had to admit that it was nice, but I was terrified of what would happen when Alex told Lisa. Would she freak out on me? I can't be blamed for this.

I didn't know.
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