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Shouldn't Give Up

Frank POV

Two days have went by since I stop going to see Carmen, which I was very happy about. But at the same time I wonder if it was for the best, I had a chance to leave this place. But then again I didn't know if I honesty wanted to leave; I go insane every time I'm alone with a stranger so I wouldn't make it out in the world.

Would it be for the best if I did leave, to go to a different asylum to get help. That maybe I had a chance to be normal something I've always wanted, I just never let it show. I couldn't leave Gerard though I couldn't make it without him, I wouldn't last. I would have no one to talk to, he was the only who was getting me through this.

" Are you sure you don't won't to leave this place, " He ask as we sat outside.

" I'm sure, I can't leave this place. I won't make it out there, and I can't leave you. You’re the first person who I ever open up to, " I said while looking at him.

" I want you to have a normal life; I know if you tried you could. But I understand about not wanting to leave, promise me you'll still think about it, " He replied.

I didn't know what to say at the point I didn't won't to say I have been thinking about it but I always got the same answer, I didn't won't too. I knew I could get the help I needed and I could finally be free but to me it wasn't worth leaving him, I couldn't explain why.

" I can't lie I have thought about it but I always got the same answer, I just can't. I'm not ready for something new; this has pushed me over the edge already. I know if I did leave this place I would just get worst, " I said.

" Someday you will be ready to try and I know when you do you will be glad you did. There so much out there and you're missing, " He said while looking at me.

" If there's so much out there then why are you in here, " I ask.

" I done see the world and it wasn't for me, I think this is where I belong, " He replied.

" That's not true no one belongs here, I know one day you'll get over your fear. And you'll be out in the world forgetting about me, " I said.

I've been telling myself ever since we got together that one day he will leave this place and when he does it will be the end of us, I keep thinking if I keep telling myself that I won't hurt as bad when it happens.

" That's not true; I will never let that happen. I'm not worry about getting myself better, I'm just worried about getting you better, " He replied.

If only I could worry about getting myself better.