Status: In Progress

Love.Just A Four Letter Word.Than Why Can't I Say It?

Chapter 4

A loud ringing echoed through the room.Ugh what is that?!I slowly opened my dark brown eyes.Groaning,I reached out to turn off my extremely annoying alarm clock.It's a really cute alarm though!It's shaped like Hello Kitty sleeping!

But that's beside the point!I swung my legs over the edge of my bed and stood.

I trudged towards my bathroom and walked in.After taking a quick shower and brushing my teeth,I began doing my hair.

Once I was done with my hair,I walked to my closet and picked out my clothes.I got dressed,then I picked up my rainbow colored lanyard covered in funny and random buttons.Sighing,I sat down at my vanity table.I swiftly put on my black eyeliner before putting on my purple eyeshadow.Grabbing my lip gloss,I quickly put it on before grabbing my messenger bag and running down the stairs.

"Morning!"Selena called as I walked into the kitchen.Isabel smiled warmly at me as she set the table.I smiled at my new family.I walked up to Andres and gave him a hug before doing the same with Isabel and Selena.

Grabbing a pop-tart,I walked out of the kitchen and towards the door."Bye guys!"I shouted before walking out the door.

"Bye Juli!Have a good day at school!"I heard as I closed the door.Looking across the street,I noticed Madeline closing her door.I grinned and whistled sharply.I giggled when Madeline jumped and spun around.

Madeline quickly crossed the street with a smile on her face."Morning!Nice clothes by the way.Cupcake cult?"

"Admit it!You wanna be apart of the cupcake cult too."I smirked.Madeline laughed and nodded.

"So what do you think of my outfit?"Looking up and down,I nodded with a smile on my face.There was a lot of blue.Looks like someone likes blue!

I smirked."Like blue much?"

"Like being random much?"

"You know it!"We burst out laughing."Come on!I'll give you a ride."I tilted my head towards my car.

"THAT'S your car?!"Madeline practically yelled.I turned to look at my car,the turned back to Madeline's shocked look.I slowly nodded."Wow."

I smirked and opened the passenger door,holding it open for Madeline.She smirked before pulling her blue sunglasses over her eyes.

I walked to the other side of the car and got in,starting the engine of my car.
When we drove into the parking lot,I could feel everyone eyes on us.Or rather my car.I guess Madeline could sense uneasiness because she turned to look at me.

"It's fine Juli.Those people are just jealous they can't have this car."

"You're right,you're right.Just gotta find a parking space."After a few minutes of driving around I managed to find a parking space.Lucky for me,it was really close to the school.

"So where are those friends you wanted me to meet?"I asked turning to look at Madeline.Madeline turned in her seat,looking around to find them I suppose.

"Oh!"She exclaimed suddenly."They're right there!"I turned to look at the area she was pointing at.

There,sitting at a picnic table,was a group of three people.A snobby looking brunette,a short brown haired,and a beautiful blond.
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Polyvore rocks!And I so want that car!Anyway some comments would be nice you guys!