Status: In progress

Get Crunk



"I know where we're going." Tori grinned.

"I wanna pick where we go." Se7en objected.

"I don't really care what you want." Tori snorted. He frowned, crossing his arms stubbornly over his chest. And he looked adorable.

"Where do you wanna go?" I asked Tori.

"It's guys night at Matty's bar."

"It is?" I smirked. "I'm there."

"Guys night?" Mikl questioned.

"Gay guys." Me and Tori said together. A look of disgust spread across their faces.

"You two have fun." Phat J said.

"Don't go hooking up with any fags, alright, Bri?" Se7en smiled, melting my heart.

"Okay." I giggled foolishly. Tori smacked the back of my head. I glared. We fished our Queen B cards out of our pillowcases before heading for the door of the tour bus.

"Hey." A voice whined. I turned, lips pressing against mine immediately. My knees turned to jello and I'm pretty sure I would of hit the floor if he wasn't holding me so close. He pulled back slightly, mumbling; "These lips are mine. No fucking fagot is getting anywhere near you. I mean, you are a pretty good reason to go straight-"

"Is there a point to this?" I asked, monotone.

"Just use the mace if anybody gets too close."

"They're all gay, Sev." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Actually." Tori started. "There are some bi's here and there."

"Not helping." I glared. She shrugged, grinning.

"We going or not?" She asked. I shot Se7en a look.

"Fine." He sighed.

"Thank you, best friend." That statement broke my heart, but knowing I mainly belonged to him bandaged it back up. A little.

"You're welcome, best friend." My heart is going to be little pieces of glass by the time I'm 30. I swear.


"Sorry, ladies." The man infront of the door said, his voice an octave higher then a normal man's. "It's guys night." He winked. We flashed our cards. "Oh, queens, huh? You know Matty?"

"Yup. He's one our best friends."

"Oh, really? Could you tell him I said hi?"

"Sure." I smiled. "What's your name?" He blushed.

"Peter." I nodded.

"Okay, Peter. I'll tell him."

"Thanks, hon. That boy is gorgeous."

"He is." Tori nodded. He stepped aside, letting us in.

"Tori, Bri!" Matt rejoiced as we walked over to the bar. He pecked both our lips. Matty's completely gay - the peck is just something we did to say hi. "How you girls doin?"

"Same old, same old." I shrugged.

"Still messin' with Se7en?" He asked. I blushed.

"Uh, well..."

"I'll take that as a yes." He laughed, his blue eyes sparkling. Matty had bright blond hair. He was really attractive; he had his ears pierced and his favorite color was neon pink. We loved him.

"Peter said hi." I changed the subject. His face flushed.

"Matty's crushing." Tori smirked. "When did you meet him?"

"A few weeks ago." He mumbled, rinsing out a beer glass.

"Love at first sight?"

"No." He chuckled. "He was so drunk when we met. He almost raped me."

"Almost?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow. His eyes narrowed.

"Yes, almost."

"Dang. You know, he's pretty cute. I'm surprised you didn't let him."

"I am not that kinda boy, thank you very much." We laughed, clanking our now full glasses before taking long swigs.


"WHEEE!" I sang, spinning in a circle.

"You givin' me a headache!" Tori giggled.

"Shadduppp. Oh, shit. Where are we?" I looked around.

"The bussy bus is right THAR." She pointed behind me. I skipped in the direction. And tripped and busted my ass. Tori howled with laughter. I grabbed her ankle, tripping her. We crawled the rest of the way.

"Open uppp!" I yelled, banging on the bottom of the door. A light flicked on. It was Antz. "Hey sexy! How you doin?"

"You're drunk."

"Nooo." Tori shook her head.

"Yesss." He helped us stand. "Come on, let's get you something to eat. Sober you up."

"Being sober is boring!" I whined.

"Welcome back." A new voice said. "How'd I know they'd get drunk off their asses?"

"SE7EN!" I squealed, throwing my arms around him. "You sexy mother fucker. I want you. Now." He lifted me into his arms, me giggling loudly.

"I'll see you all tomorrow. Tootles." He threw me onto the couch, climbing onto of me. I laughed, pulling his lips to mine.

Friends with benefits.
That's what we are. Seriously.