Status: In progress

Get Crunk


Tori's POV

I was giggling as I wasstanding leaning against the wall, watching Mikl make some food.

"Just really how drunk are you two?" Phat J asked.

"Oh not BADDD! Only AFEWWWW drinks." I blurted obnoxiously before laughing. I soon heard some creepy ass noises from the bunks. "AH!" I squealed, rushing behind Phat J. "I hear dirty noises." I whispered in his ear.

"Hey, why don't you just stand here and calm down for a little bit." He said, bringing me in front of him and putting each hand on either side of my hips. He really is great at keeping me sane. Specially when I'm out of control.

"RAWR!" Someone screamed in my ear. I let out an ear piercing scream while connecting my fist to their face. Antz went dropping to the ground.

"ANTZ! I'm sorry!" I screamed, rushing by his side; trying to hold in my uncontrolable laughter.

"Shit woman." He said, holding his nose.

"Don't scare me! Specially when I'm drunk; hoe bag!" I said, "You all know that!"

"Dinners ready." Mikl announce, setting the plate on the table for me.

"Mikl my love; thank you for this amazing meal!" I gushed, hugging him, giving him a small kiss on the cheek. I took my seat and started eating whatever this concoction was. I glanced up from my plate, the 3 were looking at me. "What? Do i got somefin on my face?" I asked with my mouth full.

"Nothing; just admiring you." Phat J winked, sitting next to me. I smiled, hugging him before going back to eating.


Sitting here, semi-drunk, with Antz, Mikl and Phat J; watching a movie is very boring. This movie is the most boring shit I've seen. It was supposed to be scary.

"Mikl." I whined, he looked to me. I fell in his lap on purpous; for 2 reasons. 1 I wanted another movie, 2 I wanted to get Phat J jealous. Cause I'm THAT much of a bitch.

"Hm?" Mikl asked.

"Lets watch a better movie." I said.

He raised his eyebrow, "Like what?"

"Liiiikeeee.... House On Haunted Hill!" I smiled goofily, jumping up.

There were groans.

"Tori, that'll be like the 50th time we've watched it." Antz was just being mean because I punched him.

"So?" I asked; cue disturbing noises. "Would you rather listen to that or watch the movie?" They all looked at each other.

"That." They all said in unison. I frowned.

"Fine. Goodnight." I huffed, starting to walk.

"WE'RE just kidding." Phat J took a hold of my waist, pulling me on his lap.

"Hmph." I closed my eyes, crossing my arms like a 4 year old. I felt lips on my neck, I shivered; bringing my shoulders up like I would if I was being tickled. I still kept my ground though.

"If you don't stop I'm going to show you a naked picture of the boys." And J calls that a threat?

"That's a threat?"

"Oh, burn." Mikl chimed in. I laughed. I tried getting up, only to be pulled right back down.

"J." I whined bouncing up and down. "Wait! Not a good idea." I noted while laughing.

"You can keep it up if you want baby." Oh the burning of my cheeks. I slightly looked to Phat J, lips pursed. The smell of his cologne and his weed mixture scent entering my nose. I looked into his eyes, wanting to kiss him. I couldn't though; I was too scared this time. I looked to his lips, then back to his eyes. We both ended up leaning in and our lips connected in the middle. His tongue slid gently across my bottom lip. I slightly parted my lips, allowing him to enter. We were battling for dominace. I turned more so that I was able to kiss him more. I was totally out of what else was happening in the world and was just centered on Phat J.