Status: In progress

Get Crunk


I blinked at Bri. She was out.

"Uhh..." Antz said.

"Good job Mikl! You killed her!" I said.


"Yes. You."


"She threw the phone at you." I walked over to her, sitting on her stomach. "She's still breathing."

"Barely! Get off her, yo." Se7en pushed me off her. I glared at him.

"You obviously don't know how to take care of people." I huffed.

"'Scuse me?" He asked.

"Mr. I got a black eye from my friend who's a girl." I mocked standing up. This is usual for us to fight.

"Shut up, kid."

"Ohh, throwing the kid card? I'm so scared." I rolled my eyes. Mikl was talking on the phone, meaning he's ordering pizza. "Bri." I said, poking her. No answer. "BRI!" I shouted. No answer. "Hey fag. Scream." I said to Se7en.

"Why should I?" He asked, I walked to him, trying my hardest to jump onto his back and take him to the ground.

"Damn tall people." I grumbled, finally getting my arms around his neck. Bad idea, we both fell to the ground. "Ow. Fuck." I grumbled from under him.

"Ha, stupid shit."

"Shut the fuck up."

"You shut the fuck up!"

"Get the fuck off me!"

"I will once you let go of me!" Oh yeah, my arms still around his neck. I unhooked my arms and he stood up. I just sat there. Once it was time to get the pizza Antz, Mikl and Se7en left; just me, Phat J, Bri and the body guard were left. I was still laying on the floor. Phat J came over.

"Hey you." He smiled.

"Hey." I smiled back, he got down, getting on me. "Don't think so tiger." I winked at him.

"Why not?"

"Because." I laughed.

"Playin hard to get."

"Yep." I stuck my tongue out. He leaned down kissing me, I kissed back.


"Ok you two!" Antz made it sound like he was disgusted. J and I looked up, we didn't even hear them come in. Hell, we didn't even hear Bri get up! Phat J got up, helping me up and we got pizza. Oh pizza; how I love you so! The taste of your cheese and tomatoe combined with blue cheese and chicken wing sauce! The whole while we were eating Bri kept swaying.

"Bri, you ok?" I asked.

"Hm? Oh, I'm fine." She said.

"You sure, you're kinda outta it?"

"You were kinda outta it a while ago..." Se7en snorted.

"Shut up. I'm talking to Bri." I barked, looking to my friend.

"I think I'm just gonna go lay down."

"You can use my bunk." I told her, she nodded.

"Who's bunk you gonna use then?" Mikl asked.

"Either yours or Phat J's."

"Mine?!" Mikl said.

"You asked." I shrugged.

"But I didn't offer."

"Would you?"

"Would you?" He asked, I was confusing him.

"I would love to Mikl! Thank you!"

"Wait, what?!" The guys started laughing. "Fuck."

I winked at him; getting up and putting my plate in the sink.

"It's 4/20 somewhere in the world, I need somethin' fun to doo!" I sang.

"I take it you wanna smoke somethin?" Se7en said.

"You take right." I nodded. "Got any?"

"I'm all out." He shrugged.

"Why do I always have to go to J for everything!?" I said. "The poor guy's gonna get sick of me!" I frowned.

"I could never get sick of you." He answered.

"D'awww" I smiled. "C'mon!" I cheered, taking his hands; to his bunk we go. As we both got comfy in his little bunk, which barely fits him let alone both of us, and he took his bowl out.


We stopped smoking when he had just enough till he gets the chance to get some more. I was giggling at the stupidist shit, but I was trying to be quiet enough to where I wouldn't wake Bri up. She was never really the one for hangovers. The curtain pulled back and we both looked to our right, looking at Mikl. He coughed as the smoke started going out of the bunk.

"Close the damn curtain, man." J coughed.

"Wow." Mikl said.

"I told you I wanted to smoke. Now close the curtain." I said, closing it in his face. I got comfy on J before I ended up passing out. Man was I tired.