Status: In progress

Get Crunk

Se7en. (HAHAHAH couldn't resist ;D)

We were just sitting there. I felt really bad. I was just poking the random dents in the table. I guess you could say I was trying not to cry. You may ask why I'm trying to stop crying; well I didn't even say sorry to Mikl. He's like my big brother and I didn't do anything. I just acted like an immature little bitch. I kept furrowing my brows. Feeling arms come around me made me jump and snap out of my trance. I looked to the one beside me.

"Hey." I said to Phat J, laying my head on his shoulder.

"Hey." He purred. "Something wrong?"

I just shrugged. Glancing up to Se7en and Bri. Bri was mad at herself, but not as bad as I was at myself. A faint sound of the sliding door caught my attention, I glanced to the sound, Mikl was walking on the bus, I bit my lip. It's now or never, Tori.

"Mikl wait." I said, getting up, chasing after him. He quickly turned on his heel running off the bus. "MIKL! STOP I JUST WANT TO TALK TO YOU GOD FUCKING DAMMIT! STOP RUNNING!" The others were already off the bus as I was gaining on him. I finally tackled him to the ground. Football did come in handy I guess. "Just talk to me, dude." I said, getting both of us up. "Look, I'm sorry for back there with all my immaturity. Bri's sorry too; but Mikl, we didn't know."

"Still, you two don't have to gang up on me everytime I have fucking attitude!" He shouted. I flinched back.

"I know! I'm sorry!" I said again. "Mikl, c'mon. You're like my brother; how am I supposed to help you if I don't know what's wrong? Just please, you need to tell me things." He stayed quiet. "Fine. If you don't want help good luck with that slut you brought home." I growled, turning and starting to walk. He grabbed ahold of my wrist. "If you don't let go of me I will have J beat the fuck out of you."

"You know, you try and help everyone, always thinking of them. Never yourself. YOU need to put YOURSELF first." He was getting mad at ME for caring.

"I don't put myself first because I got nothing to worry about. And I CARE for ALL of YOU
because I WANT to, Mikl." I turned, then grabbed his hand, breaking his grip from my wrist. "I'll see you on the bus." I mumbled, rubbing my sore body part. I walked to the others.

"What happened? We only heard a little bit." Bri said. I shook my head.

"He doesn't want help..." I frowned.

"D'awww." Se7en frowned at me.

"Tori." Bri whined. "You just keep putting us first. Do what you want. Not what some retard tells you." She said, I just walked on the bus. He just pissed me off. Great, ruin what was supposed to be the best day of my life...


As I was sitting in the front of the bus with Rick, the bus driver as we were on the road; I was looking out the windows at the rainy sceneary around. It made me content somehow.

"So, Rick." I sighed, looking to him.

"Tori." He copied my motion before looking back at the road.

"Sup?" I sighed.

"Watchin' the road."

"I see." I nodded, he did too.

"Sup with you?"

"Depressed." I frowned, crossing my arms and laying them and my head on the big dash board.


"Becuase; Mikl and I got into a fight.."

"Don't get down because you fought. You have...?"

"J?" I answered for him, he nodded.

"Yes! Just don't let Mikl get in your way. You're a wonderful girl; don't let anyone tell you different." I smiled at this.

"Thanks, Rick." I said.

"No problem."

"You know, you should be like... Dr. Rick!" I laughed, he chuckled.

"Nahh, I'm just a bus driver."

"But a fun bus driver." I added, he chuckled. I smiled, looking back out the window. After a little while there were hands on my waist as they lifted me up then set me down. I was in the lap of my lover, as I liked calling it. You know, after J and I had sex; we've been almost inseperable. Every few minutes he'd come check up on me and everything, it made me kind of happy.

"Hey." Phat J let his head sit on my shoulder.

"Hey." I said, looking at him.

"You ok?" He asked, I nodded. "You sure?"

"Yeah." I reassured him.

"Ok." He said. He sat back up, placing his hands on my shoulders, rubbing them. I moaned as I basically melted. This man knows how to massage. "Wanna go have a smoke?" He asked. This was very tempting; he didn't have much left.

"You don't have that much left."

"I'll get some, don't worry." He said. Ok. Extreamly tempting. "Want to?" I sat there for a minute before nodding. I got up, followed by him; we walked in sync back to the bunks, passing the rest of the guys and Bri. We both got comfy in our spots and he lit his bowl up.


I was deffinatly not tense/depressed anymore. I was so high. Was that a good idea? I heard talking outside of the bunks and I started giggling hysterically, triggering J to start laughing. The only thing I like about being stoned off my ass is everything is funny as hell! And you cant really feel pain. We were currently watching What I Like About You, it was my choice. Amanda Bynes was using air quotes but she says it's what she wants to do to someone's eyes.

"Rawwrrr." I growled childishly, using 'air quotes.' We both started laughing. He then shut the screen "D'awww!" I giggled. Someone then knocked on the side of the bunk.

"Yo?" Phat J asked, the curtain pulled back. Se7en and Bri stood as the smoke poured out like fog on a lake.

"Well, we were gonna ask you to go drinking, but you guys are already having fun." Se7en said.

"Shit no we aint." I giggled.

"Yeah kid, get some 40 oz. They'll make this a real party." J said.

"Well get out and we can party in the back room." Bri said.

"I cant walk." I giggled.

"I cant either." J laughed.

"Crawl!" Both them were getting irritated at us. I just laughed at our attempt of getting out of the bunks.