To Her; With Love


“Need some help there?” A mysterious voice asked from behind me. I nearly dropped the Leaning Tower of Books that I was carrying down the hallway to my locker. Relief fell over me as I turned around to see a boy that was a year or so older than I was with short and curly brown hair, who also towered my 5’3 frame by a few inches; a soft smile on his face.

“Oh,” was all I could say at the moment with my class schedule clenched between my lips. I carefully lifted my right hand from beneath the books and grabbed the paper from my mouth. “Uh, yeah. That would be awesome.”

He grabbed the first couple of books from the top of the pile, which also happened to be heaviest. A weight lifted off my arms and I sighed.

“I think you just saved me from a lifetime of Scoliosis,” I joked. His laugh made me smile and I laughed a little with him.

“Well,” he nodded his head. “Glad to know I changed someone’s life for the better.” I smiled back at him and we continued walking down the hall towards my locker.

We reached my locker and I began to turn the lock to the different numbers. No luck.

“Damn it,” I mumbled and banged the locker. I then saw his fist bang twice in the middle of the locker and watched in amazement as it swung open slowly. “Wow, thanks.”

“No problem,” he replied. “By the way, I’m Nick.”

“Erica,” I said back and shoved the massive text books in the locker.

“So, not to call you out or anything, but you’re new here aren’t you?” He asked as he leaned against the long row of lockers. I chuckled nervously. To be honest, I hated being called out on stuff like that. I knew I was new here; I didn’t feel it was anyone else’s business, but I suppose it was obvious.

“Uh, yeah. I’m more of a central Jersey girl,” I said. “Didn’t realize it would be so hard to fit into a place located in a state I’ve lived all my life.”

“You’ll get used to it. I’ve been pretty much everywhere and it all seems the same,” he handed me the rest of my books and I shoved them in the locker before closing it.

“You’re not from around here either?” I asked as we began walking down the hallway to leave the building.

“I’m from here, but I was born in Dallas. The rest of my family and I go to a lot of places. We decided to take the school year off so I could actually get the ‘high school’ experience, as I mom likes to put it.”

“You travel a lot?” I was really curious now. “Where to?”

“The world; pretty much everywhere. It’s pretty awesome,” he answered.

My eyes went wide for a second. The world? All I could really think was that it was pretty expensive to just travel from here to California. It must’ve been outrageous to go around the world.

“The whole world?” I looked stunned. “You must be rich or something. What’re you doing living in Jersey? You could be living in Hollywood or something.”

“Wait,” he stopped as we reached the parking lot and sat on a bench. “You’re pretty oblivious to who I am, aren’t you?”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ve never heard of the band I’m in with my brothers?” He looked at me oddly.

“Sorry. If I can be honest, I had an accident while practicing some cheers with my cousins and got hit right between the eyes. Hence, the black eyes. Can’t see too well at the moment,” I pointed to my face.

“So I’ve noticed. I didn’t want to point it out though. Thought that might be kind of rude or something.”

“But, anyway, who are you then? I’m curious.”

“I’ll give you some hints. First, we’re a boy band. Second, the majority of our fans are mostly teenage girls.”

I leaned on my knees and held my head up with my hands.

“Okay, I’ve gotta be honest again. There are a few options here. I’m gonna say either 98°, Jonas Brothers, or Backstreet Boys.”

“Wow, where’d you get those bands from?” He asked.

“Not obvious?” I looked at him, still only seeing his smile and curly brown hair. His face still wasn’t completely clear. Why would my mom make me go to school like this? “They all have members with the name Nick. And, now that I think of it, I can rule out Nick Carter. His hair is blonde.” I heard my phone go off before Nick could tell me which Nick he actually was. “Hello? Okay mom, I’m right outside. See you see you soon.”

I looked back up to Nick, who seemed to be looking up at the sky; although, I couldn’t really tell.

“You know what? I can just sing you something,” he offered. “You can probably guess who I am that way.”

“Sounds good. Go for it.”

He hesitated for a moment, thinking of a song to start singing when I heard the words of one of my favorite songs; Fly With Me by the Jonas Brothers. He stopped after the first verse and waited for me to say something.

“Whoa, pinch me if I’m dreaming, but that’s a Jonas Brothers song. You’re kidding me, right?” I asked, not believing what I had just heard.

“Not kidding,” he replied with confidence. “Nick J at your service.”

I suddenly heard a horn beep, knowing immediately it was my mom. My eyes were still wide and staring at him, even though I couldn’t see him. I’m sitting next to Nick Jonas.

“Oh my gosh, um. Wow. I hate to say it, but I’ve gotta go. That’s my mom beeping like a maniac over there,” I pointed to a silver Ford Focus. “I’ll definitely see you tomorrow, right?”

“Yeah, see you then,” he patted my shoulder, which seemed like an awkward good bye.

I walked to the car and hopped in the front seat. My mom was waiting for me with a pack of ice to put over my eyes. She’s always so prepared. I placed it against my eyes carefully and leaned back in the seat.

“So,” my mom began as she made her way out of the parking lot. “How was your first day?”

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so, this is a new story and it's supposed to be a one shot for a friend, but i'm getting a bit carried away. so it'll be a short story. comments??? tell me what you're thinking!! enjoy =]