Sequel: A Healing Touch

It Rains When I Cry

Chapter Four

They all looked at Matt like he was insane for a moment and Ana crossed her arms over her chest waiting for an explanation because something had obviously happened at the house. At her house.

“So your electricity is back on but I seriously think you should stay here tonight.” Matt said.


“Uhm…there’s something over there that just isn’t right.”

“What?” Ana asked looking at Matt curiously.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Matt said as he wrapped Val in his arms. Everyone raised their eyebrows at him.

“What about you?” Johnny asked turning to Brian.

“He went upstairs without me to check out the rest of the house while I looked around the downstairs. I don’t know what happened.” Brian said. Just then they all turned to Val when they heard her speak.

“Matt your bleeding.” Ana was at his side in a heartbeat. “Baby take your shirt off, so we can see the cut better.” Val finished as Ana joined her. Once he pulled his shirt off Val made him lift his arm, even though he protested and without being asked Gena walked out and came back a moment later with a first aid kit. Ana took it and between her and Val got the gash on Matt’s side cleaned and gauzed up.

“Val it’s fine, I can’t even feel anything.”

“You didn’t see that gash, how could you not feel it, it was three inches long down your side?” Ana exclaimed. She hated violent spirits.

“Seriously, because I didn’t feel anything.” Matt said as he tilted his head down to look at the gauze that was on his side. Val looked at him and wondered briefly if he was telling the truth. But then again the way he had burst back through the door he probably hadn’t noticed the gash at all. Ana looked around the room and shook her head. She had to know what the hell was going on over there. She looked outside and noticed that the rain had stopped completely and shook her head. She grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her shoulders. Johnny watched her walk onto the porch and followed her.

“Everything okay?”

“No, I need to go back over there.”

“I’ll go with you.”

“You sure?” She asked turning to him. He nodded and she gave him a weak smile. Gena opened the door in time to see them head back to her house and she shook her head and called out telling them to be careful. They both shouted that they would and when they got to the front door he took her hand and they walked in together. Ana looked around at the entry way and then walked to the wall and flipped the switch and the lights came on. She shook her head and they went into the living room and flipped the lights on in there. Ana picked the blankets up off the floor and tossed them onto the couch. They headed for the dining room and Johnny was shocked to see that the table was broken.

“What the hell?” he said before he realized it.

“That was my reaction too.”

“That’s just weird, oh careful you missed some glass.” he said before she stepped on it. She looked down and bent down to pick the glass up. It wasn’t from anything that had been in the room.

“I don’t own anything that is this color glass.” Ana said as she inspected it a little closer. Johnny took it from her and shrugged his shoulders.

“Where could it have come from?”

“No clue…did you hear that?”

“Hear what…” he stopped because he heard it that time.


They looked at one another and both turned in time to see the woman that they had seen earlier that night in the nursery. She disappeared and then reappeared on the other side of the room and then looked toward the front door.

“What do you want?” Ana asked. The woman pointed to the door.

…not safe here at night…

And with that sentence she disappeared and they heard another crash from upstairs. Like the ones that they had heard earlier. Then they heard someone on the steps. They looked at one another and took off at a dead run for the door. They were on the porch before the door slammed shut and they saw a figure move across the window in the living room. And then they heard her voice again.

…help me…

The two of them standing there stared at the house. The sky was becoming cloudy again as if it were about to rain, but Ana new that she had to bottle up the anger inside and not let the tears fall. She wiped them away. The two of them stood there for a moment and then they looked at one another before they glanced at the house.

“Did that just happen?” Johnny asked.


“This is weird.”

“We need to find out more of what happened here.”


“We start with people that were around when it happened.”


“I already talked to her, but if she could get me the names of the people that bought the house before me and then let it stand empty for so long then I may be able to figure out what the hell is going on in that house. But first I need a little guidance. I need to call my nana. He nodded and walked back next door. Johnny went in and got Zack’s phone and told him that he’d make sure the long distant call got paid for. Zack said not to worry about it. Once the phone was in her hands she dialed her nana’s number. She waited for the phone to be answered. When it was it was her aunt Patricia.

“Aunt Pat, I need to talk to Nana.”

“Do you realize what time it is Ana?”

“It’s important.”


“Because it rains when I cry, that’s why.”

“Hang on I’ll wake her up.” Ana glanced at Johnny who was sitting on the railing beside her. He said nothing as she talked. He did however raise an eyebrow at her. She mouthed that she’d explain when she got off the phone.

“My Ana?”

“Nana, I need help.”

“So I have been told. What happened?”

“You remember when mamma died?”


“I’m sorry that was the last time I talked to you.”

“Are you in trouble my Ana?”

“I don’t know. Did papa tell you I moved?”


“Well the house that I moved to, has a few problems.”

“Call a repair man, not an old woman.”

“Nana, it’s something only you can help me with.”

“A spirit?”

“Or two”