Status: Haitus

A Love that Lasts Forever


It was silent, in the broad room. Not a single sound could be heard; only the fast paced breathing of a young girl. She was scared, her wit gone. She tried hard to not make a sound, but it wasn’t working very well. The more she thought of being calm, the more her body reacted to panic. Slowly and reluctantly she took deep breaths and stood up from her seat.

As quietly as she could, she walked towards the grand door. Her hand on the doorknob, she turned it slowly, trying not to make a noise. Pushing the door it creaked a loud moan, a moan that she knew the one who held her captive would hear. Then she realized it was her imagination, the door didn’t open. It was locked. Her shoulders slumped and her breath quickened yet again. She tried the other door, closing her eyes, she kept wishing please let this door be open. She put pressure on the door and it moved. Yes! She thought. Relived, she pushed it open further.

She took one step outside the room, then another. She was out! And she was free! She took quick paces through the hall, she could her the light thumps. She got through the hallway and then she tiptoed down the stairs. She could hear the piano softly being played, it sounded gentle and peaceful. The Cello and violin made it sound like a tune she should sing along to. She shook her head and started to walk soundlessly towards the bottom of the staircase. As soon as her foot hit the Persian rug, the music had stopped abruptly. Her spine stiffened, she couldn’t move. She knew something was wrong. She put another foot onto the Persian rug, there was a loud thud on the piano. The slamming on the piano keys. Something was wrong.

She took another step and then she heard shouting. The person playing the piano had started to yell at the strings. The girl exhaled, it wasn’t about her. She started to tiptoe towards the entryway. The big double door, almost like the double doors in the broad bed room she was in. These doors were much taller and wider. She got to the door and she opened it quietly. Then she ran. She could hear her heart pounding hard in her chest. She was scared, she didn’t want to be caught running away. She didn’t want to be with him. She didn’t turn around, but she slowly stopped in the forest. Her feet were bleeding, and her dress had turned into a mess. Looking behind her she saw the mansion and she was glad she left. As her head turned there was a roar. Before she blacked out she heard him speak softly into her ear.

"You are mine."