Status: In Progress

Dream Come True

Chapter 5

I sighed happily as I walked into the cafeteria.I can't believe I spent all of Study Hall with Damian.And he didn't act cold towards me at all.Maybe I do have a chance.

"Hurry up,ButterFly!"I looked up at the mention of my nickname, grinning when I saw Jenny waving me over.I strode towards the lunch table before sitting down.

"Hey Skittlez."I greeted Jenny.I suppose an introduction should be made,explaining why I called Jenny,Skittlez. Eight people sit at our lunch table.We are a close knitted group of friends. Jenny is the youngest at 16. She has black hair that sometimes falls in front of her right eye. Some of her black hair is streaked with a honey color the same shade as her eyes. We call her Skittlez because it's hard to find her without Skittles in her mouth.

To my left sits Kelly a.k.a Aqua,who is the same age as Skittlez. I'm not really sure if we call her that because she's a swimmer or because of her hair. She has light blonde hair that ends at her shoulders and covers her right hazel eye. The hair covering her eye is a mixture of metallic green,aqua, and pinkish-purple streaks. A few of those streaks are on the left side of her hair too. Right underneath her left eye,on her cheekbone, she has a tattoo of three small stars.

Which brings me to Star a.k.a. Diana. Her bright red hair layered with white on top covers her left eye. Both of her eyes are a sparkling green. Her name is Star because of her passion for astronomy. At 18 years old, she is the eldest, second only to BubbleGum.

Who happens to be sitting right across from me sucking face with his boyfriend whose straddling his hips. I wrinkled my nose."Gross!Can't you guys go a day without making out during lunch?" BubbleGum pulled away from Rainbow before smirking at me. "No." He and Rainbow simultaneously answered before continuing their previous "activity".

BubbleGum a.k.a Jesse is the eldest at 18. He is also Skittlez elder brother, sharing the same honey eyes and black hair. His black hair frames his face. Pieces of his hair fall in front of his eyes. The right side of his hair is dyed with a bright pink that matched the bubble gum he is usually found chewing. Hence the name BubbleGum.

I looked up from my meal in time to see Rainbow climb off of his boyfriend's lap and into his own seat. BubbleGum had a confused look on his face as he spoke. "Where's my gum?" Rainbow smirked before blowing a pink bubble. The rest of us burst out laughing as BubbleGum's jaw dropped. Rainbow raised his eyebrow, daring BubbleGum to take the gum away.

Rainbow's real name is Samie. He's 17 just like me and he's obviously gay. Rainbow actually got his name because of his hair. The base of his hair is a white that poofs up at the back. His bangs are streaked with all the colors of the rainbow. A yellow,red, and orange streak is on the back of his hair. His ice blue eyes are exactly like his twin brother's eyes.

Ici a.k.a Sidney is Rainbow's twin brother, eldest by 5 minutes. Ici gets his name because of his ice blue eyes and hair. He and Rainbow share the same hair style. But instead of different colors, all the streaks are the same blue of their eyes. Ici is currently sitting between the legs of his boyfriend, leaning back to rest on Candi's chest.

Candi is the final member of our group of friends. His real name is Jamie and he is a middle kid at 17. He shares the same honey eyes and black hair as his siblings Skittlez and BubbleGum. Candi had the same idea that Skittlez had of dying some of his layered hair to match his eyes. The top layer is the same honey color that Skittlez had chosen. The bottom layer being the same pink that BubbleGum has. The middle layer stayed the natural black it is. Like his siblings he is obsessed with sugar. But instead of picking a favorite, he instead is seen eating any kind of candy known to man.

Candi nuzzled Ici affectionately. He turned around slightly to pull gently on Candi's lip ring. I melted, smiling gently as I witnessed this sweet scene. Kelly smiled sweetly before resting her head on my left shoulder.

"You really love him don't you?" Kelly whispered quietly so as to not draw attention to ourselves. I sighed as I realized who she was referring to. Damian.

Everyone in our circle of friends know of my feelings for Damian. They constantly tease me about him, even in public. But they do sympathize. We only refer to him as "D" in public. Lately people in our school have been trying to figure out who this "D" is. Right now people have their money on Star whose name starts with a D and a girl named Delilah. Delilah is a friend that BubbleGum and I hang out with during Photography. Delilah is a sweet, little red head with emerald eyes. Ironically, her last name is Sweet. She's 2 years younger than me and a sophomore. She's the only one outside of our group of friends that knows who I have a crush on. It actually happened by accident though.

"Hey,ButterFly! Look at this!"I turned around and walked over to where BubbleGum was standing,my camera hanging limp around my neck. BubbleGum was crouching over something on the grass.

"What is it BubbleGum?"He put his finger on his lips,silently shushing me. Bending over, I looked over BubbleGum's shoulder to see a beautiful butterfly."Cliche much?"

BubbleGum snickered quietly."Who knows? Maybe you'll get extra credit for taking a picture of your nickname."I smiled slightly,raising my camera and zooming, waiting until the light hit the butterfly just right. I snapped the picture and stood up straight, BubbleGum rising beside me as well."Mind if I see?"

I smiled,turning the camera so he could see the snapshot of the green and orange butterfly.I analyzed the picture,coming to realize that the green of the butterfly was the same color as the forest green ring in Damian's eyes.I sighed deep in thought.A chuckle to my right brought me out of my thoughts.

BubbleGum raised his eyebrow before saying,"Damian?"I looked around to see most of the class outside of hearing range before turning back and slightly nodding."ButterFly,you are falling for him.Hard."I felt my face heat up slightly and then turn a bright red when I heard a gasp behind us.

BubbleGum and I whipped around to see Delilah Sweet. She was kneeling on the ground, one of knees resting on the grass next to a bunch of wildflowers. Her hands were bent as if she was holding her camera which was now hanging on the lanyard,resting on her leg. Her head was turned in our direction very slightly and she was looking at us from the corner of her wide eyes. She scurried to stand up.

"What are you doing here?"BubbleGum snapped harshly.Delilah blushed deeply at BubbleGum's protective nature.

"I-I'm so sorry!I d-didn't mean to.I j-just wanted to take a p-picture of t-the wildflowers.I-I didn't mean to hear your c-conversation.P-please forgive me!"I sighed as I heard Delilah stutter.I wasn't surprised though.I would be scared to if I was a freshman with a big,scary junior glaring at me the whole time.

"Stop glaring at her BubbleGum."I turned back to the stuttering red head once BubbleGum calmed down."Delilah,right?Mind telling me just how much you heard."

Delilah blushed again.She bowed her head,her tanned fingers playing with her camera strap."I-I came here j-just before J-Jesse mentioned D-Damian."I nodded my head, frowning slightly as I slowly walked up to Delilah.

"I think I should explain."I glanced at Delilah's shocked emerald eyes before turning my gaze to the wildflowers at our feet.

~End Flashback~
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Word count:1,320
I feel like I've accomplished something.I am so sorry guys!From now on I am going to update at least once a week.I finally sat myself down and organized everything so I could update quicker.