Status: This story won't be updated for a while. I'm still trying to figure it out.


Jonathan Toews

Jonathan Toews turned on his side once again for just about the millionth time this night.

This was pointless.

He sat up, the white sheets falling around his waist to reveal his bare torso. Running his hands through his short brown hair, he stood up and started to pace around the room, his boxers draping dangerously low from his hips.

After minutes of restless pacing and his mind working at one hundred miles an hour, too many tings to comprehend, Jonathan’s frustration grew.

People always say hockey players have anger and frustration issues, and in this case, it was true. He knew that the slightest thought, the smallest issue would make him along with all the bottled feelings inside explode.

Frustrated even further, he ran a hand over his face and into his hair again, tousling the already messy bed head as he made his way to the kitchen that he and his room-mate, Patrick Kane, shared.

His eyes flickered to the closed door down the hall at the thought of his room-mate, and a wave of stress and jealousy hit him like a thousand pound train once again, as if it weren’t bad enough already.

How had his team-mate and room-mate, Patrick Kane, the irresponsible, immature, womanizer be able to steal so many spotlights already when the season hadn’t even began officially?

Looking away from the door, his eyes trailed to the window in the living room which gave a wide over-view of the Chicago night. Bright lights flashed from the Sears and Hancock, both in his view.

Maybe this was the last time he’d see this place, live in this place. Maybe this was the last season he’d play for Chicago, last season as captain.

The thoughts sparked up the same roaring frustration inside him and he bit back a growl, forming his hands into fists and pressing his forehead on the body-length cool glass, he supported his body with his fists.

Picking up his left hand, he ran it through his hair for just about the millionth time that night and his eyes opened, looking out into the bright Chicago lights. Maybe this was the end.

And so another restless night was in play for Jonathan Toews.
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Just kind of a small intro before the story. I don't know what to think of it yet. I might continue and might not, this story is just something I kind of thought of and decided to see how it would work out.