Status: Completed.


Part 1

I hate that dog. Goddammit, why does she even sleep in the bed? She’s a husky for Christ’s sake! A puppy, but she’s gonna get bigger. And she’s so annoying at… what time is it.? 4:13 in the morning. God. Why am I awake? Better yet, why is the stupid dog awake? She’s so damn lucky I love her.
“Sleep Sadie.”
Okay… commands don’t apply before sunrise I guess. Maybe she has to go outside and do her business. But it’s cold out… and the bed is big and warm… maybe I’ll just let her piss on the carpet again.
“Frank, can you please take your dog out?”
My dog? MY DOG?! It’s his dog! He’s the one who bought it… for me… for my birthday…
“Just ignore her, she’ll shut up.”
“If she shits on the rug you’re cleaning it up.”
Fair enough, but that still doesn’t mean I’m gonna get up and do anything. Sadie yips softly, looking at me with glassy blue eyes. She pads over to me, nudging my bare shoulder with her cold nose. I sigh and rub my hand over her soft back. I always forget how soft and warm puppies are. Like… hyper cashmere sweaters that knock over all the garbage cans when you aren’t home.
“Do you need to go outside, Sadie?”
I drop my voice down to a whisper, so my darling fiancé can sleep. Note the sarcasm. The dog whimpers and jumps down off the bed, running over to our door and pushing it open with her forepaws. I slip out of the bed, tugging on a pair of jeans and walking out into the living room, where she is sitting patiently at the door, her tail thumping against the floor with excitement.
“Hurry up and piss.”
I open the front door, and watch the dog take off into the darkness. I rub my hands over my arms, hugging my naked chest to keep warm. It’s not long before she’s back inside, shaking off the layer of dew from her coat. She stays close to my heels as I walk back into the bedroom, bounding up onto the mattress before I even close the door. Gerard’s already got his hands all over her, petting her white underbelly and cooing as she licks his face in admiration.
“Did Sadie go outside like a good little girl?”
“Can you get any gayer?”
He smiles weakly through the darkness, but his face is broken up by a wicked cough. I crawl back under the covers, pulling him into me.
“You feel okay?”
He nods and tries to cover up another coughing fit, but he just sputters and clasps his hands awkwardly over his face.
“Just a little cold, I’ll be fine.”
Fine, my ass. Last time he said he felt fine he was walking on a nearly broken ankle for 5 hours before telling anyone about it. I push some of the hair from his eyes, staring into his foggy irises. He blinks tiredly, and even in the dim lighting of our bedroom, I can tell he’s getting sick.
“You’re lying.”
He doesn’t really answer me, he just whimpers and buries his head into my neck. His skin feels hot against mine, and I just sigh and hold him close to me, pressing my lips to the top of his ear.
“Go to sleep, Gee. It’s not even 5 yet.”
He nods and lays down, nuzzling his pillow and looking up at me with wide eyes.
“Cuddle with meeeee.”
The first thing I learned about him when I met the guy was he was a sucker for attention. If he could find a way to be doted upon he would take full advantage of the situation. He was even worse when he was sick or
hurt, because then he was just a big baby and would cry and carry on until he got exactly what he wanted.
And I’m not one to reject a perfectly good opportunity to spoon the man I loved.
I fall down beside him, wrapping my arms around his waist, listening to him take in slow, congested breaths, before we’re both fast asleep.


What? What time izzit? Fuckit’sbrightinhere. I sit up in bed, only to find it’s empty and not even Sadie is curled up in the mound of black and purple sheets. I lean forward, trying to listen for any signs of life. Fuck… what if Gerard passed out in the shower, or slipped in the kitchen. I bolt out of bed, racing out into the living room. Oh, he’s on the couch… but he doesn’t look good.
He looks up, smiling tiredly at me.
“Hi, Frankie.”
There’s a soft bark, and I see Sadie’s head pop out from beneath the quilt Gerard’s thrown over himself. I smile and go over to them, noticing that he’s out here under all our blankets and the TV isn’t even turned on. That’s weird, he’s one of biggest TV junkies I know.
“I’m worried about you. Why are you out here and not in bed with me?”
He looks down, his flushed cheeks going pale for a moment, before he coughs heavily and runs a hand over Sadie’s head.
“Couldn’t sleep, so I tried to watch some TV. But it gave me a headache. So… here I am.”
I brush my hand against his cheek, he’s still burning up. Damn. It’s our first break from touring in 2 years, and he comes down with Hyper-Flu or something. Guess I should call Brian and cancel that label meeting this afternoon. He’s in no state to go, and no way in hell am I leaving him home alone for 5 hours.
“Are you hungry? Or want something to drink?”
He shakes his head and points to a half empty water bottle perched on the coffee table. I sit down next to him, lifting up his feet and placing them in my lap. I rub along his calf, playing with the frayed ends of the blanket.
“Did you call Brian yet? About the meeting?”
You do it.
“Can I have my phone?”
Sweet. Frank 1-Gerard 0
He gives me a pitiful look as I hand over the hunk of plastic, but doesn’t really say anything about it. 5 minutes and a coughing fit later, he drops the cell from his hands and curls back up. I go back to rubbing his legs, smirking as my hand dip down beneath his cocoon of quilts and start fondling his inner thighs. But he doesn’t react, he just kinda gives me a weary look and pulls his legs into his chest.
“I’m not in the mood, Frank. Maybe later.”
I feel my chest twinge and I sigh in defeat. I dunno how to take care of a sick person. I don’t even know if we own a thermometer, and I know for a fact he won’t take any medicine. Maybe I could sneak some Tylenol in a bowl of soup…
“Do you know if we have a thermometer?”
He gives me an incredulous look, cocking up one eyebrow and pointing towards our bathroom. I smile and squeeze his left big toe, before standing up and trekking over to our nasty needs-to-be-cleaned green en suite. Whoever built this apartment was on crack because there’s 2 rooms, but only one bathroom. And it has two doors, one into our bedroom and one that opens out into our pathetic excuse of a kitchen. I rummage around the drawers, finally fishing out the tiny thing under a hairbrush and an old shaving razor. Maybe I should clean while he’s bedridden. Nah, fuck that, it involves energy. And I’m on vacation right now.
Now how do you turn this damn thing on… ? Oh, here we go… hope this works
“Open your mouth”
He groans and buries his face into his arm.
“I’m fine, jus’ lemme sleep.”
“Gerard, open your mouth or I will find another hole to put it in.”
Doesn’t take much convincing after that. The whole time he stares at me with dripping puppy eyes, like he’s in desperate need of something or I’ve taken away his favorite toy. He such a whiney ass when he gets… sick…
“Is it bad?”
I can hear the fear in his voice, but he heard the panic in mine. This is worse than I thought.
It’s then I swear I can hear his heart plummet. He goes real pale and starts trembling all over, and he keeps shaking his head, like he can’t believe me. I don’t say anything to him. I just stand up, walk into the kitchen, grab a rag, soak it in ice water, and rush back to his side. I press a corner of the washcloth to his brow, taking his hand and kissing his knuckles. He’s terrified, I can tell, and I think all he really wants is TLC. And maybe a 13 hour nap.
“Do you wanna go to the emergency room?”
His hand grips mine. No, no Frank, you don’t say those words. Only if someone is bleeding out of every orifice to even utter those two horrible words in the same sentence. But 103 is bad, and his cough doesn’t sound too good either. Guess I’ll have to compromise. He still hasn’t answered me though.
“D-Do you think I should?”
I press my face against his neck, trailing kisses along his jugular.
“But I’ll be with you.”
“So you don’t hafta be scared.”
“And you’re really actually sick.”
Long loving kiss.
He closes his eyes, deep in thought, before nodding and pulling his arms free of the blankets, throwing them around my shoulders. I scoop him up, which is pretty incredible I can even carry him, but he’s lost weight since we first got together. Sadie whines, and follows me as I walk out to the car, sliding Gerard into the passenger seat and tucking a blanket around him. I shoo her back inside, making sure I lock everything up before walking back to the car and starting the engine. He gazes at me tiredly, blinking his sick eyes as I take off for the nearest hospital.
“I love you, Frankie.”
I don’t answer him, I don’t really need to. I just kiss his hand and keep a steady hold on it as the day passes.
And he knows I’ll always be there when he needs me most.
♠ ♠ ♠
Whoo! More up soon, I have the entire thing typed out so I'll be posting at my leisure.
