Status: I really am sorry, but I don't know when I'll be updating this. I'm thinking about taking it down and doing it all over. I haven't decided yet.


in the company of strangers

This chapter may contain material not suited for the rating PG-13.

Mark walked in and dropped his keys on the small table by the door. He immediately went over to the couch and sighed as he sat down. Allison smiled kindly as she handed him his beer.

"How was your day?" she asked.

He grunted and took a long swallow from his bottle, his eyes focused on the TV.

Allison nodded and went back to studying at the kitchen counter. After about thirty minutes she heard Mark's cell phone go off. She watched as he dug his hand in the pocket of his jeans and answered it.

"Hello?" he said in a gruff voice. After whoever was on the phone said something he shot up and said, "Okay, okay. Just hold on a second alright?" And walked towards the back of the apartment where the small bedroom was (it barely had enough room for a full-size bed).

Allison stared at the closed door wanting to know who he was talking to, but knew she couldn't ask. At least not right now. But oh did she want to know, she wanted to know why he couldn't just finish the conversation on the couch. She wanted to know why he had to get up and go into the bedroom. She wanted to know why he had to shut the door. She wanted to know why she could hear him whispering.

She wanted to know what he was hiding.

- - -

After a week of not hearing from Cole, Allison was starting to worry that maybe things weren't going so well with him and Melissa. But then she also thought that maybe he decided to stop calling her so much to get back into Melissa's good graces.

Allison didn't want to try calling him though because Mark had started to act paranoid again. Looking at the contacts in her phone, convinced that her study-date was an actual date (even though there were five people present with piles of books all around them).

Mark had tried to start an argument about the date with Allison a couple days ago, and about the text messages she's been getting from a guy in one of her classes. Every text was that same thing, "Can I borrow your notes," but Mark insisted that was code for something else.

It didn't matter how many times she tried to explain to Mark that Jared was just a slacker and was always desperate for notes a few days before every test. She told Mark that she had never see Jared anywhere except for class, but he wouldn't believe her. And as much as she wanted to call Cole to vent and moan and groan about Mark, she just knew that wouldn't be a good idea. That it would just make everything worse.

- - -

"Hey, people are coming over tomorrow night." Mark said taking his wallet out of his pocket.

Allison looked up at him from her laptop, "People?"

"Yeah, friends of mine," he said handing her the money. "So, go to the store and get some food to make for them okay?"

"Who's coming over?" she asked putting the money away in her wallet.

Mark sighed rubbing his palm down his face, "You remember Joel, and his brother Adam?"

Allison nodded.

"Well, them and a few other guys." He said and then sat back down on the couch. "Are you going to store?" he asked, but Allison knew from experience that he didn't mean it as a question.

Sighing silently she got up from her seat at the kitchen table, "Yes, I can go to the store, but I have a paper that need to finish."

"Then finish it when you get back." He replied staring at the TV.

Allison nodded. Right, Mark's needs always come before mine. She silently sighed again, making sure Mark didn't hear her irritation. She knew that right now was not the time to bother him about anything. She was actually a little surprised that he was allowing her to go to the store. He must be really tired. Most of the time he's the one that goes to get food because he doesn't want other guys talking to her.

At the door about to leave Allison thinks to ask, "What type of food do you want me to get?"

"What type of food do people get when they have guests over Allison? Come on it's not that hard." He snapped.

Allison took a deep breath to calm her nerves. "Okay, is there anything specific that you want me to get?"

"Besides beer?" he asked.

Is that honestly all he cares about? "Okay, I'll be back as soon as I can."

And then Mark was standing and walking towards her with a dark look in his eyes. "And if you talk to anyone from that so-called-study date, I'll have news for you Allison," he said in a low voice that shook Allison to her bones.

It's a good thing that she learned how to not show her nerves, he'd definitely chide her for them, calling her things like, pathetic and weak.

"And trust me, you won't like it." He finished with a possessive kiss that made shivers run down her spine.

She wasn't positive if they were the good kind, but before giving her enough time to think about that she opened the door and walked down the hall to the stairs. She thought about that once she got to the store she could call Cole, just hear a familiar voice. But she decided against it, not wanting to risk the chance of Mark checking her phone when she got back home.

- - -

Allison was slaving away in the kitchen, while Mark took a shower and then sat on his couch watching some sports show she never found interesting enough to watch. Hissing as she burned herself, she stuck her finger in her mouth, trying to make the offended skin feel better. When it didn't work she ran her finger under cold water, sighing at her clumsiness.

Being so wrapped up in preparing appetizers and a meal for their soon-to-be arriving guests, Allison didn't hear the phone ringing until it was too late.

"Who the hell is this?" she heard Mark hiss. Oh, no. Please, please don't-

"Listen you little bastard, I don't care who the hell you are this isn't going to continue anymore. You got me? Don't you ever,ever call this number or her cell phone again!" Allison jumped when Mark slammed the phone down on the small coffee table.

"You are so lucky there are people coming over. So, so lucky that I have friends coming in twenty minutes Allison. So. Lucky." She couldn't help be shiver when she heard the venom in his voice. She hated it when he would repeat things and make them sound like threats - though part of her knew that they weren't just threats - she understood the first time, he didn't have to say again in a more sinister voice.

I blew it. She knew she should have stopped talking to Cole. She knew that this was going to happen sooner or later. But the fact that she knew that Cole had just heard Mark speak that way, that Cole had just heard all the hatred and disgust in his voice. That killed her, because she wanted to protect him from that. She wanted to be the one to tell him that she couldn't talk to him anymore, to let him down easy. And now she didn't even know what she was going to do.

- - -

There were only three guys left, everyone else had gone home. There were empty, half-empty, somewhat empty, almost-empty beer bottles and cans everywhere. On every surface. Mark didn't tell her that some other people were going to be bringing alcohol, so Allison had bought enough for everyone while she was at the store.

And now she was stuck picking up all of them - and them some - from all around the apartment. Or at least the kitchen and dining area of the apartment. She didn't want to enter the living room, not when three, huge, drunk men were residing on her couch. She sighed tying up a full garbage bag and putting it up against the side of the counter. She knew that she'd end up being the one to take it out later.

She almost jumped a foot in the air when she turned around and there was a man standing in front of her. She stared at him as he started chuckling.

"Sorry, honey." It was Tony, a friend of Joel's. Allison didn't know much about him, tonight being the first time she'd met him. "Didn't mean to scare you, I was just lookin' for the bathroom? Gotta piss." He smiled what she guessed he thought was a charming smile.

"O-oh. Right, um, just down there," she pointed to the bathroom door right next to the bedroom.

"Thanks." He replied slowing making his way over there.

"You're welcome," she whispered.

"Hey baby!" Mark called. "Get us a few more beers!"

- - -

It was starting to get pretty late and Allison didn't know how much longer she could take it. She was exhausted, beyond tired. She had already finished cleaning up the kitchen and the dining area, the only place left was the living room. Where Mark, Tony, and Joel were still lounging playing cards or something, Allison didn't know and didn't care. She was ready for bed and she wanted their 'guests' to leave.

Standing in the kitchen, she psyched herself up enough to start walking towards her boyfriend. She stood there, behind the couch, starring at Mark not able to force herself to speak yet. She almost didn't stop herself from jumping when someone cleared their throat. Her head shot up, it was Tony, he was eying her like a piece of candy.

"Uh, Mark, your woman wants somethin'." He said never taking his eyes off of her.

She had to force herself not to shudder and then glanced at Mark, who was now glaring at her, "Well?" he asked in a harsh, demanding tone.

Allison knew not to keep him waiting, "Oh, well, I-" she swallowed feeling all three sets of eyes on her. "I was just wondering if you and your friends," she glanced at Joel and Tony, seeing that they were much more drunk than Mark was. "Were going to get ready to leave soon, or if they were staying here for the night," she cleared her throat, obviously uncomfortable with all the attention on her. "It's almost four in the morning," she finished, her hands clasped tight against her stomach, which wasn't feeling so good at the moment.

Mark barked in laughter, Tony and Joel joining him. Allison stood there staring at her fingers trying not to pick at her nails. As they continued to laugh, she couldn't help but wonder if he was going to answer question.

She looked up at Mark, her eyes widening when she realized Tony had been staring at her again. She didn't like him. Well, really Allison didn't like any of Mark's friends. Joel was okay most of the time, but he had his moments.

Allison cleared her throat softly, making Mark looked at her. "You guys can stay if you don't mind the floor," he said, still laughing.

Joel chuckled, "No, no I'll get a cab when we finish this hand." It was then Allison noticed the cards on the square coffee table.

"I'll stay, if ya don't mind," Joel said looking at Mark and then glancing at Allison.

Allison looked away, she didn't like what she saw in his eyes. "Okay, well, I'm really tired. So I'm going to call it night." She looked at mark in question.

He stared at her for few seconds, but she couldn't read what he thinking on his stoic face. "Alright, you can go to bed. I'm gonna finish playing. You already cleaned the kitchen right?"

Allison nodded, yawning. "Yes. Goodnight." She was going kiss Mark on the cheek but he had already turned back the game.

"Night," Joel smiled.

Tony looked at her and smirked, "Goodnight." Allison didn't like the way he said it, but she decided to ignore it and head for her nice, soft and warm bed.

She yawned again and looked at Mark who still had his back towards her, "Night," he murmured looking at his cards.

- - -

Now laying in bed she started wishing again. That things were different. And then she scolded herself, saying that what she had was better than she'd ever had in her life. She was still friends, best friends in fact, with Cole. She had a roof over her head, she had a boyfriend, and she had enough money to finish this semester. What more could she ask for?

And then the next she knew someone was coming into her bedroom.

She gasped, "Mark?"

When there was no reply she reached for the lamp on her nightstand, but before she could turn it on a strong hand grabbed her wrist, tsking at her.

"Mark? What are you doing?"

"No sweetie, it's not Mark," she heard Tony say.

Allison gasped trying to take her hand back, but he was too strong, "What are you doing? Tony? Why are you in the bedroom?" she asked trying not to panic.

"I think you know," he said.

And then rough lips were on hers and she tried to scream, but Tony just chuckled as he climbed on top of her. When he removed his lips Allison opened to her mouth to try to scream again, but he clasped his hand over her lips tsking at her again.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he hissed.

Allison froze, she didn't know what to do. She'd never been in a situation like this before, she was scared, terrified. She'd remembered when she was in high school a boy tried to drag her into a janitor's closet, but she kneed him where it counts and got away. That's it, she thought, and struggle to get her leg in the right position as Tony was kissing, - or rather, slobbering all over - her neck.

Tony started to chuckle again, "You really think that's going to work?" he asked as he propped himself up on his knees.

She shivered realizing that he'd already had her wrists in a hard grasp above her head. And was now straddling her, so that if she even thought about using her legs, or knees, to hurt him she wouldn't be able to. She started to struggle, and realized that the whimpering sound she was hearing was coming from her, as she was trying to get out of his strong hold.

He moaned. "You know that only makes me harder right?" he said in a low voice, "Go ahead, keep going, beg." he said in a much darker voice than he was using before, making her tremble all the way to her bones.

She didn't mean to, but the word, "Please," came out making Tony laugh even more.

"That's right, baby. Beg for it, beg for me." He groaned, grinding himself against her.

Allison almost couldn't believe this was happening. She knew Mark didn't hang around good people, but she thought they more like, steal-a-car-for-a-joy-ride, bad, not try-to-rape-your-friend's-girlfriend, bad. She never thought that any of them would do something like this. Especially with Mark just in the other room!

She didn't know she was crying until Tony started to take off her clothes. When she was laying there in just a pair of underwear and her night shirt, she started to shake uncontrollably.

And then that's when something horrible, but wonderful happened: Mark opened the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
"All lies and jests. Still a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest."

- Simon & Garfunkel

okay, so um. yeah
i went over it a few times
so if there are any mistakes
let me know & i'll fix 'em

when i was first writing this chapter
i liked it, a lot
but now, i'm not so sure
it's like, i can't get the write words to form
it is very frustrating


F E E D B A C K would be S P L E N D I D


some of you may not have felt that i needed to put a warning in the description of this chapter, but i just thought i would just in case.