Status: I really am sorry, but I don't know when I'll be updating this. I'm thinking about taking it down and doing it all over. I haven't decided yet.


give all my secrets away

Allison woke up and found a folded up piece of paper in her hand. She immediately recognized Cole's handwriting and looked around. She sigh when she saw he wasn't in the room. Looking back at the paper she read what he wrote on the front, "In case I'm not back before you wake up." And a little further down, "Oh and ps, look up and to your right."

She gasped.

With a huge grin on her face she tugged on the string connected to the balloon to bring it closer. Once she had it in her lap she saw that Cole had written something on it. "I'm sorry, it took me so long to tell you. I love you, Allison Elenore Grae." And just like the note he added something at the bottom, "Please don't hate me for being such a idiot for so long?"

Looking back at the note in her lap she decided with a heart full of joy to open it.

If I could, I'd write you a cute love song. To explain to you how much you mean to me. How much you have always meant to me. I was stupid. I was so stupid thinking that I could live with out seeing your face everyday. I'm sorry. I'm sorry it took me so long to realize that I am completely, on-goingly, never-endingly in love with you.

And that it's not just going to go away. That it's not just some crush I had in the seventh grade. I've never been able to forget about you, Ellie. I was reminded of you constantly every where I went. The day I called you, the day I found out where you lived from the reunion information Hayleigh sent me. That was one of the most scariest and happiest days of my life.

I hadn't realized how much I missed you until I heard your voice again. I'm sorry it took me so long to get here, Ellie. I'm sorry that you've had the life that you've had. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to protect you. But I'm here now. And I'm never going to leave you again.

I love you, with my whole being. I love you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I knew that in middle school, I just. I thought I wasn't good for you. I thought that you didn't feel the same way. I wanted to ask you out so many times while we hung out almost every weekend. The summer I moved away, was when I thought I could just get over you. Let you find someone better than me.

I'm sorry that I gave up what we could have had. But I'm not going to do it ever again. I'm not going to walk away from you, ever. I hope you can forgive me. Even if you don't feel the same way about me. I'll just have to deal with it. But if you didn't forgive me, I don't know how I'd live with myself.

So, please, please forgive me?

I love you so much,


With tears in her eyes Allison stared down at the notebook paper in her lap. She didn't know what to do. She was surprised. Not really about the fact the Cole loved her, (she always knew that Cole had a crush on her, she just choose to ignore it because she never thought anything would happen), but that he wrote something so lovely to her. She felt kind of bad for not expecting something like that from him. She felt horrible for underestimating him.

"Oh, honey, what's wrong?"

Allison looked up to see the nurse. "I..." her voice faded and she tried again, "He wrote me this," she said picking the paper up to study it some more.

"Oh, well what's it say?" the nurse asked eager to hear more.

"That he... He loves me." She said staring in a daze at the note in her hand.

"Oh honey! That's great, I'm so happy for you!" nurse Bertha said and gently gave Allison a hug. Sitting back in the chair next to Allison she said, "Oh I am just so happy for you hon. He's a good boy that one. Trust me, I can spot 'em." She nodded.

Allison laughed softly, "Okay, I trust you."

The nurse smiled and got up to check the heart monitor and everything else to make sure things were still running smoothly.

"When do think I can go home?"

"Very soon, I'd say. The doctor just wants keep you overnight to make sure your head injury isn't too serious. You know, to see if the swelling goes down and what not." She smiled.

Allison sighed, "Really, overnight? Do I really have to?"

"Ellie, please just listen to doctor? They want you to get better not keep you prisoner."

The nurse gasped. "Oh, it's you!" she grinned. "I'll, just, you know leave you two alone for a little while," she said as she walked to the door, but before closing it she stared hard at Cole and added, "But no funny business, you hear me? She needs to get better so no, you know, " she motioned towards the bed, "okay young man?"

Cole couldn't help but blush, "Yes, ma'am. Don't worry, I'm not... I won't-"

"Good. You better not, I have a son in law enforcement you better not mess with me, boy," she said and then left.

Allison immediately started laughing. The look on Cole's face was priceless.

- - -

She sighed in relief when they finally walked through the front door of Michelle's apartment.

"Allison," Michelle said trying not to show how pitiful Allison looked though her expressions.

"I know, I know. I look like crap. I'm going go take a shower or something." She smiled tightly and made her way towards the bathroom.

Cole started to follow but pause as he tried to think of what Allison really needed at the moment. Time alone? Company? He had no clue.

"Go," Michelle whispered, nodding her head her in the direction Allison went.

He stood and stared for a second, "You sure?" He glanced at Michelle.

She just smiled sadly and raised her eyebrows as if she were saying, "Well, what are you waiting for?"

Cole nodded and then ducked his head as he walked to the bathroom. He was tying to think of something to say when he got to the door which made him almost run into it. Stopping himself just in time he gently knocked with two knuckles instead of his head.

"Yeah..." Ellie answered in voice that sounded much too weak for Cole's liking.

"Hey... Um, do you-do you need-" He was interrupted by the bathroom door opening. He almost choked when saw that Ellie was only in a t-shirt and her underwear. Immediately looking at his shoes he whispered, "Sorry."

"It's fine. I-I actually do need some help." She blushed.

Cole looked up and met her hazel-green eyes he's always loved. "What is-What do you need help with?"

"I can't... Can you help me with my shirt?"

Cole nodded. "Yeah... Sure I'll help you." He smiled bashfully.

Ellie blushed some more and mumbled a thanks.

Cole just nodded again and whispered, "No problem."

She walked back into the bathroom and could feel Cole following her.

It took every once of his will and self-control to keep his eyes on the back of her head. Clearing his throat he asked, "Are you going to take a shower or a bath?" as he walked over to the bathtub to turn on the water.

Ellie sighed. "I don't think I'd be able to take a shower. I'm so tired." She said as she sat on the little stool Michelle had in from of her vanity.

"You wanna bubble bath?" Cole grinned shaking the Mr. Bubble bottle at her.

Ellie laughed softly, "Sure."

While Cole started on her bubble bath Ellie tried to take her shirt off again. Wincing she sighed giving up. Again.

"Hey, stop. Let me help you." Cole whispered suddenly behind her.

"Thanks," she replied noticing that Cole placed a towel in her lap. She grinned, well until she winced.


"It's okay, it's not your fault."

"Can you try to lift your arms a little more?"

"Yeah," she answered. "My back is just really sore."

"I know, Ellie," he murmured. "Just try, I promise the nice, warm bubble bath will make you feel better."

"Yeah," she sighed.

"Okay, lift on the count of three, okay?"

She nodded.


She took a slow, deep breath.

"That's good. Breathe. Two..."

Another slow, deep breath.


Cole caught her by her arms, his touch gentle, but firm before she fell from the stool because how much pain she was in. She didn't realize she was crying until she heard Cole whispering things to her.

"Shhh. It's okay. It's over. Just breathe. Breathe Ellie."

She sighed for the billionth time, "I'm okay. I'm okay."

"You sure?"

"Yeah," she said taking the towel that fell from her lap and covering herself before she embarrassed both herself and Cole.

"Alright. Just sit here for sec and I'll get the bath ready."

Ellie nodded and turned around to watch Cole go to the bathtub and start to pour some Mr. Bubble in. He came back and smiled at her. "Do you need help getting in?"

She shook her head, "No I think I can do it."

"Are you sure?" He felt like he was being a jerk but he couldn't help it, if anything happened to her - especially after all of this - he'd never forgive himself. He still didn't forgive himself for not being there for her sooner.

"Yeah," she slowly stood up and walked to the tub. "I'm sure," she said gripping the side of the bathtub with determination.

"Okay, I'm trusting you. I'll be right back."


"I swear I'll only be gone for two seconds."

Ellie laughed, and Cole couldn't help but smile. "I trust you."

Cole stared at her for second and then walked out the bathroom, well more like power-walked.

"Is she-"

"She's fine."

"See I told you," Garrett said rubbing his hand across Michelle's back. "She's tough," he added before leading her into the living room.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go change real quick and then get back to her." Cole rushed.

"Oh, oh okay." Michelle smiled.

Cole glanced at Michelle, "I'm going to be there for her," he said. "For as long as she'll have me and even after that. Even if it kills me. I'm never leaving her again."

Michelle grinned, glancing at Garrett and nodded, "I believe you, Cole. I know you'll take good care of her."

When he got back to the bathroom he found Ellie in the tub with bubbles up to her neck. He smiled and whispered, "Hey."

She opened her eyes. Blinking she murmured, "Hey yourself."

"You didn't hurt yourself getting in there did you?" He asked as he picked up the little stool bringing to the side of of the tub.

"No, not too much."

"Okay, good. Here I'll wash your hair, can you scoot up a little?"

She nodded, "Yeah..."

Cole felt bad for making her move at all but he wouldn't be able to wash her long hair with so much of it being underwater.

"Cole, stop looking at me like that." She scolded.

"Like what?" he asked grabbing the shampoo.

"Like it's all your fault-Ah, ah! No! Don't you dare say that any of this is your fault or I will seriously consider ending our friendship."

She sighed, looking like she'd been deflated. "Just... stop, okay? I can't take you looking at me like that anymore."

Even though Cole didn't completely agree with her he said, "Okay, you're right. I'll try to, okay?"

"Thank you. Now are you going to wash my hair or not?"

Cole laughed, "Yeah, El, I'll wash your hair."

It was quiet, the only noises to be heard were the sounds of water dripping from Cole's hands has he rinsed the conditioner out of Alison's hair. And of Cole humming as he massaged Alison's scalp and neck.

"You know we need to talk, Ellie."

"I know, I know, not now though, okay? I'm tired Cole."

He sighed as he looked down at her, "Alright, we'll talk later," he whispered.

Once Allison's hair was washed and smelled like a dream, and she'd gotten rid of the horrible hospital smell she felt much, much better. Even though she was embarrassed with Cole helping her out of the tub she knew she wouldn't be able to do it with out him. But she was also extremely grateful about the fact that he's always a complete gentleman and held a towel up for her while keeping his head diverted to side.

She did giggle though when she noticed his blush because he accidentally brushed his hand across her chest when she almost slipped and he had to catch her. "Please be careful," he'd breathed.

- - -

"Okay Allie, you have gone long enough."

Allison looked up from where she was sitting on the couch to see Cole and Michelle staring at her. She knew Garrett was somewhere in the background, probably in the kitchen getting everyone something to drink. (Him always being the little perfect homemaker even if it technically wasn't his home.)

"What are you-"

"Oh, no," Michelle shook her head, "No you don't. I know you remember something, even if it's something really small, it's something. So tell us."

"Please, Ellie," Cole pleaded, "Just tell us?"

Allison sighed as Michelle sat next to her on the couch while Cole took a seat on the coffee table in front of her. They both looked so worried as Allison glanced up at them. She took a deep breath to prepare herself and tried to remember what it was she had thought she remembered while in the hospital.
♠ ♠ ♠
"So tell me what you want to hear, something that was like those years. I'm sick of the insincere, so I'm gonna give all my secrets away."

- Onerepublic

sorry if there's any mistakes
i was getting so sick of seeing this chapter
it took so long to finish
that i just get kind of fed up with it

i like it
it just took so dang long

if there's mistakes
that really stick out
like the wrong words
or words left out
let me know

i hope you liked this chapter


C O M M E N T ?