Status: Active =]

I Have the Remedy, to This Poisonous Kiss

chapter 1

What the fuck happend to trying to be a better family? I mean, I know I'm not the best daughter in the world, I make mistakes and all that but it doesn't mean I can get treated like shit by people who claim to be my parents. I'm just happy were moving out to Vegas now. My family live there like my Grandma and Grandpa, well my Grandpa isn't there anymore. He passed away a while ago. Vegas is my original birth place before my parents decided to move out to Arizona. And it made me happy to know that I'd now have a place to escape to whenever I don't want to hear bullshit and get pushed around by them.

We arrived in front of what would be our new home in Vegas around 9:30 in the morning. I went straight upstairs to one of the rooms I knew would be mine, because it was the smallest and because my parents of course would want their room to be the masters and the guest room has to be bigger than mine. I don't get how come the guest room can't be the smaller one? Whatever I won't argue with them because I know I won't win. I'm just happy my little room has a bathroom of it's own. First thing I did was get all my boxes inside my room and furniture I would need. I locked the door and plugged in my old CD player and started listening to some Marilyn Manson. I set up my bed, moved furniture around until I though it looked good, put clothes and shit away and finally I covered every inch of wall space with some sort of poster or pictures.

I let myself fall on the bed and looked around my room. It was small but perfect and exactly how I wanted it to be so that was good. I almost freaked when I remembered about my instruments. I ran out of my room and into the moving truck and grabbed my precious things. I sighed in releif once I was in my room and placed them in a corner. My parents would have just thrown them out or have broken them on purpose if I wasn't careful. I had a black 1960 Les Paul Classic my Grandfather had given me before he passed away and a Ernie Ball Music Man Stigray 4 string black bass guitar I bought with my whole babysitting money. I took care and tresured these with my life. My grandfather was one of the main reasons music became my passion. He taught me how to play guitar and bass and to me he was the best ever. The Les Paul was his baby, and I know how important that guitar was to him and it now is to me. My bass too, I love my bass. It cost me ALOT but every day I worked for it was worth it. They both play beautifully and I just love sitting down, picking up either one and just playing and singing.

My parents hate that I play. My grandfather always told me to keep music in my life and I have. But my parents always see it as a waste of time. That's what they always told me about my grandpa. They said he wasted his whole life doing nothing but stupid music instead of doing something that was worth it. I ignore them though, and fear for my guitar and bass' life everytime I leave my room. They would burn them if they could and they always threaten me with that.

I went into my bathroom and took a long needed shower to get rid of all these stressful thoughts. The sound of water is always soothing and calming to me and everytime I need to think or calm down, I'm always in the shower. Once I finished I wrapped a towel around my body and stepped out into my room. I went to my closet and took out my Rancid t-shirt, a pair of ripped skinny jeans and my black and white converse. I put them on and brushed out my hair out and straightend it. I was debating on going outside to skate or draw or something.

Instead I plugged in my guitar and sat on the window bench and just played while I looked out. I had Seize the Day by Avenged Sevenfold stuck in my head so I ended up playing that. When I finished up the solo my mom burst through my door and started screaming at me.
"Can't you put that piece of shit down for a while and come down stairs and help us get the rest of the shit from the moving van and put it in the garage" I rolled my eyes at her and carefully set down my guitar on it's stand and shut off the amp. "Don't roll your eyes at me you little bitch" She said and stormed out of my room, slaming the door behind her. I walked down stairs and saw her and my dad sitting their lazy asses on the couch.

"Lazy asses" I whispered as I walked passed them.

"What did you say Poison?"

"Nothing" I said walking out of the house and slamming the door behind me. Yeah, my real names Poison so what? I've grown to like it but my parents always tell me and remind me why they chose that name. They told me that's what I was to their marriage, to them. Poison that would slowly kill or somthing along those lines. I never cared, if they never wanted me then why in the fuck didn't they give me up or some shit? I use to cry because of them because I wanted so badly for them to love me, to accept me but I grew out of it and cared less and less. I had my grandpa and grandma who acted more like my parents than they did.

I went out to the van and started moving boxes out and into the garage. I was on my last box and singing forever by In This Moment softly when I noticed a car pull into the house next door. I shrugged and shut the garage door and started walking to my front door. When I got inside my parents were making out on the couch. I coughed and made a discusted face before walking up to my room.

"Were leaving so clean this house up! I mean in Poison! If we come back and this shit ain't clean your gonna get it" My dad yelled to me. I was standing in front of my door and I let out a groan. Them drinking ends up meaning they'll come back all lovey dovey and shit or pissed as fuck. I went into my room, grabbed my cd's and went back down stairs. I knew they ment it when they said I'd 'get it' if I didn't clean by the time they got back. I put the cd in my dad's CD player thing he had down stairs and blasted Manson, Velvet Revolver, Avenged Sevenfold and shit like that. I got to cleaning, dusting, organizing the kitchen, putting boxes away as I sang along to every song that came on. About 7 hours later I finally finished and smiled at the fact that I actually did a great job. I took my CD and went back upstairs and locked my door and sat at the window bench once more with my guitar. I started to play and looked out the window and noticed a boy in the room across from my view. I couldn't see what he was doing, but he was standing up. He turned and I saw he had on an Iron Maiden t-shirt and black skinny jeans. He walked out of the room and I looked away. Not wanting to be caught being a creeper or anything. I sat there playing and singing and looking out into into the yard and couldn't help but look once in a while into his room. He was now sitting on his bed, his back towards me and I still couldn't figure out what he was doing. I looked at my clock and saw it was 10:30PM. I sighed and put down my guitar. I went into the kitchen and hoped I'd be able to find something to eat. I looked in the fridge and nothing. Well I guess I should have known we wouldn't have nothing. My mom doesn't care whether we have food or not. She only cares about my dad and makes sure he eats and all that shit but me, I have to do everything for myself. I ran upstairs and got my wallet, ipod, skateboard and keys to this house. I was starving and I saw a Circle K before we came and decided to go and get something. I put on my hoodie and stuck my wallet in my back pocket before going outside. I put in the headphones to my ipod and started listening to In Flames and made my way to the store.

When I got there I grabbed an Arizona tea, sour patch kids, beef jerky, lunchable, peanuttles and cheetos and went up to pay. Junk food was my best friend. I gave the cashier money, grabbed my bag and started skating back home. I finally made it home and skated up on the side walk in front of my house, did a kickflip before getting off it. I plopped down on the grass in the front of the house seeing as my parents were home, I might as well enjoy my food before getting yelled at or worse, walking in on something. Just the thought terrorized me and made me loose my appetite. I opened the tea and drank from it and did the same with my lunchable. I scrunched my nose at the cheese and threw it across the yard into the street where a car ran it over. I laughed and froze when I heard a laugh not that far from me. I turned my head slowly and my eyes met with the boy I had seen earlier. He was sitting on the railing of the porch next door. He walked over to me with a cigarette in between his fingers and a smile on his face. I couldn't help but stare at his gorgeous eyes. They were green but a pale sort of color that I found amazing. He was a bit short, but taller than me, had shoulder length black hair that was wavy, snake bites, a nose piercing and tattoos adorned his left arm.

"See something you like?" He said lifting the cigarette to his lips, the smoke swirling around his head and up into the night sky. He chuckled and had a smirk on his face. I snapped out of my gaze and shut my mouth. I cursed myself for staring at him, knowing my dumbass I was probably drooling.

"Sorry" I looked away blushing. He moved so he was sitting beside me now.

"My names Max, I live next door. I saw you skating, your very good" he said. The thought of him watching me made me blush.

"Thanks, my names Poison" I smiled at him and held out my bag of Sour Patch's to him. He put out his cig and smiled when he saw the candy.

"Sour Patches, I fuckin love these things. Almost like a drug to me" I laughed and nodded in agreement.

"Same here" I said shoving some in my mouth.

"Is your name really Poison?" He said taking some more of the candy.

"Mhmm, my parent's named me that because they said I was like Poison to their marriage. They hate me"

"Wow, that's harsh"

"I don't care, fuck them" I said like nothing. "Sorry, I just...I don't like my parents and they don't like me"

"It's okay" he smiled.

"Want some?" I said gesturing to all my stuff I had bought.

"You don't like the cheese in the lunchables either?" he said chuckling.

"Nope" I said making a discusted face. He laughed as he ate the little cracker sandwhich.

We sat there and ate everything I had and talked a bit. I heard my dad yell for me and sighed.

"Well I gotta go. It was nice meeting you Max. I'll see you again maybe?"

"Yeah, I mean we live right next door to each other. It's not like I can hide or something" He stood and reached his hand out for me to take. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. "Well bye and thanks for the food and shit" He said and smiled, putting another cigarette to his lips and lighting it. I smiled back and watched as he walked the small distance to his yard and into his house. I frowned when I heard my dad yell once again. I swear he can sense when I'm the least bit happy or in a good mood. I grabbed my mess and threw it in the trash before grabbing my board and walking inside.

"Where the fuck were you!?" He yelled in my face. I could smell the alchohol on him. It was nasty.

"I went to go buy something to eat dad! I was hungry and there wasn't shit here to eat!" I yelled at him in defence. He lifted his hand and smacked me right across the face.

"Don't you ever fucking raise your voice to me you bitch!" I stood there with a straight face. I wasn't going to give him the pleasure of seeing me cry. "Get out of my face and go to your fucking room!" He went and sat on the couch with my mom whom was laughing drunk as well. I grabbed my board and ran up the stairs to my room. I shut the door as hard as I could and dropped on my bed. I felt like screaming so I did, into my pillow. Tears started to fall and it only pissed me off more. I hated crying because of him, seeing my own mother laugh at me was just like a slap to the face too. It only showed she didn't fucking care for me. I still had a speck of hope that they could one day change but it's never gonna happen. I wiped away my tears and got changed for bed. I couldn't sleep though. I ended up sitting at my window writing lyrics, phrases that ment something to me. Just anything that came to mind. I looked out into the night and smiled at the starts and the moon. I remembered the day my Grandpa had told me that whenever I needed him, I'd only have to look into the sky and he'd be with the stars. We had our own star, it was a specific star, one that we both called our lucky star. It was easy for me to spot it, and every night I'd stare at it and I swear I could hear him singing one of my favorite songs he made for me.

I silently cried and wished he hadn't left me. I leaned my head against the wall and just sat there staring into the stars when I heard a guitar being played and someone singing. I looked into the direction it was coming from and my eyes landed on Max's window. He was on his bed like before only this time I knew it was a guitar he had been playing and I smiled at how beautiful his voice was. I continued to listen and look at him, I shut my eyes and took in the sweet sound of his voice mixed with the guitar. When I opened my eyes he had set his guitar down. He turned and locked eyes with mine and smiled. I froze and felt emabrassed for watching, I blushed and moved from the window and layed in my bed. I wonder if he knew I was watching him all along? But the thought of his beautiful voice came back to mind and I smiled. I smiled and fell asleep thinking about Max.
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Hope you guys will enjoy this :D Tell me what you think! Comment please? I love feedback and hearing what you, the readers think about it all. Her guitar and bass
What Poison wore when she got out of the shower. Her hoodie and skate board.
Comments please?