‹ Prequel: Force of Nature

Laws of Nature


A week had gone by since Lillian had gotten Tanner back. She had been fully immersed in taking care of him, watching him closely as he played on the floor of her bedroom or occasionally in the living room when no one was around.

She had hardly seen Darryn since they had gotten home that night. He had separated himself from her and only said good morning or hello to her when they did cross paths. Before she had wished he would just leave her alone so she could be left in peace but now she realized how lonely she was without him hovering over her.

That morning Lillian had carried Tanner town stairs and fed him, before settling both of them on the living room floor. “Rurik?” She asked when she saw him come down the stairs. When he looked at her she asked. “Do you know if Darryn is mad at me?”

“He hasn't said anything to me, but I do not think so. He is very... forward with his emotions. If he was upset with you he would tell you.” Looking from Lillian to the kitchen he sighed and sat on the couch. “What makes you think he is angry?”

“He hasn't talk to me since we got back from getting Tanner.” She said as she walked her son toddle to Rurik and hang onto his leg.

“Have you talked to Amelia?”

“She hasn't been around. I think her mate is keeping her away,” frowning she looked at her son as he moved on from Rurik and to the coffee table, happily slamming his hands onto the glass tabletop.

“Pay no attention to Kale, his head is full of rocks most the time.” When he grinned, Lillian couldn't help but to grin too. His smile was contagious in the way that just made her want to forget everything that troubled her. “And don't worry about Darryn. No one matters right now but your son.”

“Thank you, Rurik.” She gave him a small smile. “Would you mind doing me a small favor though?”

Rurik smiled back at her, “Anything.”

“Will you go smuggle Amelia away from Kale sometime today?”

Frowning he shook his head, “That is not such a good idea for me to do but I will have Adrik do it.”

“Yeah, that's be fine. I just need a girl to talk to and Amelia is the only one whose been nice to me.” Standing up, she stretched before reaching down and grabbing her son under his arms. “I'll just be upstairs in my room until she gets here.” She leaned down and kissed his cheek. “Thanks, Rurik.”

Lillian had just laid Tanner down for a nap when a knock sounded on her door. She glanced quickly to the crib before creeping to the door and opening it. “Hey,” she said to Amelia.

Peeking inside past Lillian she asked, “Your son's asleep?”


“Good, we can go for a walk then and talk,” Amelia said happily.

Lillian shook her head, “I can't leave him here alone.”

“He'll be fine. We'll tell the twins that we're going out and they need to keep an eye on the little guy. If he starts crying Rurik and Adrik know how to feed a baby and change a diaper.” She got a begging look on her face, “You haven't gone outside in probably forever and Kale's been annoying the ever-lovin' shit out of me.”

Glancing over her shoulder she said, “Alright. Let me just grab my shoes.”

She grabbed a pair of sandals and slipped them on quickly before leaving the room, not closing the door behind her so that Rurik and Adrik would be able to hear him cry. Lillian followed Amelia down the stairs and into the kitchen where the twins were putting together sandwiches. “Hey, mind watching Tanner while Lillian and I go for a walk?” She didn't even wait for a reply before saying, “Thanks! See you two soon!”

Lillian was about to thank them too and give them a list of instructions just in case he woke up while she was gone but Amelia just grabbed her hand and yanked her out of the kitchen, through the living room and out onto the back porch.

“So how have you been?” Amelia started as they both descended the three steps on the porch and headed into the woods.

“I've been fine.”

“Is my brother annoying you yet?”

Lillian frowned, “No. He hasn't really said anything to me since I got my son back. He's just locked himself in his den and hasn't really come out.”

Amelia also frowned, “He's almost always locked in his den.”

“Oh, I must have not noticed. It just seemed that when I showed up he was always up and around the house.” She sighed, “I think he's mad at me though.”


“He hasn't said anything to me except for a handful of words. Do you think he's angry about Travis? If Travis coming here after Tanner and I is an issue I can leave.”

Amelia stopped and grabbed Lillian. “Stop it right now. It has nothing to do with you probably. My brother is a dumbass and hardheaded, he's reserved and a loner most the time. He's probably sorting out property management and shit, he was talking about selling the safe house in Bangor and buying on out-of-state.”

“I'm just worried because I know the trouble Travis can stir up. I'm not talking about egging your house and sugaring your gas tank; he's more into burning the house down without caring who inside or poisoning us.”

“How in the fuck did you get involved with this fucker if he's like that?” Amelia asked. “I mean, you knew him for awhile before you mated right?”

Sighing she plopped down on the ground, preparing for a long story. When Amelia sat down across from her Lillian started. “I've always had stars in my eyes when it came to being saved, I guess I have a complex when it comes to someone swooping into my life and rescuing me from my demons. I thought Travis was that at the time because when I was out on my own again he offered me shelter. Six months he spent wooing me, taking me out and talking to me. He was such a different person back then, but now looking back I think he just pulled on a mask for me.”

“When did he take off his mask?” Amelia asked quietly.

“After our son was born. I was so happy to finally have a family again and Travis was so happy to have a son. He said he loved me and I knew that I had to tell him what I was, I had to be honest with him. After I told him, he took my son from my arms, set him in the bassinet beside the bed and left the room. I just thought he was shocked at the time but after a few days I realized that he was purposely being cold and cruel to me. He would make snarky remarks and hint at what I was but he refused to tell the pack like he was ashamed of me. Though with Tanner he was worse, when he cried Travis would just yell. He didn't care if Tanner was crying because he was hungry or wet, he was crying because he was weak because he was defected.” She closed her eyes tight to keep the tears back. “Then it wasn't because he was defected, it was because I coddled him to him. Travis wouldn't let me near him because according to him, I was making his son hate him and making his stupid.”

“When did you decide to leave?”

“Three months ago. I tried to sneak out late at night, I had a bag of Tanner's and my things packed and in the trunk of my car all I had to do was grab Tanner and get the hell out. Travis came into the nursery as I was picking him up out of his crib. He told me that if I didn't put him down he wouldn't hesitate to take him from me. I didn't want to play tug-of-war with my son or have Travis hurt me while I was holding him so I set him back down. He pulled me from the room and shoved me towards the door, he told me to get out of his house and not to come back. I argued with him and tried to get back into the nursery but he slapped me; I was so shocked because that was the first time he had ever hit me. As I stood there, holding my cheek he told me that if I didn't leave then that a little slap would be the worse of my problems. So I left. I knew that I could always sneak back in and take him back.”

“Then why didn't you?”

“Oh I tried. I drove by several times a day except to many people were always there. I tried to use my key to sneak in one night but they had changed the locks. I cried the window to the nursery but it was locked. There was no opening for two months so I knew that I had to let everything die down and let Travis let down his guard before I took Tanner back. I got desperate though when I went there and demanded him back. I knew I shouldn't have but I had to.”

“Oh we definitely caught his guard down, though. He probably never thought you'd bring reinforcements but down worry about Travis hurting anyone. We're a tough crowd and all these guys would go down fighting to protect you. I even think Kale would if it came down to it. He puts up this big front about being a tough, macho man but I know better. Just don't worry about it until the time comes because I know Darryn isn't stressing it.”

“But that still doesn't explain why he's avoiding me.”

“He's probably giving you time alone with you're son. You've been away from him for a long time and he's giving you time to bond before laying the moves on you again.”

“Laying the moves on me?” Lillian asked, “Again?”

“Oh yeah. My brother was definitely laying the moves on you. For one, you were a strange woman who he brought into his house. Secondly, from what I heard he put you in his bed at first. He fought for you against Kale and then against your previous pack.” Then she smiled, “And you don't see the way he looks at you.”

Lillian's eyes grew wide, “How does he look at me?”

“Like he wants you naked beneath him.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the delay but here's a new chapter for you. Just so you knowupdates for this will probably be infrequent because I don't have anything prewritten for it and I don't have a lot of time on my hand. I'm currently dealing with the death of my mother, finding a job, and trying to get enrolled in school again so life is hectic and dosn't leave me time to write more than a one-shot or two every once and awhile.
I will try to update at least once a month but this could go up to two months without being updated again.
Thank you for understanding.