‹ Prequel: Force of Nature

Laws of Nature


Fuck the pack.

Fuck the Alpha, his Betas', and everyone who had banished her and forced her out of the pack house.

She didn't need them or anyone else. She could make it by herself and then she would show them exactly how “deformed” she was.

Lillian sighed and lifted her foot off the gas of her beat up car. She was going well over the speed limit and knew how unsafe her speed was. And god forbid some police officer pull her over and she snap at him.

She was so angry that Travis would air her past out to the whole pack and then turn them against her but she would get back at him. He had it coming and she was going to be the one to deliver the blow that incapacitated him.

She looked down at the radio and began looking for a station with music she recognized. She hadn't been in America for over a year and had forgotten most of the stations she usually listened to while driving.

She looked up from the radio to glance at the street to make sure she was driving in the correct lane before going back to her search. The second time she looked up was only a second before her car collided with the guard rail on her side of the road. She jerked her steering wheel hard and stomped on the brakes except when she jerked the wheel it was to sharp and send her out of control and right for the trees on the opposite side of the road.

Her body jerked on impact and her head hit the steering wheel. Lillian groaned and reached over to unbuckle her seat belt before opening the door.

She fell out of the car and slowly used it as a brace to help herself up. Everything around her was spinning and her legs felt like two jello molds. She looked around for cars before slowly heading towards the woods. She didn't need someone to come across her and call an ambulance. God forbid she be taken to a hospital.

The last thing she needed was to be experimented on.

As she stumbled farther and farther into the woods her head began to pound harder and the world around her still continued to spin.

Lillian tripped and fell to the ground, cursing loudly she tried to pushed herself up but couldn't. Groaning, she laid her head on the leafy ground and closed her eyes. Just told herself that she was just resting them, allowing herself time to recuperate before trying to stand up again.

Except the longer she kept her eyes closed the more she drifted away and it wasn't long until her body fully shut down.