‹ Prequel: Force of Nature

Laws of Nature


Darryn lounged on a rock, watching the others and his surroundings carefully. They'd all been out for the last three hours but it was Spring and the snow had just finished melting.

He laid his head on his paws and sighed. He had been thinking of Amelia lately, then again, he usually did right after she called. This time though, she had called from Estonia and she sounded as happy as ever. Telling him about all the sights she had seen and all the nice people she had met.

Since Amelia had founded Kale in Norway and patched things up they'd been on the move. They spent a month in one country and then move on to the next. She loved it and from the sound of it she didn't want to come back any time soon.

Except he wanted her to come back. He hadn't seen her expect for the packages of pictures and trinkets she sent him every month after she left the country she had just been visiting.

It depressed him for her to be away but it also made him happy to see that she was so happy and safe.

Darryn sighed again and stood, stretching his wolven body before giving a sharp yip that told the others it was time to head back to the house. His pack stopped what they were doing immediately and started towards back towards their home.

He followed behind the other five wolves, his eyes scanning the woods and smelling for unfamiliar scents. The group was only about half a mile away from the pack house when a scent caught his nose. The scent of an unfamiliar female.

He stopped instantly and looked in the direction the scent was coming from, scanning the trees and the ground until his eyes settled on a figure laying amongst the leaves and brush on the ground. He approached slowly to examine her. The first thing he noticed that she had a nasty gash on her head.

He looked her over and took survey of her looks. The woman's hair was an ash brown and by the smell of the chemicals it was recently dyed. Her skin was very fair, without any freckles or blemishes besides slightly reddened cheeks. The only thing that marred her skin was the drying blood from the wound off to the left of the center of her forehead. Her clothes consisted of a plain pair of jeans, a white button up shirt that seemed to belong to a man and not a woman, and simple black flats covered her feet.

Leaning closer, Darryn got a closer examination of the wound, it was bleeding a lot more than it should have. But then, head wounds always bled profusely. He knew he couldn't just leave her where she was so he looked around before shifting back to human.

He carefully slid his arms under her and hoisted her up against his chest before making his way in the direction of the house. The pack had gone ahead of him so they would be home by now so he didn't have to worry about the pack now, just the woman in his arms.

As he walked, Darryn caught the scent of the female underneath the smell of hair dye. It was an odd smell a mixture of wolf and human. He sniffed more to figure out the scent but couldn't, his brain wracked itself with possibilities on how she smelt the way she did except nothing besides two ideas came to him.

She was either a human who had just spent an abundant amount of time with her werewolf boyfriend or she was a werewolf who spent a lot of time around her human lover. There was no other explanation he could think of.

By the time he reached the house, Rurik and Adrik were waiting for him on the porch. “Whats going on?” Adrik asked curiously as he eyed the female in his arms.

“She's what I went to investigate in the woods.” He answered as he carried her towards the medical room.

“What happened to her?” The other twin asked.

“I don't know. She's been out cold the whole time. I'm going to clean her up and put her in my room where I can watch her. I'll question her when she wakes.” He told them as he set her on the examination table.

“Do you want me to type her blood?” Adrik asked, as if trying to be more helpful.

“No. She didn't bleed enough for a transfusion but I do need a sterilization and stitch kit.” He pointed out. When he had both things in hand he began to clean the cut. “Do either of you recognize her scent?”

Both men came closer and sniffed her, “Not her personally but the scent yes.” Rurik said, an odd look on his face as his eyes roamed over the woman's body.


Jumătate a creşte,” Adrik supplied as he took looked over the woman. “Except I don't see any... er... defects. Usually they are easy to spot. Odd ears, misshaped or missing limbs. Except, there's nothing wrong with her.”

“I'll ask her about it when she wakes up,” Darryn said as he finished closing up the cut on her head. “I've never been near one before so the scent confused me. But what has me now confused is how she ended up in the middle of the woods, unconscious.” He thought a moment before looking at Rurik. “Go search the interstate in ten miles North and South of here. Maybe something happened to her car.” He then looked to Adrik, “You look around the area I found her at.”

Both men nodded and left the room as Darryn cleaned up the small mess he had made before picking up the woman in his arms again and carrying her back upstairs. He paused at the door of an empty room and thought for a moment that maybe it would be better to put her in an empty room but quickly brushed that idea off. It was best for him to be able to keep an eye on her and he wanted to be comfortable while going it.

His bedroom it was.