‹ Prequel: Force of Nature

Laws of Nature


When Darryn had gotten back to the house, only moments after Lillian had gone to her bedroom and locked herself in, he pulled Kale into his study. “What the hell is wrong with you?”He growled angrily.

“Jesus fucking Christ! Why is everyone tearing my fucking head off?” He growled back.

“Lillian just spent the last hour and a half crying in the woods because of what you said, you inconsiderate ass.” He yelled, “She didn't do a damned thing to you and you think you have the right to put her down like that because she doesn't meet up to your standards?”

“Well she shouldn't be here, Darryn,” Kale barked. “This is a pack not a halfway house for wayward rejects.”

Darryn couldn't stop himself from all but jumping over his desk and shoving the larger man against the wall. “Do not question my actions. This is my pack and I will do as I damned well please and accept whoever the hell I want to.”

Kale shoved him back, “You're lucky I don't put you through the wall.”

“Then why don't you?” Darryn laughed cruel. “Oh right, my sister has you on a tight leash. How does it feel to be someones bitch?”

Stars exploded across Darryn's vision as Kale's fist slammed into his face, he stumbled back and immediately went for the attack. He lunged and in the air shifted into his wolf form, his clothes tearing and falling off of him as he tackled Kale's now wolf body into a wall.

The only thing that could be heard was the growls of two very angry wolves as they tore into each other with teeth and claws, rolling around and wrestling until they were out of the study and into the living room where people quickly converged.

“DARRYN! KALE!” Amelia screamed at them, picking up pillows from the couches and tossing them into the fray. “STOP IT NOW!” When they didn't she continued. “I swear to God Kale if you hurt my brother I won't have sex with you until you die of blue balls! Darryn I will rip your heart out and feed it to you if you hurt my mate. DO YOU TWO UNDERSTAND ME!”

The fighting continued still, blood covering the wood floors and small rug that was on the ground. Clumps of fur were flying all around why the time Rurik and Adrik shifted and jumped into the fight. Each targeting one male and fighting with them until Kale and Darryn were on the other side of the room, trying to fight off the wolf that had intervene in their fight.

Darryn shifted seconds later, leaning on the fireplace to keep him up. There wasn't a part of his body that wasn't scratched or bitten, the only thing that wasn't badly beaten was his face which only had minor scratches on it. When Kale shifted he didn't use anything to support himself but it was obvious he needed to by how his body swayed at the strain. His body was in the same condition, marred by scratches and bite marks but there was more damage to his torso and face than to Darryn's.

When the room well quiet except for the harsh breathing of the two males Rurik and Adrik shifted back to their human forms but prepared to shift back in the event that a fight started again.

“What the hell, you guys?” Amelia snapped. “Kale's down here not even ten minutes and you two start fighting. Probably over nothing too.”

“He has to leave, Ame. I won't have him here.” Darryn replied, ignoring her words. “I love you and I want you here but there is no way in hell I'm letting him stay in this house another moment.”

“I wouldn't stay in this house even if there were Vânător surrounding it.” He growled before slowly making his way to Amelia. “Lets go.”


“NOW AMELIA!” He yelled at her as he made his way to the stairs. “Get your shit and lets go.”

Amelia looked over at Darryn before looking at the ground and following her mate upstairs.

Lillian cautiously went to Darryn, “Are you okay?”

“I'm fine,” he snapped. It was unintentional but all the anger surging through him wouldn't allow civil conversation. “Everyone go back to what you were doing,” Darryn barked the order angrily before his eyes went to the twins. “Make sure that asshole is out of here within the hour.” Looking back to Lillian he said, “Would you mind helping me with these?” he asked motioning slightly to his wounds.

“Yeah, sure.” she said.

Lillian stepped up to help him to the medical room but he waved her off, “I can do it by myself.”

“Fine if you want to fall down the stairs,” she growled back.

He sent her an annoyed look before slowly hobbling to the stairs that lead to the basement. He gripped the railing tightly as he took each stair one at a time until he was at the bottom.

When they were both in the medical room and he was sitting on the table he pointed to the cabinets and told her what she needed to get.

When she was next to him with antibiotics, a suture kit, and bandages he said, “Start cleaning the wounds, go only knows what that bastard might have. God I hope he doesn't have Parvo.”

Lillian couldn't help but giggle, “He doesn't, trust me.”

“How can you be so sure? Hang out with a lot of men affected by it?”

“No, my parents got me a puppy when I was about ten. It died of parvo about five months after I got him.” She smiled sadly as she poured more peroxide over the wound, “He was my only friend and my parents didn't get me another one because they knew on of the pack members exposed him to it.”

“I'm sorry,” Darryn said sympathetically and then winced as she began to wipe down the wounds.

“It's not your fault.” She continued to clean the wounds and wrap them, stitching the deeper ones he told her needed to be stitched. And when everything was covered and he wasn't bleeding all over the place she said, “Well that about does it. I better go though.”

He stood and groaned, “Why?”

“I'm sure once I'm gone you're brother-in-law and you will smooth things out. I can always go to Bangor and stay in a hotel or something.”

“The only way Kale and I will smooth things over is if one of us isn't well enough to fight anymore. Don't go.”

“But your sister--”

“Will be fine with her mate. They're staying at the cabin about two miles from here, that's where they stay when one of them is mad at me. If my sister wants to see me she can, Kale won't stop her but you need a place to stay. Its not safe for you around so many people.”

She just went over to the sink and washed her hands, seemingly thinking over what he had said. “I don't like causing controversy.”

“You didn't cause it. Kale is just an ass who can't see bast differences.” Darryn went to her and laid a hand on her shoulder. “Please, just stay here where I know you'll be safe. I'd hate to never hear from you again because the Vânător got to you.”

She sighed and nodded, “Okay. I'll stay.”