Status: Active

Wed To Hannah

She's Not Getting Laid Tonight

(Third Perspective)
As Hannah walks down the aisle linked arms with Frank, she lets out silent tears that everyone attending the wedding sees as glee tears. If you must know what the truth is, Hannah's crying from the knowledge that she'll spend her certain to be short marriage being cheated on.

Frank on the other hand wasn't the least bit phased by anything that was going on, and was thinking of his plans tonight. None of then involving Hannah in any way. As soon as they checked into their separate hotel rooms, he would be off with his friends at the local bar getting wasted.

As for the crowd of people fallowing them out to their cars so they could all drive to Hannah's favorite restaurant where they would be fed dinner; they all thought about how amazing the two newly weds must feel. Some of the guests already married let images of their own wedding day flash through their minds.

(In Hannah's Eyes)
I just wanted this all to be over and go home with Frank. He would most likely avoid me, but I was planning on staying away from him anyway. I could only take so much of him.

Even thought it's wrong, I liked him better as a one night stand than some one I'm going to have to tolerate on a daily basis. Then at least I'll be able to do my own thing without being questioned. In only a few months, I'll have the baby to keep me busy.

This entire time, I'm walking up to the limo, getting in and moving over to make room for Frank. We set off hearing the cheers of everyone droned out with traffic sounds. "Listen Hannah, when I said I wasn't going to be faithful to you, it doesn't mean I'm going out to find more one night stands, it's that if i end up meeting some one, I would date them, but you're going to do the same thing, right? No hard feelings?" Frank kept his distance from me still acting as if he was keeping stand as a single guy.

"No, no hard feelings. I just want to go home. You should probably move in before people start suspecting things." I avoided looking at him, but I knew he was staring at me annoyed with the truth. We had to live together. "It's not like I want you to, but I don't want everybody asking why the hell you still live with Jeremy in that apartment 45 minutes away."

He finally moved over and slung an arm around my shoulder. "You're right, but this is only for our mistake. It's still sinking in that I'm going to be a father."

"Could you at least try to be nice to me?" I hissed at him making eye contact for a quick glance. Nothing more than that. "And even though she was a mistake, don't act all bitch to her. She's gonna look up to you for everything."

Frank's never going to understand what it'll really be like. "Just give me some time. I promise I'll try. Just, damn it, I need more time."

With that, our talking stopped and we rode out the rest of the events without a single word to each other.

This kid is taking everything away from me, and she isn't even born yet.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading. Now I know everyone does the asking for feedback and comments, but I want to ask a question...what's you really bad moment? If anyone answers, I'll tell you mine in the next chapter's author notes.