Couldn't Love Me Even if You Tried


It's one thing to get up for school and attend all day but when it happens to be your eighteenth birthday and your parents decided that you have to go to school rather than go run around and be free, but this was absolutely ridiculous on so many levels.

Of all days I have to spend my day listening to teachers give us extra lectures for the exams that we were going to be slapped with at the end of the week. I suppose it would be a great help if I wasn't so hung up with the thought of being royally fucked on my own birthday.

There better be one hell of an amazing surprise for my birthday present, or maybe my birthday in general. I think I'd lose my mind and go mad. I glared up at the clock, unsatisfied with ten more minutes of this horrible waste of time.

I looked over to the side when I heard a chuckle, Tamara a girl I've come to be very familiar with throughout almost my whole time traipsing around on Earth stared at me with a cheeky smile. Her bright blue eyes lit up and her blond and black hair was tousled as she mouthed It's almost time.

When the bells sound met my ears I shot out of my seat and was out of the room in seconds. My short legs moved at a lightning fast pace as I aimed for the parking lot where my car waited so patiently for me.

It didn't take me long to get home, and in seconds the couch was mine. I heard my mom moving around in the kitchen, and hushed voices entered my ear canal as I strained to make out what they were trying to hide from me.

"Amelia," my mom called from the kitchen.

I lazily rolled off of the couch, and padded along to the kitchen. Both my mom and dad were waiting for me, and my dad patted one of the bar stools that we used for the island in the kitchen. I took the seat and looked at my mom with a questioning look.

"We're all taking a bit of a, well trip," she began.

She must have seen the look on my face, because she continued.

"It's not that kind of trip to somewhere you'd like to go, we would have liked to but this is strictly business. An old friend of ours has this son, who they'd like to tie down because of his knack for trouble and they figure settling him down with a decent girl will do him good," she explained.

I blinked. So I'm engaged?

"So you are telling me that I'm getting married?" I asked.

"You'll live with him for a year and that's when everything will be decided and figured out," she said.

I nodded.

"When do we have to get going?" I asked.

"We were hoping by seven...but-" I cut her off.

"Alright, I suppose I'm being dropped off with everything then," I assumed.

My mom could only blink and move her head in a feeble attempt to nod. Which was all I needed before I began my four hour plummet into packing everything I'd want and need with me.
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