Couldn't Love Me Even if You Tried


The days seemed to go on and on. Everyday Oliver and I were forced to go everywhere with each other. To the mall, to hangout with friends, good god you name it and we were there together. It was driving me absolutely mad. The guy was a giant cocksucker.

Even when we'd be sleeping, we were together. Though not very close, I still shared the bed with the damn maggot. Not only that, but I hadn't heard from Conner for awhile.

"Amelia?" Olivers voice called softly, something I hadn't thought possible of him.

I looked up from the book I was reading to acknowledge him. He stood at the door, leaning against the frame with the side of his head cocked.

"Were you interested in going to the mall? There's only about a week before we go on tour, and having as many clothes and shit is, well it'd be a really good idea," he said.

Oh sweet tour, that was another thing I'd be stuck with. Damn Oliver and his band, why couldn't he be a normal person? Actually, really why couldn't he? Then I wouldn't even of been in this situation with the fool.

However I betrayed myself by saying, "Yeah, I guess so."

"Are you, uh," he began as I stood up.

Now I guess that any human boy would have a chance to stutter, and gawk when you stand up wearing hot pants, and a well, what the hell a normal shirt.

"I just need to grab some skinny's," was all I said before disappearing up the stairs.

The ones that I threw on were black, and had horizontal rips in them from thigh to calf. I thumped and stumbled down the stairs, jumping right into my [boots

"Oli?" I called out after yanking the books over my thin feet.

I heard some shuffling, and the sound of the fridge closing. A second or two after he appeared wearing the usual 'Oliver Sykes attire'. His keys jingled in his hand, and he walked passed me opening the door.

I followed him out, and locked the door for him. He'd already managed to get the car running by the time I got down the stairs and over to the far side of the driveway. I ripped the door open and jumped in, slamming it closed.

How it managed to get so cold and icy out already was beyond me actually. I shivered as my back soaked in the cold from the seats of the car. The radio was only on as background music, so it seemed.

"Where do you want to stop off at first when we get in there?" Oliver broke the silence.

"Anywhere we can find a decent jacket, it's so fucking cold out," I said.

He let out a cute laugh, and agreed with me. For some reason it felt as if my heart squeezed, and the smile on my face was brightening.

We were soon pulling into the mall parking lot, and shuffling out of the car. Again I shook because of the cold, Oliver took notice of this I think cause the next thing I knew his warm body was close to mine with his arm over my shoulders.

Once inside, his arm left my shoulders and his hand found mine. We walked around looking for a place with warm jackets, and of course we came across one at least. After a lot of walking around, and searching I found a long white jacket that seemed to be the nicest, and the warmest one that I liked.

Oliver took it from me and walked up to the cashier, pulling out enough money to pay for it. He nodded, and grabbed the bag that the jacket was put in and took my hand again. We had circled and searched through almost every store before he suggested food after his stomach rumbled quite loudly. We walked out with over ten bags of crap we got for tour, and shoved them all into the trunk of his car.

"Where d'ya want to eat?" He asked, leaning against his side of the car.

I ran a hand through my hair, and thought about it.

"It doesn't really matter, I'm hungry enough," was my answer.

He smiled and nodded, "Okay".

Yet again we were off, only this time it was to find a place to have something to eat. I knew he wouldn't want to go home and make something if we were already out. I wasn't complaining though.

We pulled into a small place, but it looked nice enough. Together we walked hand in hand into the place. The waitress asked how many, and Oliver replied with two. We were just getting near our table when his grip increased by a lot. Before I'd gotten the chance to sit in the booth opposite to him, he pulled me onto his side.

I looked up at him and he stared off in one direction. Taking a chance, I followed his eyes over to a tall blond and some muscly guy. I nearing gagged, it was an odd side. I hated too much muscle, and that blond could use a bit of a, well breast reduction.

A small noise, caught my attention and I looked up at Oliver. He was angrily staring at his menu, looking as if he'd rip anyone or anything apart any second or something.

"Oli?" I whispered.

His angry gazed tore off of the menu, and he stared at me.

"What?" He said sharply.

I sighed, and looked back to the pair he'd been glaring at with a hateful passion. I observed her a lot more, trying to figure out why she seemed like she was a little bit familiar. Oh, shit.
I remember one time, reading something about Oliver and this girl he'd been dating for ages, and how she fucked around on him and he'd caught her.

Suddenly, a lot of things started making sense, every question was now almost filled and I could understand why he acted how he did. My hate for girls began to grow even more.
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I've run out of stories to read, so if anyone knows of any good ones please pass 'em along!

This ones a bit longer, but not by much. Hoped you liked it,
comment/subscribe; I like hearing what you think.

Also, holy fuck I can't even explain how much I love the song "Beside You" by Mariana's Trench right now