Couldn't Love Me Even if You Tried


Today would be the day that I'd be living on a tour bus for six months. Our bags hauled in, and everyone was settled already. Everyone except me. I'd been pacing back and forth for the past hour. Unable to sleep on the moving contraption. A tired sigh escaped through my mouth and I felt like falling over.

Of all things to be unable to do, it just had to be sleeping in a moving object. Eventually I flopped down onto one of the leather booth seats, eying my laptop which I'd left there earlier. I pressed the on button and watched it 'come to life'. After it made it's loud 'ding', I punched in my password and began checking my emails.

"What are you still doing up?" Came a tired, groggy male voice.

Out of surprise I jumped, and my breathing sped up as I turned to see who was talking. Of course, Oliver stood there in all his boxer glory.

"I can't sleep," I told him.

"Why not?" He asked, moving over to the fridge.

When I didn't answer right away he turned with his glass of orange juice and looked at me expectantly.

"Well?" He pushed.

"I have, um trouble sleeping on something that moves, that's all," I replied slowly.

"It's not that difficult, come on," he said, holding out his hand.

I sighed and let my shoulders slump as I closed my laptop. I followed him to our bunk and before I knew it; he was pulling off my pants and my long sleeved shirt. This left me in pretty much just my underwear. He then lifted me up into the bunk and climbed in after me.

After a lot of shuffling, his chest was against my back and his arm was secured around my front. At some point the slow, yet for some reason this time gentle rocking of the bus lulled me into a sleep which I had not known was possible.

I woke up from talking, laughing, and slight clanking of whatever it was that they were using out in the front. I lazily fell out of the bunk and instantly grabbed a strapless dress that was poking out of my bag. I walked to the front brushing my hair with my fingers.

"Good morning Amelia," Lee greeted me at first.

I offered a small, sleepy smile as I walked towards the fridge to grab the orange juice. They all resumed talking, and playing with the television. There was one person missing though, and I couldn't figure out where he'd be.

Before I decided to turn back around I felt long warm arms slink around my waist and a head rested on my shoulder.

"G'mornin," Oliver whispered.

I leaned into him slightly, "Morning Oli".

"We're almost at our first stop, so you better be ready to roam around the place with me," he said.

I nodded, "I guess I should do that now?"

"Good idea," was all he said.

I turned around after he set me free, and began walking to the back of the bus. Only being stopped short by a pair of warm lips with one cold metal bar placed on one side. I smiled into them before pulling away and continuing to get on with getting ready.

By the time the bus was stopped I was ready, the bus had already stopped. I shuffled along feeling Oliver's hands link up with mine. He led me around, slipping a pass over my neck.

I heard people talking and laughing so I looked in the direction and already there were people here to see the guys. It's weird, they are dying to see them and here I am. Graced with their presences all the time, tonight should be fun with all of the angry faces that will be staring at me if I come across any of them.

I followed Oliver into the building where he showed me where they'd be hanging around until they had to go up. At some point Oliver got bored and went off on his own. This left me to explore on my own, so I did just that.

"Hey you're with Bring Me The Horizon yeah?" Some boy from a group asked.

I only nodded to acknowledge him.

"Oh, odd I didn't know they carted around groupies," he chuckled.

I turned to glare at him, "Before you even go off and think you know everything maybe you should damn well get your fucking story fixed douchebag. I'm stuck getting married to Oliver Sykes. For reasons that don't concern you, so fuck off".

With that I gave him another glare and walked off.

"Mmmmm, Oliver," caught my attention.

I stalked over quietly to see who said it. Unfortunately, going towards a sound that you already know will ripped your heart into shreds when you actually see it for yourself always happens.

I wouldn't even let my eyes water, before I walked away. The bus loomed like a large gateway to being stuck. I'm here and there's no way that I can just leave. I didn't have the money, and I definitely wouldn't ask for any.

So for an hour I sat watching the television, staring blankly at it. How could I have been so stupid. Of course he would do something like this. He's Oliver Sykes, why did my mom and dad have to stick me into this bullshit. This is the second time.

Only this time, the images of Oliver and this girl kept flashing through my head. It was almost awkward to think about, and I was repulsed at the thought of having to sleep next to him.

Loud steps, and laughing broke through my thoughts. The door to the bus opened and in came the boys, looking sweaty and tired.

"Have you been in here the whole time?" Vegan asked looking bewildered.

"Mhm, why?" I said looking up to him.

His expression faltered, "Oh, well no reason".

He disappeared into the back, probably to change and rinse off.

Oliver stumbled in last, laughing like a crazed maniac. I eyed him, before looking back to the tv. I could smell his breath from here, which made it quite obvious that he was totally sloshed right about now.

"Did yeh see th' damn chick Lee, woooh," he said, laughing.

He walked right passed me, going to the back to the bunks.

I want to go home.
♠ ♠ ♠
I spent all of last night working from part 13-16, so I'm pretty caught up.
They seem long enough and such. I hope you enjoy them all, and possibly
leave me a couple comments so I know what you think!

Hope to hear from you!