Couldn't Love Me Even if You Tried


I could actually feel myself breaking each and every time we stopped to do a show. I'd managed to skip each and every one of them though. Only hearing about Oliver and his escapades with the girls he'd ran into that night.

The other day though, one of their merch guys bummed out leaving them short. So today Tom and Conner would be joining us incredibly shortly. Apparently Conner was always a back up for being their merch guy, and Tom's reasoning for coming was to take memorabilia for most of the tour.

For the meantime though, the guys would be doing a double show in the one city so we'd be staying here for about three days considering we got here a day early. Of course I was left with my own hotel room, soon to be shared with Conner cause there wasn't any room left in the other guys rooms.

I found myself again, alone and doing nothing but watching satellite tv. A knock on my door nearly had me out of my skin and scattering my bones through the place. I stood up and walked the four steps to the door. Opening it only revealed Conner, which possibly cause the reaction of me throwing myself into his arms.

"Missed you too, Amelia," he said smiling.

He walked in and let his bag drop to the side of the door.

"So how's tour treatin' ya?" He asked flopping down onto one of the beds.

I looked down at the ground, and sighed.

"I want to go home so badly Conner," I said, looking up at him sadly.

His eyebrows came together when he saw my expression.

"Why, what's going on?" He asked.

"What isn't? Why do I have to be stuck with him? It's not fair!" I wailed.

Conner came to my aid, pulling me into him and rubbing my back gently. I cried, and cried some more and he still held me. I managed to calm down after fifteen minutes, and took a deep shaky breath.

"No worries Amelia, I'm here we'll do some partying of our own, adventure around I haven't been around here yet," he said, smiling a huge smile.

It cheered me up quite a bit, knowing that someone would put so much effort into keeping me happy and my mind off of Oliver and his promiscuous ways.

For the rest of the day we ran here and there. We went through every store we found, and laughed at anyone who looked like they had a crisis this morning when they were choosing what to wear. However, our fun was cut short when they needed Conner at the merch booth. I followed along to help him out, mainly because I didn't want to sit around on my own.

The flood began as the doors were opened. Both Conner and I poked fun at each other as we took money and handed people their shirts. The occasional question of 'Hey, aren't you and Oliver Sykes engaged?' but I passed them off saying it was only a rumor that wasn't true. That I was only eighteen, so why would I want to get married.

Conner always stared at me when I told people this, as if he was shocked that I'd be hiding that I really was engaged to the fool. How people even found out was beyond me, I doubted that Oliver would even say anything to the public about me.

The crowd had diminished, and everyone disappeared towards the area of the stage. Conner sat down on the only chair that was back here with us, and considering the ache in my feet and legs I stumbled over to him and placed myself on his lap. I sighed and lay my head on his chest out of exhaustion.

"Tired?" He chuckled.

I nodded slowly.

The loud noises began, and we waited out the time where it'd be over so we could start clearing things out. It seemed like a lot of energy was being put in by Oliver, though he usually gave it his all anyways so what was so different about this time?

By the time we'd gotten everything together and put away it was well around one in the morning and the two of us stumbled up to our room. It was an instant crash to the bed for me, and I'm quite sure it was the same for him as well.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh the little things that will get you!

GOOD GOD, why do some weekends have to consist of over-drinking booze?
So gross, I am so done with drinking -_-"