Couldn't Love Me Even if You Tried


"Son of a bitch!" I growled as I ripped the door open to mine and the guys large room.

They all looked up at me with questioning looks. I looked over at Tom first, glaring at him. I continued to pace around the room, looking back at him yet again.

"S'all your fault Tom!" I exclaimed.

"The fuck did I do?" He said glaring at me.

"Conner," was all I said as I threw myself down onto my bed.

"Yeah? How's this?" He asked.

"Him and Amelia, guess where they've been all damn night eh?" I asked.

"Not a clue, so where?" He said.

I shot up, and looked at him, "The motherfucking club, they came back absolutely smashed".

"You act like it's such a crime Oliver, so what it's all fun and games, drinking and having some fun," Vegan cut in.

"That's not the goddamn point! She was wearing this short bloody dress, with a slit between her, boobs, what the fuck," I said.

I began to pace back and forth in front of the guys. I could feel all of their eyes on me, glued to me. I muttered angrily under my breath. Maybe it was my fault. I hadn't spoken to her in nearly three weeks since we started.

A sigh left my body, and I slumped against the dresser in the room. I stared my feet down for five minutes. Had I been that bad of a person throughout my life that even in an arranged marriage I was getting screwed over? Pushed off to the side because I, just can't do things right?

"It's my own damn fault in'it?" I asked not bothering to look up at them.

"Yeah, actually, it really is man," came another voice.

I looked up at this one. Conner stood at the door, with his hands shoved into his pockets. It took everything in me to not just fly across the room and destroy him. My fists clenched and I could feel the anger flow down my back. Cocky little bastard he was.

"I wasn't askin' you," I told him.

"Didn't say you were, seemed like fair game when it comes to conversation Oliver," he shot out.

I growled and glared at him. As if some nineteen year old boy could tell me off like he is, he may just be Tom's friend but that gave him no right to talk to me like I was below him. That wasn't the case though.

"Listen if your just here to piss me off, then get the fuck out," I snarled.

"No, actually, I was coming to offer the room I'm sharing with Amelia to you," he said.

"Why's tha?" I asked.

"You are her fiance no?" He said.

I stopped and stared at him, my head nodded slowly in a response. Where the hell could he possibly be going with this?

"Then maybe instead of gettin' a room with the guys you should be sharin' one with her eh?" Was his next sentence.

He told me to grab my things, and to give me the key to my room. All the while he dangled the key he had to his room in front of my face. I took it from him and grabbed my bag turning to look at him. What he said really surprised me.

"Start treating her like you want her, she's not SJ," he said before walking out.

I walked silently down the hall to the room that I would now be sharing with her, whether or not she liked it. Even I couldn't back out now, and that was saying something.

I fell to the bed, staring at my hands. Out of everything in the world the only name I hadn't heard in ages was SJ's. It was something I'd been trying to forget for so long now. I looked over at Amelia's bed, her small frame moving up and down as she breathed. Something in me burst in agony.

All this time though, instead of the others I could have just had her there. She was given to me rather than earned in the hardest way. I was supposed to marry this girl by force, but maybe that wasn't that bad.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dunnnnndundun, I think I just pulled a fast one on everyone. WOOP.

So last night I was pretty bored so I went to check out "Falling in Reverse's" myspace,
and I much to my pleasure there was an interview with Ronnie from jail over the phone.
It's amazing how being put in there has clearly helped him and he sounds so much better.
Not only that but he brought up some incredibly good points about Craig and all this other
stuff. It stood out quite a lot, cause in my mind it really is true. A lot of people - when Craig
sings old Escape the Fate songs compare him to Ronnie..I know I do.

ANYWHOOOOOO, check it out if you are interested it's pretty long and there are some things
said in it that will get some laughs, much like "Max Green-tooth" and such.
Falling In Reverse's Myspace link

Thanks to everyone who's commented, and again thank you for the subscribes! I usually
end up having a good plot for a story and then hardly anyone checks it out so I end up
deleting it and giving up on it!