Couldn't Love Me Even if You Tried


I was awoken by a warm hand tracing the skin around my hip that was exposed. With a yawn I turned in my spot and faced the hands owner. Oliver laid next to me, and smiled when we locked eyes. A smile appeared on my face soon after to match his.

"Morning," he said gently.

I nodded, and snuggled closer to him. I took in the heat that suddenly warmed up my cold front, relishing in the boy smell that came off of Oliver's bare chest.

"So I guess we gotta be up and ready by eleven, we have to start moving onto the next city," he said while playing with a piece of my hair.

"Oh, well then I guess we should get a move on. It's kind of ten thirty," I said noticing the clock behind Oliver's head.

His eyes widened, and he began to gather our things and he threw a shirt and jeans at me. I crawled out of bed and began to pull the two items on, walking into the bathroom to fix my hair and brush my teeth.

When I came back out Oliver had our bags in his hands and he stood at the door. I stuck my tongue out when he looked over, and he smiled while shaking his head. He opened the door and the both of us left, meeting up with everyone downstairs.

Once we got onto the bus everyone seemed to go back to sleep, and Oliver was perched on the couch having a gigantic bowl of salad that he insisted eating cause he was hungrier than a pack of wild wolves. My only response to that was shaking my head and telling him that he was a grown man not a pack of wolves. He shrugged and said touche.

After about an hour of sitting around watching satellite television I stood up, leaving Oliver on the couch on his own and made my way to our bunk in the back. I quickly ripped my pants off and jumped up, climbing into the space.

With a sigh I closed my eyes, instantly relaxing as I sunk into the pillows. It was completely silent, and then I heard him shuffling around soon coming into view. He plopped down next to me and pulled me closer to him. An arm was placed securely around me, and I knew it wouldn't take much to fall asleep like this. Especially with him.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is just a filler to be honest ahah, the next one however will be hmmm pretty interesting.

Anyways, this story is six stars now!
Thanks for the comments and subscribes! ^_^