Couldn't Love Me Even if You Tried


We had been at the venue for quite some time now, waiting around and chatting with a variety of people. I guess this is where it comes out that I ran into an old friend, an old friend that I had started an acoustic project with four years ago. We weren't that amazing, but it was the fact that it was for fun that did it in for us.

I sat with her outside of the bus, talking about all the things we used to do before she'd moved away. Forever forgotten it seemed. As the story goes forward though, evidently she'd gotten much better at playing a guitar and I'd even managed to figure my voice out over the passed four years.

A yell off from the distance caught my attention and I followed the voice. Oliver stood waving his arms like a maniac, yelling something about starting soon and to get my ass over there.

I smiled at Camilla, and grabbed her cellphone from her adding in my number. She did the same with mine, and we parted for now.

I kept at a slow jog until I was only a few steps away from Oliver, his arms enclosed around me and he spun me around. Then hand in hand we walked into the back area of the place, going to their little room.

The guys seemed more energetic compared to usual, and Oliver's strange giddy mood had me raising my eyebrow many, many times.

"Hey guys, you're on in like a minute," the stage manager called out.

The other four all shot out of the door, and Oliver trailed behind planting his lips on mine.

"I love you," he said before walking out.

I smiled before running out to follow him to the back of the stage at least, "I love you too".

He winked before he flew onto the stage. The whole place bellowed with loud, excited screams for the guys. Again all I could do was smile, who could have possibly had an idea of what five people could do, and bring to so many others. The excitement, and as I've experienced myself; the adrenaline and the feeling of belonging somewhere.

I sighed and sat on one of the big solid boxes that hung out right off to the side of the stage, allowing me to see everything. Oliver looked back at me, and I smiled at him. By the time they were in the middle of the show I could spot every drop of sweat rolling down all of their faces.

Oliver walked into the middle of the stage and put the microphone back onto it's stand, and he wiped his forehead.

"Now, now everyone. I've let this slip by way too many times, and it's about time I let everyone know. I've had a really big secret just lingering and it's about time I confirm it," he turned to me and motioned me over.

I raised my eyebrow, and shook my head. I watched him glare and then he came striding towards me. His tattooed hand gripped onto mine and he led me out onto stage by his side.

"This right here is Amelia Jenkins, most of you know her as the merch girl. Well she isn't the merch girl. In fact, it's been over half a year that we've been engaged. As much as I tried to avoid the fact, it is true and I've embraced the idea, because she has to be the most amazing girl I've ever met," he said.

The crowd cheered, and I smiled awkwardly as I shuffled into him. He turned me to face him and he smiled cheekily. A wink, and a pair of lips later the cheers only got louder. He pulled away and was soon on his knee, looking up at me.

"I can only make this official like this Amelia," he whispered to me.

"Amelia Jenkins, will you marry me?" He asked as he pulled out a box with a ring placed in the middle.

My eyes widened, and I looked over to the crowd who had silenced. Then I looked back to him, and his eyes started to hold worry in them. I sighed with a smile, and nodded. The ring was then put onto my finger and he smiled.

"I guess we should finish this show up huh?" He asked turning back to the crowd who began cheering again.

I was already making my way off stage, trying to calm the nerves that had been spiked. My heart felt like it was about to come out of my chest, and my stomach felt like it was just up in my throat.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wasn't going to update again today, but I went to MY subscriptions page and found
at least four inactive stories so now I have something to read ahaha, scoooore.

Now what'd you think of that?
Thanks for the comments/subscribes ^_^