Couldn't Love Me Even if You Tried


I watched as people came in and out of my room. Earlier I'd been put into my dress, and ever since I'd been sitting around staring at everything going on around me. Oliver's mom had yet to come back, and I awaited the makeup artist to come in.

In a blur I was dragged over to a table with a bag of makeup placed all over it. The woman began her art and I stayed put. It's difficult not moving an inch of your body and then getting those random twitches every now and then.

It didn't seem like it took her very long, at least it didn't feel like it. Before I knew it she'd smiled and told me that I looked perfect and to have an amazing day.

Again I was wrenched away by another woman who began mangling my hair around into the 'perfect hair style' I suppose. That seemed to take a lot longer than the makeup part, and I pushed back the urge to sigh in annoyance.

I stood looking myself over, it didn't look like me and I certainly didn't feel like me either. A knock at the door made me turned slowly and Camilla appeared out of nowhere to open it secretively. Two faces I hadn't seen popped into view and I smiled when they spotted me.

"Honey you look gorgeous!" My mom cooed.

My dad gave me a warm smile and put his arm around my moms shoulders. It was if my doom had come in just seconds not hours. Oliver's mom burst through the door and smiled widely at me.

"Are you about ready? It's almost time to get out there," she said.

I took in a deep breath and smiled, nodding in response.

My dad offered his arm to me as we got out to the hallway that I'd have to walk through. My heart felt like it could explode any moment. The thought of over one hundred people staring at me made me freak out on the inside.

The music began and I was led up the aisle. Smiling faces were everywhere, and I looked down slightly to avoid the stares. Flashes lit up the room more as people continuously took photographs.

When we reached the end my dad whispered good luck, and kissed my cheek. I walked up to my spot in front of Oliver and he smiled down at me. I sighed and gave him a small smile.

The only words entering my mind were 'I do', and then 'you may now kiss the bride'.

What an odd thing to experience, it was like a first kiss all over again. Only this one was the beginning of the rest of your life with someone. We all exited the church and I stood at the top with Oliver and turned away from everyone, throwing the red roses to whoever the 'lucky' person may be.

We were whisked away into a limousine that would probably take us to the hall that was rented out for the night.

"I love you Amelia," he said grabbing onto my hand.

"I love you too," I said giving him my attention.

"Do we reaaaaally have to do the party thing?" I asked.

He laughed and replied, "Of course we do!"

I huffed and cuddled into his side, "But, but,"

"No buts babe, we don't have to go for long but we at least gotta be there long enough," he said.

"There's so many damn people though!" I exclaimed.

He kissed my forehead and thumbed my hand. The gesture calmed my nerves down considerably.

"It's not any different than having people watching you perform," he said, staring into my eyes.

When he put it that way I guess it kind of made the whole thing better, but that doesn't change that these people were family. I am almost nineteen and have the name Amelia Sykes, so now I guess that's a lot further into life than I would've gotten towards had I not been put into an arranged marriage.

This was the start though, of a newer life with someone who'd treated me so horribly in the beginning, who I'd grown to love eventually.
♠ ♠ ♠
Mrahhhhhhhhhh, Amelia's hair, wedding dress and shoes.

WELL, guess that's that for the wedding and such. Things will change.