Couldn't Love Me Even if You Tried


"You fucking asshole!" I yelled, throwing a dish in the direction of Oliver Sykes.

Things hadn't exactly been going too great. After the wedding we'd been a match made in heaven. The honeymoon had been amazing, and the place we stayed at was gorgeous. However all good things must and will come to an end at some point. This was that some point.

"Stop bein' a bloody bitch, for fuck sakes," he scowled, jumping away just in time before the plate shattered against the wall.

"I'm being a bitch? Really, cause there's a reason for it," I growled whipping around to glare at him.

The fighting had started a month ago, we were like cats and dogs battling it out. I couldn't even really figure out what had happened but something between us had managed to crumble and turn into what we were now.

I lifted up my hand with another glass in attempt to get my point across that I did not want to speak or look at him at the moment, but he was in front of me in seconds and I was shoved up against the fridge. My wrists were held tightly to keep them up, and I glared up into his eyes.

"Would you just, knock if off Amelia?" He questioned.

"Let go," I mumbled.

"No, I don't want another glass thrown at my head," he said.

I sighed and slumped into him. His arms snaked around me and he stood there holding me tighter and tighter. If this was what our relationship was going to be like for the rest of our lives, I don't think I can do it.

It was really just, well I guess it was the surges of anger that I got for him out of nowhere. I only really saw him now cause everyone had become missing in action. Even he didn't go out anymore. We'd been trapped up in our own home, with only each other for company.

When I mean 'our own home' it's referring to the house that Oliver had bought us. I only found out the day we came back from our honeymoon. It was an amazing surprise and it was also weird that we owned a home together.

I tried shoving Oliver away from me, only the shove failed and he ended up against the counter adjacent to us. He stared down at me, brown eyes swirling. I began to get the biggest feeling of upset agony because of all the fighting. I held back a sob that threatened to shake through my whole body.

It crashed through, and when it did I crushed myself into Oliver. I could feel him tense and then wrap an arm around my back and one snaked up my back, holding the back of my head.

Then just like that the most unwanted feeling hit me in the stomach, and I pushed him as hard as I could away from me before darting around the corner and into the bathroom. My hands shot out to the counter and the bathtub as my body heaved up and down.

Shivers shot up and down my spine making me feel even sicker. The ice cold feeling I had took over the warmth on my skin, and when I felt a large warm hand on my bad goosebumps formed almost everywhere.

I turned slightly looking up at Oliver, his eyes glinted with concern as he stared at me. I groaned and leaned back into his chest, closing my eyes.

"You, alright?" He asked cautiously.

"I am now, I guess," I said looking up, meeting his eyes.

He nodded and brushed his hand through my hair. I sighed quietly, and cracked my neck feeling the release of stressed muscles as well.

"I think I'm going to shower," I said.

Oliver reached over and turned both of the shower knobs and pulled the leaver. The running water met my ears, and I felt my shirt being pulled up. I hardly noticed anything until I was placed into the warm water with Oliver behind me. I let my head roll back and land on his chest, instantly feeling better.
♠ ♠ ♠
So today I found out that Oliver Sykes is down with the Gaga.
Thy proof.

Anyways, I suppose I haven't done a solid update in while so here it is!

It's ridiculous how hard it is to find things to read on this website sometimes,
and everyone seems to have lives outside of it clearly, cause their updates
are next to none in a week.