Couldn't Love Me Even if You Tried


I tore myself out of Oliver's arms when I woke up, running for the bathroom blindly. The throwing up was only getting worse as the days passed and I only felt sicker with each day. Whatever it was, it was obviously trying to destroy me. My mood hadn't seemed to improve either, however I hadn't picked any fights with Oliver.

I thudded onto my backside and leaned against the wall, sighing as I closed my eyes. Warm hands met my face, and held my head up. I reopened my eyes to spy Oliver crouched in front of me, again with the concerned look on his face.

"I think you should see a doctor," he said.

"I think so too," I whispered.

He stood from his crouching position and offered his hand to me, which I accepted and he pulled me to my feet. I leaned against him, resting my head against his chest.

"We'll go in a bit, go get changed," he said.

I nodded and followed him out of the bathroom, only turning to go to our bedroom instead of the stairs. I threw on one of Oli's shirts, and grabbed a pair of tight black jeans. After I followed that up with fixing my hair, and putting very little make up onto my face.

I began my descend down the stairs, and called out to Oliver. He peaked his head out of the kitchen, and gave me a small smile when he spotted me.

"What time are we going to go?" I asked.

"Ten minutes actually," he said, as I entered the kitchen.

"Oh, well okay then," I said.

He munched on a cookie as he stared at me, and I began to fidget because of it.

"Would you. Would you stop eating while staring at me?" I asked, scrunching up my face.

His chewing stopped and he lifted an eyebrow at me. However he looked away as he finished up with it.

"I guess we should get goin'," he said, brushing off the crumbs on his hand.

I turned around and walked out of the kitchen to grab a jacket, and to get my shoes on. Oliver did the same, only grabbing his keys and opening the door. Once I was out of the house and shut the door, he shoved his key into it so it would be locked. Then we both walked over the the car and got in.

The cold seats stung my skin through my clothing and I shuddered. Oliver started the car and we began our 'adventure' to the doctors office. I had a slight idea of why I'd been so sick lately, but I didn't want to just come out with it.

It had to be a sure thing, not just 'I think I'm...', that is just stupid. For all I know I could have some kind of cancer, or new found disease and I was going to die soon. It was all very possible.

The inside of the office was enough to make the sanest of all people go crazy. All white walls, a plain linoleum floor, those god awful chairs, and the bloody typing of the receptionist.

"Hello, can I help you?" The older woman asked.

"I have an appointment with Doctor Gene," I said.

"Your name?" Again another question.

"Amelia Sykes," I sighed.

"Alright, he'll be done in ten minutes," she said smiling up at me.

"Thanks," was all I said before walking back over to Oliver.

I took a seat down next to him, and grumbled. I heard him chuckle beside me, and his arm went over my shoulders as he pulled me to him. Kissing me on the forehead, and then on the lips when I turned to look at him better.

Little pieces of affection like this always made me feel sick, but in the way that it felt like every bat in the world flapped around as if there had been a bright light shone onto them. I could never get over how he made me feel, no matter how much I hated him sometimes.

I suppose I could say that I am still pretty childish, but there has to be more to it. I wasn't like this before we'd gotten married, in fact we could spend hours and days on end with each other and still feel like we hadn't at all. The feeling of longing was always there, no matter how close we were together.

"Amelia Sykes?" Tossed me out of my daydream.

The small petite woman who both me and Oliver had agreed would be a good doctor considering we both didn't have one that we could just make an appointment and go to, stood just off to the side near a hallway.

The two of us stood up and followed her down the hallway until we reached a plain room.

"So what seems to be the problem, or worry?" She asked, taking a seat in the leather chair opposite to where me and Oliver had sit.

"Well, I've been getting sick for the passed while now. It comes in the days and sometimes nights," I told her.

She nodded and asked me a series of other questions which I usually answered with a 'no'.

"Well I guess we are gonna have to do a blood test and all that," she said standing up.

I nodded, and cringed when I saw the syringe that she'd be taking away some of my blood with. I sighed uncomfortably when she pushed it into my arm, it instantly filled up and she took it back out placing a small circular bandage on the small puncture.

"I will be right back," she said waving it slightly.

She disappeared and came back after five minutes.

"So I'll give you a call in a couple days when we get the results," she said with a smile.

Both Oliver and I nodded before walking out of the place. Getting back into the car and going home.
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Oliver Syke's is his own category in the 'music category' section of Photobucket.
I found that kind of funny, jus' sayin'.