Couldn't Love Me Even if You Tried


Today I lay propped up in the living room. I could almost imagine that every blanket that was big and fluffy in our house was under me, and some actually on me. Oliver had refused to let me do anything since we woke up because I was nearly passed out near the toilet.

Honestly though I couldn't really complain, my back felt like someone tore out my spine and spun it around before putting it back where it belongs. Oliver seemed to disappear about a half an hour ago, hopefully for groceries or something.

I stared blankly at the television and nearly jumped out of my skin when the phone began ringing. I grunted and reached over to the coffee table to retrieve it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello is this Mrs.Amelia Sykes?" The voice asked.

"Yeah, that'd be me," I said.

"This is doctor Gene's office, we got your results back today," the woman said.

"And?" I asked.

"Well, everything seems to be quite alright, you are completely fine and are a very healthy to be mother," they said.

I stared at the wall across from the couch with wide eyes.

"O-o-oh well thanks, I'll be um sure to call to get checked up down the road," I said hanging up quickly.

I shot up off of the couch and ran to the kitchen. When I reached the fridge I ripped the door open and grabbed a bottle of water, nearly inhaling the whole bottle.

"Take it easy you'll drown that way," I jumped at the voice.

Oliver stood in the doorway with bags hanging from his hands. I walked slowly to him and grabbed a couple. We both unpacked everything and put it all away into the cupboards.

"So the doctors office called today..." I said.

"Oh yeah? What's the matter with you then?" He asked.

"Well, uh I uh I'mpregnant," I stammered.

I didn't look up to see his expression, and I almost felt like wincing at the silence. I was soon lifted up and stared down at a smiling Oliver. His eyes shone, and he brought me back down to kiss me.

"That, is amazing," he whispered.

My heart was beating fast, and I took a deep breath.

"I'm kind of scared," I whispered back closing my eyes and sighing.

He lifted my chin up, and my eyes reopened to look at him.

"You shouldn't be," he said smiling.

I nodded, and wrapped my arms around him. We, were going to be parents that just finalized our marriage and being together for the rest of our lives. This also kind of scared me, because of all the stories I'd heard where people have been married for years and have children with each other only to find out that they have a second life on the side and all the time they'd been together had just been a giant lie.

Not only that but I'd become a whale for nine months, and with a small frame like mine I'd surely look ridiculous. Always expect the oddest things to happen to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I bet you saw that coming.

So tomorrow (Wednesday 8, 2009) I'm going with my friend to be an extra in Faber Drives
music video for the song "Give Him Up", s'gonna be pretty sweet, I get to miss school all day.